
Agenda and minutes

Oban Lorn & the Isles Community Planning Group - Wednesday, 9 November 2022 2:00 pm

Venue: Microsoft TEAMS

Contact: Stuart Mclean, Committee Manager - 01436 658717 Karen Campbell 01631 567855 

No. Item




The Chair welcomed everyone and outlined the procedure for the meeting.


Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of:


Iain Hutchison, Police Scotland;

Fergus Murray, ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Council;

Emma Clark, Wild About ߣsirÊÓƵ;

Dr Lynda Mitchell, ALIenergy;

Susan MacRae, Skills Development Scotland;

Ali Martin, MECCOP;

Seonaid Cameron, ߣsirÊÓƵ Housing Community Association Ltd;

Gordon Boyle, Scottish Fire and Rescue;

Theresa Bain, University of Highland and Islands, ߣsirÊÓƵ; and

Judith Hawcroft, North ߣsirÊÓƵ Carers

Catriona Petit, New Hope Kitchen






There were no declarations of interest.




Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group 17 August 2022 pdf icon PDF 328 KB


The minutes of the Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group meeting held on Wednesday, 17 August 2022 were approved as a correct record.




Report by Committee Manager


The group gave consideration to a report which sought the appointment of Ryan MacIntyre, Member of the Scottish Youth Parliament, (MYSP) to its membership and the appointment to the position of Vice-Chair for the Oban, Lorn & The Isles Area Community Planning Group.  




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group:


1.    agreed to include Ryan MacIntyre MSYP to the membership of the Group;

2.    noted that the membership in its entirety, and the Terms of Reference would be considered at the next meeting; and

3.    appointed Ryan Macintyre MSYP as Vice Chair.





The Group agreed to a variation in the order of business to facilitate partner attendance, these minutes reflect the order that items were considered.



Community Focus

Update from Aideen Shields from Isle of Kerrera Trust


Update from Isle of Kerrera Development Trust


Aideen Shields gave a presentation on the projects that the Isle of Kerrera Development Trust are involved with. Aideen advised that the Development Trust have made tremendous progress with key projects recently with Islanders being delighted at the completion of the north/south road, which enables residents to safely access the lifeline ferry.


Aideen advised that a funding package has recently been secured to commence on the final phase of renovation to the Old School, due to open as a community hub in summer 2023. The Development Trust are aspiring to undertake further projects such as:


  • Council adopted road improvements.
  • Road adoption of the new north/south road.
  • Bigger ferry with more capacity for people/vehicles.
  • Improved ferry timetable.
  • Introduction of a functional bus service that links to the ferry timetable.
  • Improved car parking and road safety at Gallanach ferry terminal.
  • Successful and sustainable operational community facility at the Old School.
  • Enhanced visitor experience- toilets, heritage exhibition, ebike hire.
  • Programme of community activities.





The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group commended the work being undertaken by the Isle of Kerrera Development Trust and noted the information provided.










Scottish Fire and Rescue Update pdf icon PDF 339 KB


The Group considered a report highlighting the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service’s (SFRS) FQ2 review of local performance across Oban, Lorn and the Isles for the period 2022-23. The report included information on the local firefighter training plan, incidents during this time period and recent community engagement activities.Ìý It has also been a busy period with bonfires and fireworks, advice has been given to local communities and schools.




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided.


(Reference: Report by Scottish Fire and Rescue, submitted)



Third Sector Interface - ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Community Directory pdf icon PDF 242 KB


The group gave consideration to a written update which has been provided by

Petra Pearce of ߣsirÊÓƵ Third Sector Interface.




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided.


(Reference: Report by ߣsirÊÓƵ TSI, submitted)





ߣsirÊÓƵ & Bute Health and Social Care Partnership Update pdf icon PDF 322 KB


The Group considered a public health update from Samantha Campbell, ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership. The update highlighted information on the Public Health Team Annual Report for 2021-22 and the Mid Strategy Living Well Report for 2019-21.




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided.


(Reference: Report by Health Improvement Lead, ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership, submitted)



Oban Access Panel - Braille labelling statutorily introduced onto foodstuffs pdf icon PDF 369 KB


Jim Tolmie introduced the campaign of getting basic braille onto the labels of foodstuffs on behalf of the Oban and District Access Panel. Jim advised that a flyer has been produced to highlight the campaign and that they have been working with Disability Quality Scotland and Sight Scotland. While support has been given by Holyrood to this initiative the labelling of foodstuffs must go to the Food Standards Agency in Aberdeen for agreement.


