The list below summarises the most recent planning decisions reached by the Council’s Planning, Protective ߣsirÊÓƵ and Licensing Committee (PPSL). Details of the applications can be accessed via as well as the details of the .
22nd January 2025
- Change of use of land to vehicle parking/storage, including laying of hardcore, erection of boundary wall and formation of access (part retrospective) at Land West Of BT Telephone Exchange, Garelochhead. Continued for a pre determination Hearing.
18th December 2024
- Section 36 Consultation For Erection Of 13 Turbines With A Maximum Height Of 180m, And Ancillary Infrastructure, Including A Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) At Land Approximately 4.7 Km North Of Inveraray. Agreed not to object as per recommendation.
20th November 2024
- Section 36 Consultation For Erection Of 13 Turbines With A Maximum Height Of 180m, And Ancillary Infrastructure, Including A Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) At Land Approximately 4.7 Km North Of Inveraray. Continued to December PPLS committee to allow the windfarm developer to respond to noise consultation.
- Change of Use from scrap yard (Sui Generis) and to Class 5 to create a new commercial garage at Land Behind Viewfield Main Road Cardross. Approved as per recommendation.
- Erection Of Dry Storage Shed Within Existing Yard, Formation Of New Access Route From Watson Place, Erection Of Perimeter Fencing And Change Of Use Of Land To Extend Existing Yard (Part Retrospective) At 22A Wyndham Road, Rothesay, Isle Of Bute. Approved as per recommendation.
- Change of Use of Land to vehicle parking/storage, including laying of hardcore, erection of boundary wall and formation of access (part-retrospective) at Land West Of BT Telephone Exchange, Garelochhead. Continued for competent motion.
23rd October 2024
- Torloisk Estate: Conversion And Extension Of Stone Barn To Form Dwellinghouse, Installation Of Septic Tank And Formation Of Vehicular Access: Land West Of Lagganulva Farm, Ulva Ferry, Isle Of Mull. Approved as per recommendation.
- Ylem Energy Ltd: Construction And Operation Of A Battery Energy Storage System (Bess) With Ancillary Infrastructure: Ardencaple Farm, Rhu, Helensburgh
- Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission Plc: Section 42 Application For Removal Of Condition 11 Relative To Planning Permission Reference 22/00782/Pp (To Construct And Operate A 132/275 Kilovolt (Kv) Gis Substation And Associated Infrastructure That Will Connect The Existing 132 Kv Overhead Line (Ohl) From Taynuilt To Inveraray To A Proposed 275 Kv Ohl To Dalmally: Land Approximately 2.5 Km Southwest Of Cladich.
- Masterplan Report: Dunoon & Kilbride Hill Strategic Masterplan. Agreed to endorse the Masterplan which will now become a material consideration in the determination of future planning applications.
- Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission Plc: Section 42 Application For Variation Of Condition 7 Relative To Planning Permission Reference 23/00382/Pp (Erection Of High Voltage Electricity Substation And Formation Of Associated Access, Landscaping, Drainage And Means Of Enclosure And Platform Extension): Land Adjacent To Crossaig Sub Station, Skipness. Approved as per recommendation.
18th September 2024
– Beaton And Mcmurchy Architects Ltd: Site For The Erection Of Dwellinghouse: Land North Of Lynburn, Rowan Road, Oban. Approved as per recommendation subject to conditions and legal agreement.
- Torloisk Estate: Conversion And Extension Of Stone Barn To Form Dwellinghouse, Installation Of Septic Tank And Formation Of Vehicular Access: Land West Of Lagganulva Farm, Ulva Ferry, Isle Of Mull. Continued.
- Bakkafrost Scotland Ltd: Formation Of Fish Farm (Atlantic Salmon) Incorporating 8 X 160m Circumference Circular Cages And Siting Of Feed Barge: West Of Isle Of Gigha. Continued for a pre determination Hearing.
- Fyne Homes: Erection Of Eight Affordable Dwellinghouses And Formation Of Vehicular Accesses: Vacant Land At Junction Of Ballochgoy Road And Blain Terrace, Rothesay, Isle Of Bute. Approved as per recommendation subject to conditions.
