
John of Lorn Bequest

John McDougall, who died in 1947, bequeathed money to the then Oban Town Council for the ‘benefit of poor person resident in the Burgh of Oban in the manner which the said Town Council shall deem best’.

Residents of the Burgh of Oban are being invited to apply for an award from the Town’s John of Lorn Bequest. Applicants must be over the age of 16 and can apply as individuals or on behalf of their family. Successful individual applicants will receive £50, while those that are applying on behalf of their family will receive £100.

John McDougall, who died in 1947, bequeathed money to the then Oban Town Council for the ‘benefit of poor person resident in the Burgh of Oban in the manner which the said Town Council shall deem best’.

Applicants should note that the application approval process comprises a number of filters to ensure that the use of the funds meet the terms of the bequest and the Trust.  The first of these filters is that applications will only be considered from individuals if they are in receipt of a qualifying benefit (Jobseekers Allowance, Employment Support Allowance, Income Support or Universal Credit). For those people who are employed/self-employed applications will only be considered if they are in receipt of some amount of Universal Credit.

Trustees will evaluate applications to the Bequest quarterly (March, June, September and December). Please note the deadlines for receipt of applications are 15th, February, May, August and November respectively.

Apply online to the John of Lorn Bequest Fund here

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