
Building Standards Customer Satisfaction Survey

We are seeking to improve the service by asking for your views on how well we currently perform in relation to Building Warrants and related inspections.

Replies will be treated in confidence.  If you provide your name and address we will report our survey findings and conclusions to you and we will use your views to improve those areas of the service that you tell us are important.

Customer profile
What is your discipline?
How many Building Warrant applications do you submit per year?
What type of work do the majority of your applications fall into?
Which value of work-band do most of your applications fall into?
Do you use either of the Scottish Government Approved Scheme?
Helpfulness and advice
Access to staff and services
Please select the method of communication you most often utilise when you contact us?
How do you rate our Reception facilities?
How do you rate the electronic process via the Scottish Government eDevelopment Portal?
How do you pay for your Building Warrant fee?
Do members of staff identify themselves to you?
Do you believe you are treated fairly?
Technical Standards
Please leave any comments you have on any of the questions raised in this survey. We particularly welcome your comments on questions where you have rated us as 'poor' or 'below average'.
Contact Details (Optional)
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