- Ms Liz Maxwell: Demolition Of Existing Dwellinghouse And Erection Of Replacement Dwellinghouse And Associated Works: Comraich, Mannal, Isle Of Tiree. Approved as per recommendation subject to conditions.
21st August 2024
– Rockhill Farm Ltd: Proposed Redevelopment Of Barn And Farmhouse To Form Self-Catering Tourist Accommodation Together With Erection Of Self-Catering Tourist Accommodation (3 Units), Installation Of Floating Jetty, Landscaping And Associated Infrastructure Works: Rockhill, Ardbrecknish, Dalmally. Approved as per recommendation.
- Cala Management Limited: Approval Of Matters Specified In Conditions 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16 And 17 Of Consent 18/01444/Pp (Ppa-130-2071): Erection Of Residential Development With Associated Access, Infrastructure, Open Space, Landscaping And Miscellaneous Works: Land North Of Cardross Primary School, Barrs Road, Cardross. Application refused.
- Torloisk Estate: Conversion And Extension Of Stone Barn To Form Dwellinghouse, Installation Of Septic Tank And Formation Of Vehicular Access: Land West Of Lagganulva Farm, Ulva Ferry, Isle Of Mull. Agreed as per recommendation.
- Mrs Helen Tomolillo: Change Of Use Of Former Church To Form Dwellinghouse, Formation Of Vehicular Access And Driveway, Erection Of Garage/Carport, Formation Of Opening In Boundary Wall To Provide Pedestrian Access And Associated Works: Kilmichael Glassary Parish Church. Refused as per recommendation.
- Mrs Helen Tomolillo: External And Internal Alterations To Former Church To Form Dwellinghouse Including Formation Of Opening In Boundary Wall To Provide Pedestrian Access And Associated Works: Kilmichael Glassary Parish Church. Approved with additional condition.
- Link Group Ltd: Proposal Of Application Notice For Mixed Use Development Comprising Retail Units (Class 1); Financial, Professional & Other ߣsirÊÓƵ Units (Class 2); Food & Drink Units (Class 3) Including Drive Throughs, Hot Food Takeaways & Public House; Business Units (Class 4) Including Offices And Light Industry; Storage & Distribution Units (Class 6); Hotel (Class 7); Residential Development (Dunbeg Phase 4) (Class 9 Houses & Sui Generis Flats) Incl. Social Housing, Private Housing, Student Accommodation & Retirement Accommodation With Shared Community Space, Assembly & Leisure (Class 11); Site For Park & Ride Facility; Ev Charging Points; New Roundabout On A85, Distributor Road & Other Roads, Parking & Servicing Areas; Ground Remodelling; Above & Below Ground Infrastructure Including Suds; Open Space & Landscaping Including Biodiversity Enhancement; Modification To Core Path Network; Peat Management & Restoration: Land West Of Dunstaffnage Mains Farm, Dunbeg. DM to advise applicant of Member comments.
- Link Group Ltd: Proposal Of Application Notice For Proposed Mixed Use Development Comprising Retail Units (Class 1); Residential Development (Dunbeg Phase 4) (Class 9 Houses And Sui Generis Flats) Including Social Housing, Private Housing, Student Accommodation And Retirement Accommodation With Shared Community Space, Assembly And Leisure (Class 11); Ev Charging Points; New Roundabout On A85, Distributor Road And Other Roads, Parking And Servicing Areas; Ground Remodelling; Above Ground And Below Ground Infrastructure Including Suds; Open Space And Landscaping Including Biodiversity Enhancement; Modification To Core Path Network; And Peat Management And Restoration: Land West Of Dunstaffnage Mains Farm, Dunbeg. Contents Noted.
