
Agenda and minutes

Oban Lorn & the Isles Community Planning Group - Wednesday, 16 February 2022 6:30 pm


Contact: Stuart McLean, Committee Manager - 01436 658717 Adele Price-Williams, Senior Committee Assistant - 01546 604480 

No. Item




The Chair opened the meeting and welcomed everyone to the Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group.


Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of:


Ronnie Kelly - Department for Work and Pensions;

George Turner – Scottish Ambulance Service;

Carol Flett – Islands Living Well Network; and

Brian Smith – Live ߣsirÊÓƵ Community Learning Service.




There were no declarations of interest.




Oban, Lorn and the Isles Community Planning Group - 10 November 2021 pdf icon PDF 213 KB


The minute of the Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group meeting held on Wednesday, 10 November 2021 was approved as a correct record.


The Chair highlighted that there would be a vacancy for a Vice-Chair of the Group following the next meeting in April 2022. The Chair and Vice-Chair outlined information about the role, and encouraged anyone who may be interested to get in touch with them.




Area Community Planning Group Governance Arrangements pdf icon PDF 219 KB

Report by Committee Manager

Additional documents:


The Group considered a report which asked Members to consider the updated Terms of Reference for the Group and membership of the Group. The report also noted planned future meeting dates until May 2023.


It was noted that any other suggestions for new organisations to join the Group could be submitted to Stuart McLean following the meeting.




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group:


  1. considered and adopted the Terms of Reference at Appendix 1 of the report and agreed that they would be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure their ongoing currency and appropriateness for the work of the Group as it developed over time;


  1. considered and agreed the Membership of the Group at Appendix 2 of the report, subject to the addition of Skills Development Scotland;


  1. agreed to invite Oban Community Harbour Development Association (OCHDA) and the Dunbeg woodlands group to join the Membership of the Group;


  1. agreed that the Membership of the Group would be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure currency and appropriateness for the work of the Group as it developed over time;


  1. noted that the next meeting of the Group would take place on Wednesday 27th April 2022; and


  1. noted the dates for future meetings of Wednesday 17th August 2022, Wednesday 9thÌý November 2022, Wednesday 8th February 2023, and Wednesday 10th May 2023.


(Reference: Report by Stuart McLean, Committee Manager, ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Council, dated 16th February 2022, submitted)



Report by Committee Manager


The Group considered a briefing note which provided information around matters discussed during a virtual meeting of the Community Planning Partnership (CPP) Management Committee, held on 8th December 2021.


Stuart McLean highlighted work being undertaken by the Climate Change Working Group to establish a climate change strategy; a presentation provided by Takki Sulaiman, ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Third Sector Interface, on community wealth building; and a presentation by Fergus Walker, ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Council, on financial inclusion.




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the briefing note.


(Reference: Report by Shona Barton, Committee Manager, ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Council, dated 16th February 2022, submitted)




Scottish Fire and Rescue Service - Oban, Lorn and the Isles Q3 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 709 KB

Report by Barry Colvan, Watch Commander - Scottish Fire and Rescue Service


The Group considered a report from the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS), which provided an overview of the SFRS FQ3 review of local performance across Oban, Lorn and the Isles for the period 2021-22. John Sweeney highlighted information within the report around incidents during this period; recent community safety activity; and new smoke detector legislation.


Discussion took place around Home Fire Safety Visits (HFSVs) and the ways in which people could be referred to SFRS for assistance. John encouraged those who required further information in relation to the new smoke detector legislation to access information available on the Scottish Government website in the first instance, noting that a QR code link to this had been included in the report.




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided.


(Reference: Report by Barry Colvan, Watch Commander/Local Authority Liaison Officer, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, submitted)


Community Learning Service Update pdf icon PDF 233 KB

Update by Community Learning Service Team Leader


The Group considered a written update from the Live ߣsirÊÓƵ Community Learning Service, which included information around the election of three new local Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament (MSYPs). The update also included information in relation to Youth Action Groups; the outcome of support for learners which had been provided through the No One Left Behind (NOLB) initiative; and the results of the recent HMIE inspection of the Community Learning and Development team. An overview of the Youth Work Recovery Education Programme was also included in the update.




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group:


1.    considered and noted the information provided;


2.    noted that, in the absence of a representative from the Live ߣsirÊÓƵ Community Learning Service, any questions could be forwarded to Stuart McLean following the meeting and any responses would then be circulated to the Group; and


3.    agreed that congratulations should be sent on behalf of the Group to the newly elected Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament.


(Reference: Update by Brian Smith, Team Leader – Live ߣsirÊÓƵ Community Learning Service, submitted)


Department for Work and Pensions Update pdf icon PDF 524 KB

Update by Employer and Partnership Manager, Department for Work and Pensions


The Group considered a written update from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) which included statistical information on clients receiving Universal Credit and other benefits across the ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute area, as well as information on various initiatives that the DWP were involved in. The update also included information relating to changes to the various support and benefits which were available, and the processes for accessing these.


Information was also provided in the written update relating to action being taken to help prevent pension scams; the tax liability of coronavirus support schemes; advice available for households experiencing financial difficulties; the Scottish Broadband Voucher Scheme; and an ongoing Early Learning and Childcare Consultation around data sharing.




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group:


  1. considered and noted the information provided; and


  1. noted that, in the absence of a representative from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), any questions could be forwarded to Stuart McLean following the meeting and any responses would then be circulated to the Group.


(Reference: Update by Ronnie Kelly, Centre Manager, Department for Work and Pensions, submitted)


Opportunity for verbal updates by Community Planning Partners


Becky Hothersall, Community Development Officer, ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Council


Becky Hothersall provided information around the Scotland’s Census 2022 ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Engagement Event being held on 24th February 2022 between 2pm-3pm. She noted that the online event was aimed at community organisations across ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute, and looked to assist them in supporting underrepresented groups to participate in the upcoming Census.


It was noted that further information around this, and details of how to join the event, had been uploaded to the Group’s Basecamp site.


Joan Best, Crossroads North ߣsirÊÓƵ


Joan Best advised that the organisation were very busy providing respite support for 48 unpaid carers. She also outlined information around the implementation of a service on Mull; support being provided for new carers across the area; and an increase in referrals for support.


Joan encouraged anyone who may be interested in working with the organisation to get in touch with her, as they did require new staff while the service continued to develop.


Catriona Petit, Hope Kitchen


Catriona Petit highlighted that issues were being faced around household budgets due to the rise in fuel prices, and partnership working was being undertaken to collate information to assist people with this.


Catriona advised that she looked forward to working with Ali Martin in her new Minority Ethnic Carers of People Project role supporting travelling communities. She noted that Hope Kitchen had also been working with NHS Dementia Support Workers and welcoming more people with a dementia diagnosis into Hope Kitchen. It was noted that Hope Kitchen had also been undertaking more Homestart related project work.


Judith Hawcroft, North ߣsirÊÓƵ Carers Centre


Judith Hawcroft advised that the Centre were receiving a huge number of new referrals for carers identified as requiring support. She noted that the Centre were supporting a large number of carers, including young carers, and also carrying out reviews of support plans.


Judith advised that there had been opportunities for more activities to take place following an easing of Covid-19 restrictions, and provided information around the day trips, outdoor activities and events that had been organised for carers.


Inspector Ian Hutchison, Police Scotland


Inspector Hutchison introduced himself to the Group, following his recent appointment as Inspector. He provided information around recruitment in the area; support for forthcoming events; the Local Policing Plan 2020-23; efforts being made to promote and educate people on the enforcement of new livestock legislation; the implementation of the Keep Safe scheme and Herbert Protocol to assist vulnerable people; an increase in instances of fraud and efforts being made to tackle this; and an anticipated increase in people in the area during the tourist season.


It was noted that a report which provided further information around these issues would be circulated to the Group following the meeting.Ìý


Discussion focused around fraud and whether suspected instances of fraud should be reported to the Police. Inspector Hutchison confirmed that instances of suspected fraud should be communicated to the Police, noting that fraud was underreported and information sharing was important to reduce this.


John Sweeney welcomed Inspector Hutchison to the Group and advised that he hoped to build on previous positive partnership working between SFRS and Police Scotland in future.


Ali Martin, Minority Ethnic Carers of People Project (MECOPP)


Ali Martin introduced herself as the new Support and Development Worker for MECOPP. She provided information around the work that she would be doing to support the Gypsy Traveller community to improve access to accommodation and to tackle racism and discrimination. She also outlined information around consultations and one-to-one support that she would be taking forward, following a delay in progressing COSLA and Scottish Government strategies during the Covid-19 pandemic.


Ali invited anyone who may be interested in working with MECOPP to get in touch with her. The representatives from Crossroads North ߣsirÊÓƵ and Skills Development Scotland agreed to contact Ali following the meeting.



Presentation by Cathy Cameron, ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute's Time for Change Climate Action Group


The Group considered a presentation by Cathy Cameron, Time for Change ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute. The presentation provided an overview of the organisation’s origin as a youth group and their development since then to include a wider member demographic; their purpose; the ongoing work to combat the climate crisis and the ways in which the organisation were progressing this; details of the organisations achievements since 2019; and information around the organisations plans for 2022.


The presentation also provided information in relation to some terms relating to climate change, as well as details of useful resources for anyone who wished to seek further information around the climate crisis. Cathy noted that Time for Change were able to assist local organisations with projects and provided past examples of positive local partnership working. In addition to the resources available in the presentation, Cathy also highlighted the Community Planning Partnership Climate Change Action Signposting.


Cathy outlined the ways in which Group members and Time for Change could provide mutual support to each other. She invited anyone who would like further information to contact Time for Change at timeforchangeargyll@gmail.com.


Discussion took place around Carbon Literacy Training, with Cathy confirming that Time for Change were awaiting confirmation from the Council around this but understood that they were seeking a suitable provider. Cathy noted that Time for Change offer training, and Catriona Petit advised that ߣsirÊÓƵ and the Isles Coast and Countryside Trust also provide a two-day training course.


Following a request from Councillor Robertson, Cathy agreed to circulate a list of trees suitable for carbon reduction to the Group following the meeting.




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided.


(Reference: Presentation by Cathy Cameron, Time for Change ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute, submitted)




Climate Change Working Group Minutes - 16 December 2021 pdf icon PDF 563 KB

Minutes of the Climate Change Working Group as held on Thursday 16 December 2021


The minutes of a recent meeting of the Climate Change Working Group, held on Thursday 16th December 2021, were before the Group for noting and relevant discussion.


Laura Corbe, as the Group’s representative on the Climate Change Working Group, provided information around the background of the Climate Change Working Group; their aim to reach net zero before national targets; their plans to define the main aims of the group and to develop an engagement plan in collaboration with local organisations; and the proposed employment of a Project Officer to progress the work of the Group.Ìý




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group:


  1. considered and noted the minutes of the Climate Change Working Group meeting held on Thursday 16th December 2021; and


  1. considered and noted the additional information provided by Laura Corbe as the Climate Change Working Group representative.


(Reference: Minute of the Climate Change Working Group, held on Thursday 16th December 2021, submitted)


Opportunity for updates on community based initiatives


The Group were invited to provide any updates on community based climate change initiatives.


Councillor McGrigor raised concerns around the effects of global warming on the number of insects and pollinators. Discussion took place around beekeeping, and John Sweeney advised that he was undertaking investigations into land at the back of Oban Fire Station being used as a bee habitat. The Chair noted that he would be interested in collaborating with SFRS around this, if progressed, as Oban High School offered beekeeping qualifications.


Catriona Petit also highlighted the Green Shoots garden at Hope Kitchen, advising that this was a place where people could grow fruit and vegetables locally. She noted that bees were also kept in the garden.




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group:


1.    considered and noted the updates provided; and


2.    agreed that this would remain as a standing item on future agendas.





Update by Head of Development and Economic Growth


The Group considered a report which provided an update to Members on the Oban Bid for City Status as part of the Civic Honours. The report provided information around the background of the bid; the benefits of city status; and the reason behind Oban’s selection for the bid.


Councillor Robertson encouraged people to read through the bid submission, a link to which was included within the report, as it was very interesting. The Chair provided information around an increase in families enrolling at Oban High School, noting that there were exciting things happening in the area.




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group:


1.    considered and noted the contents of the report; and


2.    noted that in the absence of a representative from the Council’s Development and Economic Growth service, any questions could be forwarded to Stuart McLean following the meeting and any responses would then be circulated to the Group.


(Reference: Report by Fergus Murray, Head of Development and Economic Growth, ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Council, dated 19th January 2022, submitted)



The next meeting will take place on Wednesday, 27th April 2022.


The Group noted that the next meeting of the Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group would take place at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, 27th April 2022.