
Agenda and minutes

Oban Lorn & the Isles Community Planning Group - Wednesday, 16 August 2023 6:30 pm

Venue: By Microsoft Teams

Contact: Stuart McLean, Committee Manager - 01436 658717 Karen Campbell - Senior Committee Assistant 01631 5657855 

No. Item




Following Kevin Champion’s intimation to stand down as Chair at the previous meeting, the Vice Chair, Ryan MacIntyre welcomed everyone to the meeting and general introductions were made.


Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of:-


John McLuckie, Community Planning Partnership Lead

Councillor Amanda Hampsey, ߣsirƵ and Bute Council

Samantha Campbell, Health and Social Care Partnership

Jane Fowler, Head of Customer and Support ߣsirƵ

Linda Battison, Oban Tourism Alliance

Jim Tolmie, Oban & District Access Panel

Linda Duncan, Crossroads

Jane Metcalf, Coll Community Council







There were no declarations of interest intimated.




Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group 10 May 2023 pdf icon PDF 305 KB



The minutes of the Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group held on 10 May 2023 were approved as a correct record.


Appointment of Chair to Area Community Planning Group pdf icon PDF 113 KB

Report by Committee Manager


The Group gave consideration to a report advising members of the procedure to be followed when electing officer bearers and asked the Group to consider the appointment of Chair to the Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group. The Committee Manager invited nominations from those on the call for the position.




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group:-


1.    agreed to elect, Ryan MacIntyre Member of Scottish Youth Parliament, as Chair of group for the next 2 year period; and


2.    noted that nominations for the position of Vice Chair would be sought at the next meeting.


(Reference: Report by Committee Manager, 16 August 2023, submitted)




Presentation by Community Development Officer



Antonia Baird, Community Development Officer at ߣsirƵ and Bute Council, provided the Group with an overview of Community Planning in ߣsirƵ and Bute. The presentation included information on the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015; the roles and responsibilities of the Community Planning Team; where the Area Community Planning Groups fit into the partnership and their relationship with the Management Committee; cross cutting themes and principles of effective community planning.


The presentation also included information on the development day which is held once a year; action plans for each of the Area Community Planning Groups as well as the ߣsirƵ and Bute’s Outcome Improvement Plan and how the Community Planning Team communicate with partners and members of the groups.




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided.


(Reference: Presentation by Community Development Officer, ߣsirƵ and Bute Council)




Report by Committee Manager


Consideration was given to a briefing note which provided information on matters discussed during a meeting of the Community Planning Partnership (CPP) Management Committee, held on 22 June 2023.




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Community Planning Group considered and noted the briefing note.


(Reference: Report by Committee Manager, ߣsirƵ and Bute Council, dated 16 August 2023, submitted)







Public Transport Provision

Report by Contracts Officers, ߣsirƵ and Bute Council


In the absence of the report of Public Transport Provision within Oban, Lorn and the Isles, it was agreed to carry forward this agenda item to the next meeting.


Access to ߣsirƵ and Bute (A83)

Presentation by Transport Scotland


The Group gave consideration to a presentation by Transport Scotland and Atkins WSP Joint Ventures on the permanent solution for the A83. The presentation included information that had been delivered at both virtual and in person public exhibitions within in the locality, specifically key features and benefits of the preferred route; the preferred route plan; the scheme assessment process and the next stages of the assessment and construction phases.




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided.


(Reference: Presentation by Transport Scotland and Atkins WSP Joint Ventures)




Report by Catriona Petit, Hope Kitchen


The Group gave consideration to a report and general introduction to the Connecting Communities Collective, which is a new partnership involving Hope Kitchen, Atlantis Leisure, Lorn Health Options, ALIenergy and the Youth Café who are working together to reach and serve more people within the Community. Catriona Petit advised that they have secured funding from the Community-Led Local Development Fund and Investing in Communities Fund, which will support the project for the next 3 years. Catriona further advised that a Development Officer has been employed to help organise events and link up work and events with other partnerships and seek new development opportunities.


Hope Kitchen are launching a new short survey for new projects which will open on 22nd August 2023. Partners were encouraged to complete the survey via the following LINK -



The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the report.


(Reference: Report by Mika Schroder, Development Officer, Connecting Communities Collective, August 2023)



Presentation by CLES



The Group gave consideration to a presentation on Community Wealth Building from Charlie Murphy from CLES (Centre for Local Economic Strategies). Charlie highlighted that the CLES mission is to develop local economies which work for people, planet and place and that it is the lead organisation for Community Wealth Building in the UK.


