
Some projects we have funded

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Some projects we have funded

Community Development Training Funding  Partnerships Community Centres Community Councils Contacts 

Achievement Bute

Achievement Bute is a not-for-profit organisation based in Rothesay on the Isle of Bute, organizing activities and events for all children and young people on the island, no matter their circumstances. Also providing support to those who need it so everyone can participate equally in activities of their choice.

‘With the support of ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Council’s Supporting Communities Fund we provided a tutor, transport and materials to support the provision of a child-led programme of heritage and history based outdoor activities.

Our original aim was to build on the success of previous work to offer children opportunities during school holidays to investigate, explore and interpret local landmarks/buildings and/or sites of historical interest.

We worked with volunteers from the Bute Museum and Ardencraig Gardens Friends Group, together with a local historian/archaeologist and freelance drama tutor and we created a unique, educational immersive experience celebrating the history of Ardencraig Gardens. 

Free minibus transport was included (with a wheelchair adapted minibus) to ensure equality of access and no charge was made for the activities.’

Cowal Community Orchestra

The orchestra is all about playing music for the enjoyment of the members and local community groups.

The grant helped purchase new music for the orchestra and toward Musical Direction.

‘We played in Oban for the Ukrainian Refugees event and also in Dunoon too.  One of our new members is Ukrainian. Our youngest member has also been playing with the Nicola Benedetti Conservatoire Orchestra which is so wonderful for a 12 year old.   The Christmas Choir concert in Dunoon Burgh Hall was a great example of cross musical talents coming together to have a fun evening for the community.  We also attend Burns Suppers to assist with tradition music too.  We also busk in the town centre during the summer months so this attracts client groups not necessarily attending concerts or organised events.’

Craignish Village Hall 

Craignish Village hall is a great space for any community event, large or small.

Craignish Village Hall Arts Programme and Committee delivered 111 hours of workshops, craft and play sessions to 56 young people under 18 in the financial year 2022/23. In their rural remote location, opportunities to access creative workshops and the general arts can be very challenging for this age group and this bid sought to remove barriers of cost, travel and accessibility.  The project had secured match funding and had listened to the voices of their young community.  The programme included a series of led workshops during the half term and culminated in a beautiful winter lantern parade enjoyed by many families and households from a 20 mile radius. 

Dochas Carer’s Centre

The Dochas Carers Centre supports Unpaid Carers throughout Mid ߣsirÊÓƵ, Kintyre and the Islands (MAKI) and is a major contributor in preventative care.

This project, to further develop their befrienders service, delivered very good value for money by working with local partners and businesses.  The ‘Circle of Friends’ co-ordinator has continued to support and expand the number of volunteer befrienders over the course of the project. The number of befriender and befriendee services was increased within the duration of the project from 24 to 29.  They used the goodwill of the local businesses and Mid ߣsirÊÓƵ Transport volunteers to bring befrienders and befriendees together over 3 events which were enjoyed by all and provided opportunity to further consult with this vulnerable group. 

‘Thanks to the funding from the council, we provided First Aid and Fire Safety training that was accessed by volunteer befrienders. So it helped to increase their self confidence in undertaking their volunteer role with befriendees.’

The Helensburgh Tree Conservation Trust 

The Trust promotes the maintenance, conservation and sustainable management of the treescape of Helensburgh for the public benefit and in particular with special emphasis on the arboricultural heritage of the town.

The received funds to plant 50 carefully selected new trees in the town – to mark the Platinum Jubilee adding greenery and biodiversity.

‘The original location suggested proved impossible, therefore we planted a new avenue of 20 Golden Birch trees along East Lennox Drive. These handsome trees provide colour and stature and help HTCT to increase the range of trees within the town for bio resilience.

The project has made a great improvement to the street and provides a good exemplar for avenue trees other than Cherries that form 75% of our street trees.  We have taken expert advice, encouraging us to diversify the species mix and this street is a good example of this.

The street trees help to promote a sense of well- being through their beauty, seasonal change and aesthetic qualities.’

Grey Matters Active Ageing 

The organisation supports older people over the age of 60 to connect to their community and to each other. The Active Ageing Centre is at the hub of the organisation and is a one stop shop for older people living in Helensburgh and Lomond.

Grey Matters Active Ageing delivered gardening workshops and planted seeds and bulbs using tools and equipment provided by the grant. 

‘Members were brought together through a shared interest, new friends and connections were made. Loneliness and Isolation was greatly reduced. It increased people’s wellbeing and improved mental health. It increased awareness about the environment. It provided members with a hobby and interest that got them out of the Covid rut they were experiencing. It gave people a sense of worth as they were able to swap hints and tips and also produce they had grown.’

Find out more about the Supporting Communities Fund and how to apply.

Did you know?

Since 2013, ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Council’s Supporting Communities Fund has supported over 850 community projects across ߣsirÊÓƵ & Bute including over 150 art culture and heritage projects, over 120 health and wellbeing projects and over 80 projects supporting employment.


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