
Decision details


Decision Maker: Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Committee gave consideration to a report advising of an invitation from Transport Scotland to provide feedback on the Strategic Transport Projects Review (STPR2) Update and Phase 1 Recommendation Report and the STPR2 options and Covid-19 scenarios by midnight on 31 March 2021.




The Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee –


1.    Delegated authority to the Executive Director in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of the Committee to agree a consultation response which would be informed by discussion and comments at an Elected Member seminar on 23 March 2021.


2.    Noted some of the emerging concerns set out in the submitted report and noted that these were the initial thoughts from officers who at the time of writing the report were still reviewing the material published by Transport Scotland.


(Reference:Ìý Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Development and Economic Growth dated 15 February 2021, submitted)

Publication date: 09/03/2021

Date of decision: 04/03/2021

Decided at meeting: 04/03/2021 - Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee

Accompanying Documents: