
Gaelic in 撸sir视频 and Bute - G脿idhlig ann an Earra-Gh脿idheal is B貌d

There are many Gaelic activities happening in 撸sir视频 and Bute.聽 Take a look below for groups and opportunities in the area.

Tha t貌rr rudan G脿idhlig a鈥 tachart ann an Earra-Gh脿idheal is B貌d.  Coimhead air na putain gu h-矛osal airson buidhnean agus cothroman anns an sg矛re.

Ma tha sibh ag iarraidh buidheann eile a chur an-seo leig fios gu gaelic@argyll-bute.gov.uk.  

Coimhead air airson tachartasan cuideachd.

There are many Gaelic activities happening in 撸sir视频 and Bute.  Take a look below for groups and opportunities in the area.

If you鈥檇 like to add another group please email gaelic@argyll-bute.gov.uk with the details.

Take a look at the for one off events too.

Ionadan G脿idhlig - Gaelic Centres

Ionad Chaluim Chille 脤le 鈥 Islay Gaelic Centre

We are a Gaelic and Heritage Centre.  We deliver Gaelic classes and events in the Centre and online.  We start with toddlers in our Bogha-frois group and cater for all ages and abilities.   We are also building up a film archive of local Gaelic speakers which we share online.

Location: Islay Gaelic Centre, Gartnatra, Bowmore, Isle of Islay, PA43 7HL

When meets: Centre is open all year except for a fortnight over the Christmas period.  We are also open, by arrangement, at weekends and in evenings.

Format: In person and online

Who to contact: islaygaeliccentre@gmail.com or 01496 810 818

Find out more:;;  @islaygaelic

Ionad G脿idhlig Furan - Furan Gaelic Centre

Tha Ionad G脿idhlig Furan suidhichte anns na Tallaichean Chorrain anns an 脪ban. Bidh sinn a鈥 tairgsinn seiseanan bitheanta Bookbug aghaidh-ri-aghaidh agus air loidhne, G脿idhlig airson P脿rantan, G脿idhlig airson luchd-t貌iseachaidh, Cearcall C貌mhraidh, Cofaidh is Cabadaich le D霉n Ollaidh aghaidh-ri-aghaidh agus air loidhne.

Furan Gaelic Centre is based in the Corran Halls, Oban. We offer regular face-to-face and online Bookbug sessions, Gaelic for Parents, Gaelic for Beginners, Gaelic Conversation Group, Coffee and Gaelic Chat with Dunollie House 鈥 face-to-face and online.

Location: Furan Gaelic Centre, Corran Halls, Oban

Format: In person and online

Who to contact: Duncan.Macneil@argyll-bute.gov.uk

Bookbug G脿idhligGaelic Bookbug

Furan Gaelic Bookbug: Disathairne aig 10.30m/Saturdays at 10.30am

Ionnsaich rud beag G脿idhlig c貌mhla ri ar cuid chloinne ann an suidheachadh sp貌rsail, neo-fhoirmeil tro 貌rain, rannan is sgeulachdan

Learn Gaelic with your child in a fun, informal way through action songs, rhymes and stories

Furan Gaelic Bookbug air Skype: Dim脿irt 2f/Tuesdays at 2pm

Seiseanan air Skype airson sgoiltean-脿raich, Cr貌ileagain agus l脿raich tr脿th-bhliadhnaichean ann an Earra-Gh脿idheal is B貌d

Skype sessions for Gaelic pre-schools, playgroups and early years settings in 撸sir视频 and Bute.

颁脿苍补苍 - Language

G谩ilig Dhail Riada

Gaelic dialect revitalisation project for Bute, Cowal and Mid-撸sir视频 that has been operating since 2010.  We are always in need of help with transcription of both Gaelic and English sound recordings as well as contribution of memories and anecdotes relating to Gaelic language as spoken as a native tongue in the area up until recent times.

Location: Online

When meets: We are not currently active in the physical sense, but have a Facebook page which we would appreciate feedback and comments on whenever things are posted by us to do with local dialect, lore, song and story.

Who to contact: gaelic@dalriada.scot

Find out more: ; Twitter: @DalriadaGaelic


An Comunn G脿idhealach - Meur Chruachain

We organise c猫ilidhs - 鈥榝un for all the family鈥

Location: Village Hall, Taynuilt

When meets: Monthly on Saturday evenings and weekly on Thursday evenings during school summer holiday

Format: In person and online

Who to contact: Moira Dunlop via sometimessnoozie@hotmail.com

Find out more:

Co-Roinn Gh脿idhlig Mhuile agus Idhe - Mull & Iona Gaelic Partnership

Who to contact: coroinnmhuile.idhe@gmail.com

贵猫颈蝉 Latharna

Find out more:;


Ionad G脿idhlig Furan - Furan Gaelic Centre

G脿idhlig airson P脿rantan/Gaelic for Parents 鈥 Dihaoine 9.30m-11m/Fridays 9.30am-11am

Seiseanan neo-fhoirmeil airson p脿rantan aig a bheil clann ann am Foghlam tro Mheadhan na G脿idhlig far an ionnsaich sibh faclan is abairtean s矛mplidh airson c貌mhradh le ar cuid chloinne.

Informal 鈥渄rop-in鈥 sessions for parents with children in Gaelic Medium Education, where you can learn simple words and phrases suitable for conversation with your children.

G脿idhlig airson luchd-t貌iseachaidh/Gaelic for Beginners 鈥 Diardaoin 7f-8.30f/Thursdays 7pm-8.30pm

8 seiseanan far an ionnsaich luchd-t貌iseachadh faclan is abairtean s矛mplidh agus far am faigh sibh c貌mhraidhean s矛mplidh a chruthachadh le daoine eile anns a鈥 chlas.

8 session introduction to Gaelic blocks where beginners can learn simple words and phrases and get the opportunity to develop short conversations with other class members.

Tighnabruaich Gaelic Group - part of Tighnabruaich District Development Trust

We are using the Speak Gaelic materials.  We are mainly at beginner level, but welcome all levels of fluency for conversation.

Location: Tighnabruaich Heritage Centre

When meets: Weekly on Thursdays at 4pm

Format: In person

Who to contact: andreehawke@msn.com

Find out more:

颁貌颈蝉颈谤 - Choir

颁貌颈蝉颈谤 Gh脿idhlig an Eilein Mhuilich - Isle of Mull Gaelic Choir

Gaelic choir open to men and women aged 16 and up. Knowledge of Gaelic not required, nor is the ability to read music, just a willingness to learn and a love of singing. 

Location: Salen Church, Isle of Mull

When meets: Thursday evenings January-October

Format: In person with option to attend via zoom if required

Who to contact: Conductor Donna Dugdale via DRamsay7S@hotmail.co.uk

Find out more:

颁貌颈蝉颈谤 Gh脿idhlig Thaigh an Uillt - Taynuilt Gaelic Choir

Scottish Gaelic choir (SATB) open to anyone age 16 upwards who can hold a tune - no previous experience of choral singing or Gaelic required as we have an excellent support system.

Location: Taynuilt Sports Pavilion, PA35 1JE

When meets: Weekly on Tuesday evenings

Format: In person and online

Who to contact: Conductor Audrey MacLeod Paterson via audreyisabel@hotmail.co.uk

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Comann nam P脿rant

Comann nam P脿rant Bhun Easain

We are a group of parents with children in Gaelic Medium at Bunessan Primary.

Location: Bunessan Primary School, Isle of Mull

When meets: Term time only.

Format: In person and online

Who to contact: jenmull83@hotmail.com

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Comann nam P脿rant Thiriodh

Gaelic Parent group on Tiree , we also run Gaelic cafes, support sradagan and seek to promote the Gaelic language and culture on Tiree.

Location: Tiree

When meets: Each term as required.

Format: In person and online

Who to contact: ComannNamParantThiriodh@gmail.com 

Find out more:

颁貌尘丑谤补诲丑 鈥 Conversation

Helensburgh Gaelic Group

The Helensburgh Gaelic Group are an informal adult Gaelic conversation group Learners are very welcome It consists of a number of native speakers and learners at various stages The essence of the group is having fun learning and speaking Gaelic

Location: Helensburgh Parish Church Hall, 25 Colquhoun Square, Helensburgh G84 8UP

When meets: Tuesday afternoons 2:00-4:00pm

Who to contact: Alasdair MacCuish 01389 841580 / 07962 100356 alasdair.maccuish@hotmail.co.uk

Ionad G脿idhlig Furan - Furan Gaelic Centre

Cearcall C貌mhraidh/Gaelic Conversation Group 鈥 Disathairne 12f-1.30f/Saturdays 12pm-1.30pm

Cearcall c貌mhraidh neo-fhoirmeil airson inbhich aig gach 矛re fileantais. 

A conversation group for adults with all levels of fluency

Cofaidh is Cabadaich le D霉n Ollaidh air Zoom/Coffee and Gaelic Chat with Dunollie House on Zoom 

Seisean c貌mhraidh neo-fhoirmeil airson inbhich air a鈥 chiad Dhiardaoin den mh矛os 1.30f-3f.

An informal Gaelic conversation group for adults on the 1st Thursday of the month 1.30pm-3pm

Cofaidh is Cabadaich air an L猫anag le D霉n Ollaidh/Coffee and Gaelic Chat on the Dunollie House terrace 

Seisean c貌mhraidh aghaidh-ri-aghaidh air an treasamh Dim脿irt den mh矛os 11m-12.30f.

A face-to-face Gaelic conversation group on the 3rd Tuesday of the month 11am-12.30pm.

Tighnabruaich Gaelic Group

Find out more:

Cr貌ileagan 鈥 Playgroup

Ionad Chaluim Chille 脤le - Islay Gaelic Centre

Find out more:


贵猫颈蝉 na h-Apainne

Tha f脿ilte ron a h-uile duine! Bidh sinn a鈥 coinneachadh uair sa mh矛os agus a鈥 l矛bhrigeadh chlasaichean ann an ce貌l is G脿idhlig airson gach aois.

Everybody's welcome! We meet once a month and deliver classes in music and Gaelic for all ages.

Location: Strath of Appin Primary School, Appin, PA38 4BG

When meets: monthly

Format: In person

Who to contact: feisnahapainne@gmail.com

Find out more:;

贵猫颈蝉 Latharna

贵猫颈蝉 Latharna run music classes in Oban in fiddle, accordion, chanter, guitar and clarsach.  Classes are aimed at young people aged 8 to 18.

Annually we also deliver an Easter week of classes in Oban, attracting over 100 young people and incorporating community sessions as well as a finale concert.

Location: Oban

When meets: weekly on Saturdays (term time)

Format: In person and online

Who to contact: mail@feislatharna.org

Find out more:

Co-Roinn Gh脿idhlig - Gaelic Partnerships

Co-Roinn Gh脿idhlig Mhuile agus Idhe - Mull & Iona Gaelic Partnership

For all ages. We currently offer online Gaelic classes.  We plan to have our Gaelic conversation classes up and Gaelic youth forum (An Comann 脪igridh) up and running again soon. We have organised Gaelic place-names workshops and Gaelic drama workshops, as well as online ceilidhs. Proper ceilidhs are also in our plan to make happen.

Location: All our events take place on Mull and Iona.

When meets: Different dates for different events.

Format: In person and online

Who to contact: coroinnmhuile.idhe@gmail.com

Find out more:;  @coroinnmhuile_idhe

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