- Link Group Ltd: Proposal Of Application Notice For Mixed Use Development Comprising Retail Units (Class 1); Financial, Professional And Other ߣsirÊÓƵ Units (Class 2); Food And Drink Units (Class 3) Including Drive Throughs, Hot Food Takeaways And Public House; Business Units (Class 4) Including Offices And Light Industry; Storage And Distribution Units (Class 6); Hotel (Class 7); Site For Park And Ride Facility; Ev Charging Points; New Roundabout On A85, Distributor Road And Other Roads, Parking And Servicing Areas; Ground Remodelling; Above Ground And Below Ground Infrastructure Including Suds; Open Space And Landscaping Including Biodiversity Enhancement; Modification To Core Path Network; And Peat Management And Restoration: Land West Of Dunstaffnage Mains Farm, Dunbeg. Contents Noted.
- Taylor Wimpey: Proposal Of Application Notice For Residential Development To Include Access, Roads, Open Space, Landscaping, Drainage And Other Associated Works: Land At Geilston Farm, Cardross Road/A814, Cardross. DM to advise applicant of Member comments.
19th June 2024
– Conversion And Extension Of Stone Barn To Form Dwellinghouse, Installation Of Septic Tank And Formation Of Vehicular Access: Land West Of Lagganulva Farm, Ulva Ferry, Isle Of Mull. Continued to next meeting.
&²Ô²ú²õ±è;–&²Ô²ú²õ±è;Erection Of Dwellinghouse And Detached Garage, Upgrade Of Existing Access And Installation Of Septic Tank With Associated Infiltration System: Leananmor, Muasdale. Approved as per recommendation.
- Erection Of Dwellinghouse And Formation Of Vehicular Access: Garden Ground Of 47 Campbell Street, Helensburgh. Approved as per recommendation.
- Erection Of 6 Dwellinghouses And Installation Of 2 Septic Tanks: Land South East Of Inverbhreach Cottages, Barcaldine. Approved as per recommendation.
- Proposal Of Application Notice For Proposed Whisky Distillery Together With Visitor Facilities, Water Abstraction, Long Sea Outfall, Road Improvement Works And All Associated Infrastructure: Land At Gartbreck Farm, Moss Road, Bowmore, Isle Of Islay. Contents Noted.
22nd May 2024
– Conversion And Extension Of Stone Barn To Form Dwellinghouse, Installation Of Septic Tank And Formation Of Vehicular Access: Land West Of Lagganulva Farm, Ulva Ferry, Isle Of Mull. Continued to next meeting.
&²Ô²ú²õ±è;–&²Ô²ú²õ±è;Section 36 Consultation For Erection Of 13 Turbines Each Up To A Maximum Of 180 Metres In Height To Blade Tip: Land Approximately 6km North West Of Inveraray And 4.5km East Of Dalavich. Agreed to object to this application unless the mitigation specified in the recommendation is adhered to, to the satisfaction of the Council.
- Erection Of Dwellinghouse And Formation Of New Vehicular Access: Land Between Lagarie Lodge And Lagarie House, Torwoodhill Road, Rhu. Approved as per recommendation.
- Formation Of New Vehicular Access Through The Existing Stone Wall: Land Between Lagarie Lodge And Lagarie House, Torwoodhill Road, Rhu. Approved as per recommendation.
- Electricity Act Section 36 Consultation Relevant To Breakerie Wind Farm: Land Approximately 8km South West Of Campbeltown. Members agreed to object to the application.
- Proposal Of Application Notice For The Erection Of 639 Single Accommodation Units (Slu) For Military Personnel With Associated Service Access Road And Engineering/Infrastructure Works: Hm Naval Base Clyde, Faslane, Helensburgh. DM to advise applicant of Member comments.
- Proposal Of Application Notice For Harvesting Of Peat Moss For Use In Malt Whisky Production And Restoration Of Previously Drained Sites: Land At Laggan Moss, Bowmore, Isle Of Islay. DM to advise applicant of Member comments.
20th March 2024
– Cala Management Limited: Approval Of Matters Specified In Conditions 2, 3 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16 And 17 Of Consent 18/01444/PP (PPA-130-2071): Erection Of Residential Development With Associated Access, Infrastructure, Open Space, Landscaping And Miscellaneous Works: Land North Of Cardross Primary School, Barrs Road, Cardross. Continued for a pre determination Hearing.
