
Scheduled Monuments and Archaeology

What is a Scheduled Monument?A scheduled monument is a site that has been protected against unauthorised change under the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979. Criteria for the scheduling of a monument could include factors such as:

What is a Scheduled Monument?

A scheduled monument is a site that has been protected against unauthorised change under the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979. Criteria for the scheduling of a monument could include factors such as:

  • Artistic
  • Archaeological
  • Historical
  • Traditional
  • Aesthetic
  • Scientific
  • Social

What can and can’t I do to a Scheduled Monument?

Every scheduled monument is different so it is not possible to say what can and can’t be done to it. The protection is intended to preserve the monument for future generations.  Most works will need prior written consent from Scottish Ministers, this includes cleaning and repairs. Always . 

Who should I contact for advice?

Planning authorities do not become involved with Scheduled Ancient Monument Consent. If the works also need planning permission it is at this point that you should contact the local planning office.

In the first instance, if you have questions about a Scheduled Ancient Monument you should . 

What implications can archaeology have on my proposals?

If a proposed development sits on a site which has possible archaeological importance then it is possible that planning permission etc. might be approved with a condition for archaeological work/excavation to be undertaken prior to the start, or during the project. This would ensure that any development does not damage or destroy any possible archaeological remains. If archaeology is found this does not necessarily mean that the development cannot go ahead, but by carrying out the archaeological survey it ensures that the archaeology is properly recorded and, if necessary, preserved.

Who should I contact for advice on archaeological remains on a site?

In the first instance you can contact the planning office, as we might have some advice relating to consents that are important.  For specific archaeology advice; the West of Scotland Archaeological Service (WOSAS) act as the archaeological service for ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Council and they will be able to offer any guidance necessary. Please get in contact with them for any enquiries (). Other organisations that may be able to advise are:

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