Charlie advised the Group that CLES have been commissioned by the TSI on behalf of the CPP to conduct research on Community Wealth Building in ߣsirƵ and Bute.


It was highlighted that CLES would be running a workshop in Oban on the 6th September exploring Community Wealth Building in ߣsirƵ and Bute.




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided.


(Reference: Presentation by Charlie Murphy, Centre for Local Economic Strategies)





Police Scotland pdf icon PDF 214 KB


The Group gave consideration to an update provided by Sergeant Matthew Shaw, which included information on the ongoing work of the Service and provided information on the expansion of the Partners intelligence portal; youth engagement activities and Social Media and Banking Fraud.



The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided.


(Reference: Report by Police Scotland, submitted)



Scotland Fire & Rescue pdf icon PDF 397 KB


The Group gave consideration to a written report from the Scotland Fire and Rescue. As no-one was in attendance from the fire service, the Committee Manager advised that he would relay any questions back to them with regards to the report.




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided.


(Reference: Report by Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, submitted)



Skills Development Scotland pdf icon PDF 394 KB


The Group gave consideration to a written report from Skills Development Scotland (SDS). As no-one was in attendance from the SDS, the Committee Manager advised that he would relay any questions back to them with regards to the report.




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group considered and note the report.


(Reference: Report submitted by Skills Development Scotland, 16 August 2023)


Live ߣsirƵ - Community Learning Development pdf icon PDF 268 KB


The Group gave consideration to an update from Maureen Evans Live ߣsirƵ - Community Learning ߣsirƵ. The update provided information relating to the GIVE summer Programme; Summer Sensations was a 2 day induction programme for P6/7 pupils from all primary schools in the area in partnership with Atlantis Leisure, Active Schools, Youth Café and Hebridean Pursuits. Maureen also advised that Community Learning Development are also going to be working in partnership with Police Scotland in setting up diversionary activities for youths.




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the report.


(Reference: Report by Live ߣsirƵ – Community Learning Development, 16 August 2023)



Crossroads North ߣsirƵ pdf icon PDF 82 KB


The Group gave consideration to a written report from Crossroads North ߣsirƵ. As no-one was in attendance from Crossroads, the Committee Manager advised that he would relay any questions back to them with regards to the report.




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group considered and note the report.


(Reference: Report submitted by Crossroads North ߣsirƵ, 16 August 2023)



ߣsirƵ and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership - Public Health Update pdf icon PDF 310 KB


The Group considered a public health update from the ߣsirƵ and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) on the ongoing wellbeing and prevention activities overseen and delivered by the HSCP Public Health Team in ߣsirƵ and Bute. The update highlighted information on the Public Health Intelligence Team (PHIT); the Money Counts Level 1 awareness raising sessions; the Living Well Networks and the merge of the Living Well Strategy and Prevention Board.


As no-one was in attendance from the HSCP, the Committee Manager advised that he would relay any questions back to them with regards to the report.




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group considered and note the report.


(Reference: Report by Health Improvement Lead, ߣsirƵ and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership, submitted)



Living Well Network pdf icon PDF 393 KB


The Group gave consideration to a report provided by the Oban and Lorn and the Island Living Well Network. Carol Flett advised of the recent and upcoming work that the Network had scheduled, including a zoom meeting that took place on 23rd June focussing on Community and Patient Transport; A “Living Well on Coll” event took place on 16th August at An Creidh where there were 15 people in attendance; the next meeting of the Living Well Network will take place by Zoom on 29th November the focus of which will be Signposting specifically how to disperse as much information to communities on what support is available to them




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the report.


(Reference: Report by Oban and Lorn and the Islands Living Well Network, 7 August 2023)



ߣsirƵ and Bute TSI pdf icon PDF 123 KB


The Group gave consideration to a report from the ߣsirƵ and Bute TSI which highlighted that at the June 2023 Community Planning Partnership (CPP), the ߣsirƵ and Bute TSI Chief Executive Officer presented a fourth paper on moving the local Community Wealth Building (CWB) agenda further forward and that at the end of June, TSI commissioned a three day Combined First Aid at Work and Paediatric First Aid course at Atlantis Leisure Centre in Oban for Third Sector organisations. The report also provided information on future events such as the next meeting of the ߣsirƵ and Bute Social Enterprise Network which is scheduled for Thursday 24th August at 2pm in the newly refurbished Inverary Hub.