Marie Harrower explained to the group how difficult it is for poor sighted and non-sighted people to access the correct foodstuffs.Ìý Although most items have a QR Code they can be difficult to find and you also need equipment, where it would be easier if braille was added to the label of foodstuff.Ìý Marie advised that a national supermarket has already added braille to their own brand products which is excellent,Ìý the campaign has moved quickly over the past year and the more people that are aware of it the better.




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Group noted, considered and commended the update.


(Reference, Promotional Flyer presented by Oban Access Panel, submitted)






Oban Community Harbour Development Association (OCHDA) pdf icon PDF 97 KB


Robert Kincaid gave a brief update on the work being undertaken by the Oban Community Harbour Development Association. Robert advised that the Council were soon to submit a second Draft of the Harbour Order to the Scottish Government for consideration and that the Management Group still has issues concerning the consultation that had been undertaken.Ìý




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group noted and considered the update.



(Reference: Report by Oban Community Harbour Development Association, submitted)



Islands Living Well Network Update (Mull and Iona, Tiree, Coll and Colonsay) pdf icon PDF 350 KB


The Group considered an update from the Islands Living Well Network presented by Carol Flett. Carol advised that Kirsty McLuckie was leaving her post at the Oban Youth Café and her role as the Coordinator for Oban and Lorn Living Well Network and that she would be covering the Oban area for the time being. Carol advised that the Network had taken out adverts in local newspapers advertising their services.Ìý




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Group considered and noted the report.


(Reference. Report by Islands Living Well Network, submitted)


ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Citizens Advice Bureau Update pdf icon PDF 476 KB


Jen Broadhurst advised that the Citizens Advice Bureau Volunteer Adviser Training Programme recommenced in September, and they now have 5 new volunteers progressing well at this time, these trainees will start to provide advice in the spring once they have completed their training. The CAB have secured extra funding to support households across the area to access energy advice.Ìý Individuals can now access advice and support with the Money Talk Team through a dedicated website where they can look at options of how to maximize their household income. The date of the AGM has changed to 9th December at the Helensburgh Community Hub.




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Group considered and noted the report.


(Reference: Report by ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Citizen Advice Bureau, submitted)


Police Scotland Update pdf icon PDF 288 KB


PC Laura Evans had technical difficulties so was unable to give an overview of the written report which she had submitted. ÌýThe report within the agenda pack highlights the Dementia Safeguarding Tag, which is due to be launched in November 2022 with support from Alzheimer Scotland.Ìý The aim of the project is to provide everyone living with Dementia a Safeguarding Tag, which is a small discreet device that can be attached to a bag or in a purse.Ìý The Tag can be tapped against any smartphone, which will then flag up the name of the person and who to contact if they are in need of assistance. Promotional flyers, information of how to get a tag and liaising with local shops and supermarkets will be cascaded in due course.




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided.


(Reference: Report by Police Scotland, submitted)



Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) Update pdf icon PDF 537 KB


The group gave consideration to a written update which was provided by the Department of Work and Pensions.




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided.


(Reference: Report by Department of Work and Pensions, submitted)



Opportunity for verbal updates by Community Planning Partners


Crossroads ߣsirÊÓƵ Update


Joan Best gave a verbal update advising that Crossroads are now supporting 67 unpaid carers, which include 4 on Seil, 8 on Mull and 1 in Appin, with referrals rising exponentially.Ìý Crossroads have now moved into their new office in Gibralter Street, Oban with the official opening date set for the 25th November on their 20th Anniversary.




Live ߣsirÊÓƵ Community Learning Update


Rhona Grant advised that Brian Smith was no longer working with Youth ߣsirÊÓƵ and that a recruitment exercise was currently underway to fill this post.Ìý Rhona reported that the service has been busy with Adult Learning events moving from a Monday to a Thursday within the Oban Library with taster sessions taking place offering a selection of craft classes.Ìý



Climate Change


CPP Climate Change Working Group Highlight Report pdf icon PDF 238 KB


Consideration was given to a report which highlighted the ongoing work of the Climate Change Working Group. The report outlined the proposal to produce a strategic Action Plan as a means to address the climate emergency in ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute; the development of governance arrangements and structures to support the Climate Change Project Officer post. Information was also provided on the funding options for the project.




