
Assistance and advice for communities

Working with communities to improve local path networks.

We are working with to support communities seeking to improve their local path networks.  Whether you want to produce simple information sheets to encourage people to use your local paths or need help to raise funding to improve local paths we are here to help.

Information about paths

Providing information to encourage people to use the path network is the first step in getting people to take more exercise and encouraging visitors to explore your area.  We have provided links to many webpages and downloadable information from the ߣsirÊÓƵ & Bute Paths Map.  This is intended to allow people to quickly and easily find out about paths and decide if a path is suitable for a planned walk, cycle or ride before they leave home.  Where paths are on Forestry Commission Scotland’s land we have links to their webpages and similarly on the National Nature Reserves.  Organisations such as the Scottish Wildlife Trust, RSPB, Woodland Trust and community organisations have information about paths on their websites including leaflets which we want to link to.  If you are aware of any leaflets or websites which we have not linked to please let us know and we will link to them provided they are not commercial websites.

Write a leaflet – We are looking for volunteers to help us to write leaflets for those paths that do not already have one.  If you are keen to help us by walking a path, taking some photographs and assessing the path so that visitors know if it is suitable for pushchairs and the less able.  We will put your words and photos into a standard template and publish it on our website and you will be credited if you wish.  To find out more contact the Access Team.

Improving Your Local Paths

is able to support some communities to deliver projects.  The trust aims to assist with better signage and parking facilities at the core paths and launching points and working with communities to help them to improve their local path networks and launching points.

You should look at the Council’s Grants and Funding web pages.  Register with the GrantNet to find out what funding could be available for your project.

The Access Manager can provide information on what needs to be done and how much it will cost in support of your application.  We can also provide maps and advice on how to go about making applications so that you have the best chance of success.

Contact the Access Manager

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