As no-one was in attendance from the TSI, the Committee Manager advised that he would relay any questions back to them with regards to the report.




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the report.


(Reference: Report by ߣsirƵ and Bute TSI, 31st July 2023)


Opportunity for Partner Verbal Updates


Jen Broadhurst, ߣsirƵ and Bute Citizens Advice Bureau


Jen Broadhurst highlighted that ߣsirƵ and Bute Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) have been very busy and have supported just under 800 clients in the last 3 months with 370 of those being new to the bureau with the majority being in relation to welfare rights. Of those clients 218 were provided with welfare rights support, 41 were supported to access digital, food or fuel crisis funding.


Jen added that the overall client financial gain, generated from the advice provided was just under £360,000 with 78% of the funding being generated by Welfare Rights.


Jen also provided information on other areas such as the new data hub which provides statistical data on the range of clients that they support across the region; debt advice; the Armed ߣsirƵ advice project which has been extended until the end of the year; energy advice; the adviser training programme; the cost of care research; the updating of the Bureau’s business plan and the wellbeing networking event which is to be held on the 13th September.


Catriona Petit, Hope Kitchen


Catriona highlighted that Hope Kitchen had been working in partnership with West Highland Housing Association and ALIenergy by providing a space for clients to come in and receive housing and energy advice. Hope Kitchen will also be hosting a fund raiser Grand Quiz at the Corran Halls on 16th September 2023, all partners are welcome to attend.


Judith Hawcroft, North ߣsirƵ Carers


Judith highlighted that the North ߣsirƵ Carers are supporting 817 unpaid carers, 150 of which are young carers. Referrals are coming in thick and fast and that staff are working at capacity to ensure referrals are dealt with as they come in. Judith advised that the carer vacancy on Tiree had been filled, but that the post on Coll remains vacant. During the summer 22 young carers were taken to the Young Carers Festival, where they had the opportunity to relax and enjoy being children and shrug off their responsibility for a while.

and enjoy being children and shrug off their responsibility for a while.


Ryan MacIntyre, Scottish Youth Parliament


Ryan advised that the International Overdose Day was held and filmed in Dunoon and that this would be shared with partners and elections are scheduled with partners encouraged to share information with the young people they work with.





Keep Oban Beautiful pdf icon PDF 3 MB

Presentation by Keep Oban Beautiful


The Group considered a presentation by Maurice Wilkins of Keep Oban Beautiful which provided information on how the group was started. Maurice also highlighted some of the projects the group had been, involved in such as removing invasive alien plants and litter, tree planting and providing a seating area overlooking the burn and the Oban Spring Clean.


Future plans for the group include a waterfall walk on wasteland adjacent to Oban High School and ѳ䲹’s Tower, planters and boxes within the town and campaigning for better protection of Oban’s green spaces and to connect these green spaces to create a wildlife corridor through the town.




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided.


(Reference: Presentation by Maurice Wilkins, Keep Oban Beautiful, August 2023, submitted)





Climate Change Working Group Highlight Report pdf icon PDF 126 KB

Report by Chair of Climate Change Working Group


Consideration was given to a report which highlighted the ongoing work of the Climate Change Working Group. The report outlined the proposal to produce a strategic Action Plan as a means to address the climate emergency in ߣsirƵ and Bute; the approved governance arrangements to support the Climate Change Project Manager post and the ongoing work on the recruitment of a Project Manager.




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided.


(Reference: Report by Chair of the Community Planning Partnership Climate Change Working Group, dated 2 August 2023, submitted)



Progress on ߣsirƵ and Bute Climate Hub pdf icon PDF 181 KB

Written update by ߣsirƵ and Bute TSI


It was noted that a written update from ߣsirƵ and Bute TSI would be circulated to the Group following the meeting and that any questions should be sent to the Committee Manager to forward to the ߣsirƵ and Bute TSI for consideration and response as appropriate.




The Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group noted the update.



Opportunity for Verbal Updates on Community Based Initiatives


There were no verbal updates provided under this item.




The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 8 November 2023.


The Chair thanked everyone in attendance at the meeting, and thanked all partners for their continued proactive work in the community.


The Group noted that the next meeting of the Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Community Planning Group would take place on Wednesday 8th November 2023.