- Mr Harvey Lee: Alterations (Including Removal Of UPVC Windows And Installation Of New Timber Sash And Case Windows) And Change Of Use Of Hotel To Form Three Studios And Six Apartments For Use As Short-Term Holiday Letting Units: Bute House Guest House, 4 West Princes Street, Rothesay, Isle Of Bute, PA20 9AF. Approved as per recommendation.
- Proposal Of Application Notice For Proposed Battery Energy Storage System And Associated Infrastructure: Land Adjacent To Sse Taynuilt Substation, Taynuilt. Instructed officers to advise the applicant of feedback from the PPSL Committee.
21st February 2024
–&²Ô²ú²õ±è;Erection of café with associated landscaping including a viewpoint, seating, interpretive sign and play park: Land West Of Inverlusragan, Connel. Following the Hearing in Oban the application was refused as per officer recommendation.
–&²Ô²ú²õ±è;Site for the erection of 10 dwellinghouses (as amended 23.09.22): land north of achnagaradh, Craighouse, Isle Of Jura. Approved as per officer recommendation.
- Site for the erection of dwellinghouse. Land North Of Lynburn, Rowan Road, Oban. Approved as per officer recommendation.
- Alterations and extension, sub-division of existing maisonette at first floor to form self-contained 2 bedroom flat at first floor and 3 bedroom flat at second floor, repair and replacement of existing roof. Flat 1, 11 Battery Place, Rothesay. Approved as per officer recommendation.
- Formation of vehicular access, formation of parking space and removal of wall and gate. 4a Argyle Place, Rothesay, Isle Of Bute. Approved as per officer recommendation.
20th December 2023
- Detailed planning application for the erection of residential development comprising 97 residential units and a commercial unit with all associated external works and landscaping at Land North West Of Isle Of Mull Hotel, Craignure, Isle Of Mull. Approved as per recommendation.
- Partial change of use of flat to form teaching facilities at 3 Woodstone Court, Pier Road, Rhu. Refused as per recommendation.
- Renewal of planning permission in principal reference 18/02720/PPP - (Site for proposed residential development). Site At Lonan Drive, Oban. Approved as per recommendation.
- Vary the Section 36 consent to construct and operate a wind farm at Blarghour - Increase the maximum tip height of the turbines from 136.5m to 180m and reduce the number of turbines from 17 to 14. Blarghour Wind Farm, Land 7km North West Of Inveraray And 4.5km South Of Portsonachan, Inveraray. Agreed not to object, but instructed officers to advise the Scottish Government that they continue to have concerns about the consented scheme.
- Formation of earthbank slurry lagoon and associated works at Land At West Drumlemble Farm, West Of Rowan Tree Cottage, Drumlemble. Approved as per recommendation.
- Proposal of Application Notice for harvesting of peat for use in the production of malt whisky in a manner that causes the least environmental impact, together with and restoration of previously drained and worked area within the site. Glenmachrie Peat Moss, Port Ellen, Isle Of Islay. Instructed officers to advise the applicant of feedback from the PPSL Committee.
- Proposal of application notice for the harvesting of peat for use in the production of malt whisky in a manner that causes the least environmental impact, together with restoration of previously drained and worked areas within the site. Ballivicar Peat Moss, Near Port Ellen, Isle Of Islay. Instructed officers to advise the applicant of feedback from the PPSL Committee.
22nd November 2023
- Site for the erection of dwellinghouse at Land West Of Ruanda Shore Road, Peaton, Helensburgh. Refused as per recommendation.
- Demolition of existing buildings and erection of new church/community building with associated landscaping works at Oban Baptist Church, Albany Street, Oban. Approved as per recommendation.
- Formation of earthbank slurry lagoon and associated works at Land At West Drumlemble Farm, West Of Rowan Tree Cottage, Drumlemble, Campbeltown. Continued for provision of further information.
