
Agenda and minutes

Mid 撸sir视频, Kintyre & the Islands Area Committee - Wednesday, 1 December 2021 10:00 am

Venue: Microsoft Teams

Contact: Iona Campbell, Senior Committee Assistant; Tel: 01436 658 801 

Note No. Item




The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.


There were no apologies for absence intimated.


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.




Minute of the Meeting of the Mid 撸sir视频, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee held on Wednesday, 1st September 2021 pdf icon PDF 205 KB


The Minute of the Meeting of the Mid 撸sir视频, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee, held on Wednesday 1st September 2021, was approved as a correct record.


Public and Councillors Question Time


Cathy Cameron, Time for Change 撸sir视频 and Bute, submitted the following question to the Committee:


Time for Change would like to thank the Council for supporting several of its climate change activities, including the opportunity to present at the Climate Education Summit and for giving us the opportunity to engage directly with the Council.  We would also like to thank those who took part in Time for Change's Climate Change Summit on 20th September and for welcoming at Kilmory those Mid-撸sir视频 schoolchildren who took part in the climate march on 5th November. In addition, we wish to commend ACHA for the work that they have undertaken on energy efficiency retrofitting.


We would like to enquire about how the Carbon Literacy Training roll-out for managers, elected officials and general staff is proceeding. 


Following discussions with the Council it was agreed that Climate Change would be included in Implications on papers and we would like to ask when this might happen.鈥


The Committee Manager confirmed that implications on climate change would be included in Council reports for the meeting of the Policy and Resources Committee on 9th December 2021 and in all meeting reports thereafter. The Committee Manager advised that the Head of Commercial 撸sir视频, as the officer responsible for the Climate Literacy Training project, would provide a response to the query around training and this would be circulated to Ms Cameron and Members by e-mail following the meeting.


Councillor Horn requested clarification as to whether any further update had been provided from the Scottish Ambulance Service in relation to ongoing concerns around capacity and delays. Councillor Philand advised that a new Area Commander had been appointed for 撸sir视频 and Bute, noting that he would arrange to share the details of the new Area Commander with the Committee Manager following the meeting for onward dissemination to Members.


Councillor Kelly enquired as to whether Area Committee meetings were being recorded, and the Committee Manager confirmed that the meetings were not being recorded at this time. The Committee Manager advised that this would be looked at as part of the overall hybrid meetings project and agreed to progress discussions around this, with a view to having the next cycle of Area Committees recorded.


Councillor Kelly raised concerns around the time taken for an update report in relation to Traffic Management in Davaar and Meadows Housing Schemes to be brought to the Committee, noting that he understood that Covid-19 had impacted on the survey. Councillor Kelly expressed frustration around the lack of consultation with 撸sir视频 Community Housing Association (ACHA), Fyne Homes, local residents and the local Community Council, and asked that appropriate consultation was undertaken and proposals investigated to alleviate the identified issues. Alastair MacGregor confirmed that ACHA would be happy to engage with any consultation around this.


Councillor Kelly highlighted his concerns that a MAKI Accessibility and Footway Survey was no longer being progressed, following a request from the Area Committee more than a year ago. Councillor Kelly advised that he would like to see appropriate action being taken to progress this.


Councillor Philand thanked the Committee for their previous support in relation to frustrations around the progress of the Autism Strategy, and advised that a productive meeting had since taken place with the Chief Officer of the Health and Social Care Partnership. Councillor Philand confirmed that he would keep Members up to date with any further progress updates in this regard.


Councillor Redman advised that constituents had raised concerns with him around the Education Change Programme and the level of consultation in relation to same. The Chair confirmed that an update in relation to the consultation which was taking place had been shared with Members. The Committee Manager also confirmed that an update on the consultation would be considered by the Community 撸sir视频 Committee later in December. Councillor Redman requested confirmation around the costs of this consultation, and the Chair advised that any requests around this could be directed to the Executive Director with responsibility for Education.


