
Community Food Organisations

Find a food bank in your area.

Helensburgh and Lomond

Name Contact Email Comments

Helensburgh Foodbank

116 East Princes St
(British Red Cross Hall)

Mary McGinley
General Enquiries

helensburghfoodbank@gmail.com Provision of food parcels
Rosneath Peninsula Foodbank

Howie Memorial Pavilion
Mary McGinley
General Enquiries
helensburghfoodbank@gmail.com They receive food from Helensburgh Foodbank

Arrochar GP Surgery

Kirkfield Place
G83 7AE

0844 477 2520 helensburghfoodbank@gmail.com They receive food from Helensburgh Foodbank

BASIC & Corner House Creche

13 East King Street
G84 7QQ

01436 679666 manager.basic@yahoo.co.uk  

Jean鈥檚 Bothy

102 East King Street
G84 7RG

Katrina Sayer

01436 679218

katrina.sayer@enable.org.uk They receive food directly from Fareshare on a regular basis as they run a caf茅 Mon-Fri.

Helensburgh and Lochside Helping Others

13 Benmore 
School Road  

Linda McM Shanks


Lindahshanks@gmail.com Weekly food bags provided for local residents in the Cove and Kilcreggan area

Mid 撸sir视频, Kintyre and the Islands

Name Contact Email Comments

Kintyre Foodbank

Unit 3 
Mull of Kintyre Industrial Estate
Albyn Avenue
PA28 6TP

Ilene Shaw / Richard Thomas
General Enquiries

07880 659178 if no access online

kintyrefoodbank@gmail.com or Facebook messenger prefered

Provision of food parcels to anyone facing food poverty (Kintyre and Gigha only).

  • Tuesday 10:30am - 11:30 am
  • Friday 12:30pm - 1:30pm

Tarbert (Loch Fyne)

Tarbert Pantry/Soup Group

1 Kintyre Place,


07391582359  macleanh71@aol.com

Open every Monday and Friday from 11.30-1.30pm

Emergency food supplies available in Tarbert area.

Mo-Ma (Moving On-Mid 撸sir视频)


07435 839034 foodshare@movingon-midargyll.org  Emergency food parcels on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.  Starter packs available for new tenancies

Call or Text 鈥淲ELFARE BOX鈥 to  07563 968518  minister@islaybaptistchurch.org.uk  

West Lochfyneside Parish Church Foodshare

Inveraray Church Hall, 
Church Square, 
PA32 8TX

Rev Dorothy Wallace



Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 11am-2pm

Free period products available

Bute and Cowal

Name Contact Email Comments
Hub Grub/Recovery Caf茅 

Ann Clark

07776 015956


Bute Oasis Foodbank

6 撸sir视频 Street

Angela Callahan

01700 502272


Bute Advice Centre

22/26 Bishop Street 
PA20 9DG

Julie Semple

01700 502784


Maxie Richards

The King鈥檚 Court 
PA21 2BH

Patrick White

01700 811137

kingscourt@maxierichards.org.uk Prepares food in-house

Oban Lorn and the Isles

Name Contact Email Comments

Hope Kitchen

2 撸sir视频 Street Oban PA34 5SG

Beth Campbell

01631 565730

obanhopekitchen@gmail.com  Provides food parcels relying on donations
Mull and Iona Pantry

Ruth Fleming

07549 018157

mullandionapantry@gmail.com Provides food parcels relying on donations

Mull and Iona Community Trust

An Roth Community Enterprise Centre
Isle of Mull
PA65 6AY

Moray Finch

01680 812900

mfinch@mict.co.uk  Mull and Iona Community Trust run a community fridge to reduce food waste
SOLAR: Tiree Food Project  07375929350 solartiree@gmail.com  Solar are offering a free, discreet and confidential service, in order that no one on Tiree needs to go without food or household essentials.  In addition a food sharing space is also being set up in the phone box at Scaranish. For information please call or email.
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