The Pre-5 Unit serves the communities of Dervaig and Tobermory; the primary department serves the community of Tobermory; and the secondary department has a catchment area which includes most of the Isle of Mull but we also have young people from the Ardnamurchan peninsula who attend by placing request.
An innovative learning community, we are relentless in our drive for quality learning and teaching to ensure high levels of progression for every pupil.
鈥淎cross the nursery, primary and secondary stages, children and young people are polite, engage effectively in their learning and are keen to do well. They have positive relationships with staff. At all stages, children and young people are becoming independent learners and are beginning to take responsibility for their learning. At all stages, they work confidently with each other in pairs and groups when completing tasks and projects in class and outdoors.鈥
Education Scotland, 2014
Teachers in a small, remote school need to be adaptable and versatile; cooperation and teamwork are essential features of our work. The school is working hard to deliver the 撸sir视频 and Bute vision and strategy: 鈥淥ur Children, Their Future鈥 with a focus on the development of Health and Wellbeing; Literacy and Numeracy; and closing the attainment gap. As a member of the Mull and Iona cluster of primary schools we strive to create highly effective transitions through close partnership working. The Parent Council works closely with us to support the school through dedication, a range of fundraising initiatives and creative approaches to continuous improvement.
The school is well equipped with ICT for learning and teaching and makes use of video-conferencing with partners in order to extend the curriculum offer for senior students. We work particularly closely with 撸sir视频 College who occupy a space within the school. Our school facilities and community, cultural and sporting opportunities within our island afford us the means to develop a broad scope for wider achievement. Consultation is taking place currently regarding the development of our school facilities and community links to further enhance these opportunities.
Tobermory is the main town of the island, situated in the northeast corner. The mainland transport link is by road (21 miles) to Craignure, then a 45 minute ferry journey to Oban, which is subject to changes in frequency between summer and winter months. Tobermory and its surrounding area is a busy and growing community offering many cultural and sporting activities, as well as the great outdoors of a beautiful island.
Further details are available on our .
HMIE inspection Reports:
HM Inspectorate of Education (HMIE) inspects and reports on the quality of education in pre-school centres, primary schools, secondary schools, special schools, community learning and development services, colleges, and residential educational provision.
You can read and download any inspection reports for this school, and find out more about the inspection process, on the .