Councillor Philand advised that, following concerns raised at a local Community Council meeting, he had submitted a request for the views of professionals and unions to be included as part of the information being collated for consideration by the Community 撸sir视频 Committee. The Committee Manager confirmed that a report would be submitted to the next meeting of the Community 撸sir视频 Committee which would confirm the consultation arrangements.


撸sir视频 Community Housing Association Annual Update pdf icon PDF 3 MB

Presentation by Chief Executive, 撸sir视频 Community Housing Association


The Committee gave consideration to an annual update presentation for the Mid 撸sir视频, Kintyre and the Islands area by the Chief Executive, 撸sir视频 Community Housing Association (ACHA). The presentation included details of the investment programme in the area; day-to-day repairs and cyclical maintenance programmes; work being carried out in conjunction with the Warm Homes Fund to install Air Source Heat Pump heating systems; the BEIS 鈥 Whole House Retrofit Programme; the Exemplar Estates initiative; improvements to the Duncholgan Travelling Persons Site; new homes being built in the area; pipeline projects; the work of the welfare rights service; plans for the re-opening of offices; a trial hybrid working model for staff; statistics around the re-let of properties since 30th October 2020; the progress of planned work in Dalintober, Campbeltown; ACHA鈥檚 10 10 10 Initiative; and ACHA鈥檚 success at the recent Scottish Energy Efficiency Awards.


The Chief Executive, ACHA, advised that the ACHA Community Action Fund was currently undersubscribed and asked Members to get in touch with him if they were aware of any groups who may benefit from this funding.


Following confirmation that this would be Mr McGregor鈥檚 last presentation to the Area Committee, the Committee members thanked him for his support over the years and wished him well for the future.




The Mid 撸sir视频, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee noted the contents of the presentation and information provided.


(Reference: Presentation by Chief Executive, 撸sir视频 Community Housing Association, dated 1st December 2021, submitted)


Secondary School Reports


Islay High School Report pdf icon PDF 601 KB

Report by Head Teacher


The Committee gave consideration to a progress report providing information in relation to wider achievement; SQA performance; pupil and staff wellbeing; blended and home learning; contingency planning; school successes; the school roll; clothing and footwear grants; free school meals; and attendance, absence and exclusions.



The Mid 撸sir视频, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee noted the contents of the report and information provided.


(Reference: Report by Head Teacher, Islay High School, dated December 2021, submitted)


Tarbert Academy Report pdf icon PDF 540 KB

Report by Head Teacher


The Committee gave consideration to a progress report providing information in relation to wider achievement; SQA performance; pupil and staff wellbeing; blended and home learning; contingency planning; school successes; the school roll; clothing and footwear grants; free school meals; and attendance, absence and exclusions.



The Mid 撸sir视频, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee noted the contents of the report and information provided.


(Reference: Report by Head Teacher, Tarbert Academy, dated December 2021, submitted)


Lochgilphead High School Report pdf icon PDF 820 KB

Report by Head Teacher


The Committee gave consideration to a progress report providing information in relation to the curriculum; pupil equity funding; wider achievement; SQA results and performance; pupil and staff wellbeing; blended and home learning; contingency planning; school successes; the school roll; clothing and footwear grants; free school meals; and attendance, absence and exclusions.


Having noted that this was would be Ms Devine鈥檚 last report to the Area Committee, the Committee members thanked her for her service over the years and wished her well for the future.



The Mid 撸sir视频, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee noted the contents of the report and information provided.


(Reference: Report by Head Teacher, Lochgilphead High School, dated December 2021, submitted)


Campbeltown Grammar School Report pdf icon PDF 693 KB

Report by Head Teacher


The Committee gave consideration to a progress report providing information in relation to the curriculum model and learner pathways; Pupil Equity Funding; a scheduled visit from Education Scotland in early December; wider achievement; SQA performance; pupil and staff wellbeing; blended and home learning; contingency planning; school successes; the school roll; clothing and footwear grants; free school meals; and attendance, absence and exclusions.