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the update. Ìý


(Reference: Report by Stan Phillips, Chair of the Climate Change Working Group, submitted)



ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Regional Engagement Co-ordinator for Scottish Communities Climate Action Network


Marie advised that the Scottish Communities Climate Action Network (SCANN) is a volunteer-led network with membership open to any community group across Scotland that is taking action on the climate crisis and to any organisation that is involved with or supports such community-led action.


Marie added that funding has been secured for the next 10 years to develop networks and a Community Hub that will facilitate community groups coming together to share experiences to tackle climate change.




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the update.Ìý



Time for Change pdf icon PDF 181 KB


The Group considered an update by Laura Bennitt from Time for Change ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute. Laura advised that Time for Change is a group of residents who are campaigning to raise awareness of climate change.


Laura highlighted that as a group they are increasingly concerned with the need to build resilience in all areas and communities in ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute. They are working with civil contingencies to identify areas and organise reliance plans.Ìý Robert from Scottish Fire and Rescue advised that the Fire Service could assist with the resilience plans.


Laura added that recently the some of the elected members of the Council had undertaken Climate Change Literacy training.


Training is available online on 23rd/24th November and 1st /2nd /7thÌý and 8th December.Ìý Anyone interested should contact Jamie.joyce@act-now.com




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Planning Group noted and considered the information provided.


(Reference: report by Time for Change ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute, submitted)





Update from ߣsirÊÓƵ Community Housing Association

Presentation by Michelle Mundie, Chief Executive ߣsirÊÓƵ Community Housing Association


Michelle Mundie introduced herself as ACHA’s new chief executive and provided a verbal update highlighting some of the recent work.Ìý It was noted that ACHA had held their AGM in September where ACHA tenant Cathy Grant of Glendaruel was elected as Chair of the Association.Ìý Employee Lachlan Woods had attended the National Awards where he received the award Energy Champion of the Year, an award that covered the whole of the UK.


ACHA’s investment in new housing stock saw 10 new units at Inveraray in June 2022, 4 units at Tarbert to be signed off in December,Ìý 2 new units at Millknowe which are dementia friendly to be signed off on 4th November.Ìý New developments will be coming on stream including at Dalintober and Port Ellen.


A rent consultation is about to commence and all tenants will be written to.




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Group considered and noted the report.


(Reference: Presentation by, Michelle Mundie, Chief Executive of ACHA submitted)



Cber - The Socio-Economic Impact of Calmac Ferry ߣsirÊÓƵ - Phase 2 Report pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Report presented by Robert Beauchamp, Centre for Business & Economic Research


The Group considered a presentation by Robert Beachaump. It was highlighted that the Phase 2 report was a quantitative analysis of the impacts of CalMac as a company (employment, Gross Value Added, turnover, and employee compensation supported directly and through the supply chain), and of impacts of service levels on island communities (ferry users’ welfare, economic activity, employment, population), based on Phase 1 findings, desk research, analysis, fieldwork and socio-economic modelling..





The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided.


(Reference: Report by Robert Beauchamp, submitted)





Dunollie Museum Castle Grounds Update pdf icon PDF 57 KB

Update by Emma Sutcliffe, General Manager, MacDougall of Dunollie Preservation Trust




The Group received an update from Emma Sutcliffe on the progress of Dunollie Museum and Castle Grounds, highlighting that over 16,000 people had visited since April 2022, some of these visitors were able to access the first floor of Dunollie Castle following ongoing restoration works.Ìý Phase 1 of a project to install a handrail along the Dunollie Castle Path to assist visitors in climbing the steep path was recently been completed.


Emma highlighted the social impact the museum has had as well as some of the groups on offer, such as the New Routes Health and Wellbeing Group, Threads and Yarns Group and the Gaelic Language sessions which are delivered online and in partnership with the Furan Gaelic Centre.




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Group considered, noted and commended the report.


(Reference: Report by Emma Sutcliffe, Dunollie Museum Castle Grounds, submitted)




Report by Governance Manager


Consideration was given to a briefing note which provided information on matters discussed during a meeting of the Community Planning Partnership (CPP) Management Committee, held on 6 October 2022.


Stuart McLean spoke to the report and highlighted updates on topics including the Cost of Living Crisis, The Child Poverty Action Plan and the CPP Annual Report.




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the report.


(Reference: Report by Shona Barton, Governance Manager, submitted)




DATE OF NEXT MEETING - 8 February 2023


The Chair thanked everyone in attendance at the meeting, and thanked all partners for their continued proactive work in the community.


The Group noted that the next meeting of the Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group would take place on Wednesday, 8 February 2023 at 10am.