The Mid 撸sir视频, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee noted the contents of the report and information provided.


(Reference: Report by Acting Head Teacher, Campbeltown Grammar School, dated December 2021, submitted)


撸sir视频 and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership Annual Performance Report 2020/21 pdf icon PDF 259 KB

Report by Head of Strategic Planning, Performance and Technology - 撸sir视频 and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership

Additional documents:


The Committee gave consideration to the 撸sir视频 and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) Annual Performance Report for 2020/21.




The Mid 撸sir视频, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee:


1.    considered the Annual Performance Report for the Health and Social Care Partnership for the year 2020/21; and

2.    noted the Annual Performance Report for the Health and Social Care Partnership for the year 2020/21.


(Reference: Report by Head of Strategic Planning, Performance and Technology, 撸sir视频 and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership, dated 1st December 2021, submitted)


Roads and Infrastructure 撸sir视频 Update pdf icon PDF 196 KB

Report by Executive Director with Responsibility for Roads and Infrastructure 撸sir视频


The Committee gave consideration to a report which provided an update on the recent activities of Roads and Infrastructure 撸sir视频 and highlighted works being undertaken which were of relevance to the Mid 撸sir视频, Kintyre and the Islands area.




The Mid 撸sir视频, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee considered and noted the contents of the report.


(Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Roads and Infrastructure 撸sir视频, dated November 2021, submitted)

At 1:30pm, the Chair ruled, and the Committee agreed, to adjourn for a comfort break and to reconvene at 1.35pm.


The Committee reconvened at 1:35pm, with all Members present as per the sederunt.


Charitable Trusts, Bequests and Trust Funds pdf icon PDF 211 KB

Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support

Additional documents:


The Committee gave consideration to a report providing information on proposals relating to the ongoing management and distribution of the 19 Charitable Trusts, Bequests and Trust Funds for which the Mid 撸sir视频, Kintyre Area Committee are Trustees.


Councillor Armour advised that references to the 鈥楬utcheson Memorial Trust鈥 throughout the report should be amended to the 鈥楬utcheon Memorial Trust鈥. The Committee Manager confirmed that she would arrange for this information to be amended in the relevant records.




The Mid 撸sir视频, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee:


  1. noted the financial position of the Charitable Trusts, Bequests and Trust Funds as of July 2021;
  2. agreed that a moratorium be placed on awards being made from the following funds, Latimer McInnes Trust, Macalister Trust, Kilmory Lochgilphead Churchyard, Kilmartin New Burial Ground Bequest, Kilmartin War Memorial Fund, and Kilkerran Cemetery;
  3. agreed that the Hutcheon Memorial Trust and May Paterson Trust prizes be limited to 拢30;
  4. agreed that all other charities and trust funds, that have historically been awarded to Council Departments and Allied partners, are awarded on the basis outlined in paragraph 5.5 of the report and as outlined in appendix 1 of the report; and
  5. noted that officers are in ongoing dialogue with representatives from the Lord Advocates office to establish appropriate methods of distributing those funds that have no established distribution arrangements.


(Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support, dated October 2021, submitted)


Area Scorecard FQ2 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 1016 KB

Report by Executive Director with Responsibility for Customer Support 撸sir视频


The Committee considered the Area Scorecard report for Financial Quarter 2 of 2021-2022 (July to September 2021), which illustrated the agreed performance measures.




The Mid 撸sir视频, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee;


1.    noted and considered the performance and supporting commentary as presented in the report;

2.    noted that upon receipt of the Quarterly Performance Report the Area Committee Members could contact either the Responsible Named Officer or the Performance Improvement Officer with any queries; and

3.    noted that work was ongoing and to respond to the Performance Improvement Officer with requests or comments regarding the layout and format of the Performance Report and Scorecard.


(Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Customer Support 撸sir视频, dated 1 December 2021, submitted)


Mid 撸sir视频, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee Workplan pdf icon PDF 301 KB


The Committee considered the Mid 撸sir视频, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee Workplan as at December 2021.




The Mid 撸sir视频, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee agreed:


1.    to note the contents of the Workplan;

2.    that the MAKI Accessibility and Footway Survey should remain on the agenda, with the Chair undertaking investigations as to how this could be progressed;

3.    that further enquiries should be carried out around whether some of the items regularly presented to the December cycle of meetings could be moved to avoid meetings being considerably longer than usual;

4.    to continue to seek an update on the Patient Transport Policy to be reported to Members; and

5.    to request that an update report on Flooding Issues in MAKI be brought to a future meeting.


(Reference: Mid 撸sir视频, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee Workplan, submitted)



Notice of Motion Under Standing Order 13

That the Mid 撸sir视频, Kintyre and The Islands Area Committee request:


1.    the Community 撸sir视频 committee who exercise the functions of the Council as Education Authority, to request the Executive Director with Responsibility for Education to prepare a report in respect to the potential for a proposal, in terms of the School (Consultation) (Sc) Act 2010 for a new Campbeltown Primary School which would replace the existing primaries of Dalintober and Castlehill; and

2.    that the completed report is presented to a meeting of the Community Service committee for deliberation in early 2022.


Proposed: Councillor Donald Kelly

Seconded: Councillor Dougie Philand




The following Notice of Motion Under Standing Order 13 was before the Committee for consideration:-




That the Mid 撸sir视频, Kintyre and The Islands Area Committee request:


1.    the Community 撸sir视频 committee who exercise the functions of the Council as Education Authority, to request the Executive Director with Responsibility for Education to prepare a report in respect to the potential for a proposal, in terms of the School (Consultation) (Sc) Act 2010 for a new Campbeltown Primary School which would replace the existing primaries of Dalintober and Castlehill; and

2.    that the completed report is presented to a meeting of the Community Service committee for deliberation in early 2022.


Moved by Councillor Donald Kelly, seconded by Councillor Dougie Philand.




The Mid 撸sir视频, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee unanimously agreed the terms of the motion.





Tarbert and Lochgilphead Regeneration Fund - Ardrishaig North Public Realm Full Business Case pdf icon PDF 421 KB

Report by Executive Director with Responsibility for Development and Economic Growth

Additional documents:


The Committee gave consideration to a report updating Members on the Tarbert and Lochgilphead Regeneration Fund project Ardrishaig North Public Realm (LA13).


The Committee Manager advised of a correction to the third sentence at paragraph 6.2. of the report, which should read: 鈥The maximum cost to the Tarbert and Lochgilphead Regeneration Fund for the Ardrishaig North Public Realm project is 拢330,000 (to include all fees and charges) and current cost estimates indicate that the proposed scheme can be delivered within the budget.鈥




The Mid 撸sir视频, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee agreed to note the progress made with the project and to recommend to the Policy and Resources Committee that:


1.    the draft Full Business Case for Adrishaig North Public Realm is approved and that Council funding of up to 拢330,000 is confirmed for the Ardrishaig North Public Realm Project from the Tarbert and Lochgilphead Regeneration Fund;

2.    approval of the final Full Business Case for Adrishaig North Public Realm is delegated to the Executive Director with responsibility for Development and Infrastructure 撸sir视频, subject to it being demonstrated that this is within the approved budget prior to implementation; and

3.    delegated authority be afforded to the Executive Director with responsibility for Development and Infrastructure 撸sir视频 for the delivery of the project.


(Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Development and Economic Growth, dated 11th November 2021, submitted)



E1 -Paragraph 8The amount of any expenditure proposed to be incurred by the authority under any particular contract for the acquisition of property or the supply of goods or services.