18th October 2023
- Alterations and extensions at 4 West Lennox Drive, Helensburgh. Continued for a pre determination Hearing.
20th September 2023
- Erection Of Café With Associated Landscaping Including A Viewpoint, Seating, Interpretive Sign And Play Park: Land West Of Inverlusragan, Connel. Agreed to continue for a hybrid hearing and site visit.
- Erection Of Dwellinghouse, Formation Of Vehicular Access And Associated Works: Garden Ground Of Torwood House, Torwoodhill Road, Rhu, Helensburgh. Approved as per recommendation.
- Proposal Of Application Notice For Installation Of 50mw Battery Energy Storage System To Balance The Electricity Network And Facilitate Renewable Energy Deployment: Ardencaple Farm, Rhu, Helensburgh. DM to advise applicant of member Comments.
- Proposal Of Application Notice For The Installation And Operation Of Lurignish Fish Farm And Associated Infrastructure: Lurignish Fish Farm, Land Adjacent To Lurignish Farm, Appin. DM to advise applicant of Member comments.
23rd August 2023
- Demolition Of Existing Conservatory, Erection Of Rear Extension, Erection Of Front Porch And Alterations To Principal Elevation: Strathmore, Drumlemble, Campbeltown. Approved as per recommendation.
26th June 2023
- Holidays Direct Marketing: Change Of Use Of Land For The Siting Of 10 Holiday Pods, Formation Of Vehicular Access And Parking, Installation Of Sewage Treatment Plant And Associated Landscaping: Land Between Achnakeep And Schoolhouse Cottage, Portsonachan. Approved as per recommendation.
- Mr Colin Campbell: Erection Of Decking And Fencing (Retrospective): 3 Academy Terrace, Academy Road, Rothesay, Isle Of Bute. Refused as per recommendation.
- Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission Plc: To Construct And Operate A 275 Kilovolt (Kv) Electricity Substation And Associated Infrastructure. The Works Will Comprise Cut And Fill To Tie The Platform Into The Existing Ground Level Landscaping, Sustainable Drainage Systems (Suds) Basins, New Permanent Access And Upgrades To Existing Tracks: Land Approx 1.6 Km North West Of Minard And Upslope Of The Existing Crarae Substation, Minard. Approved as per recommendation.
- Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission Plc: Erection Of High Voltage Electricity Substation And Formation Of Associated Access, Landscaping, Drainage And Means Of Enclosure (Craig Murrail) Substation): Achnabreck Forest - Land Approximately 2.5 Km North East Of Lochgilphead And 4 Km South West Of Loch Glashan, Lochgilphead. Approved as per recommendation.
- Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission Plc: Erection Of High Voltage Electricity Substation And Formation Of Associated Access, Landscaping, Drainage And Means Of Enclosure (Crossaig (North) Substation): Land Adjacent To Crossaig Substation, Skipness. Approved as per recommendation.
- Mr D Higgins: Erection Of Dwellinghouse, Formation Of Vehicular Access And Associated Works: Garden Ground Of Torwood House, Torwoodhill Road, Rhu, Helensburgh. Agreed as per recommendation to continue
24th May 2023
- Mowi Scotland Ltd: Formation Of Fish Farm (Atlantic Salmon) Incorporating Twelve 120m Circumference Circular Cages And Siting Of Feed Barge: North Kilbrannan Fish Farm, North Of Cour Bay, Kilbrannan Sound, East Kintyre. Agreed to continue for a Site visit and Hybrid Hearing to be held at Kilmory.
- Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission Plc: Erection Of High Voltage Electricity substation And Formation Of Associated Access, Landscaping, Drainage And Means Of Enclosure: Approximately 4km South West Of Inveraray, 300m West Of Douglas Water And Upslope Of The Existing An Suidhe Substation, Inveraray. Approved as per recommendation.
- Cala Management Limited: Variation Of Condition 2 Relative To Planning Permission In Principle Reference 18/01444/PP (PP-130- 2071) - Amendment To Wording Of Condition 2 In Relation To Finished Floor Levels: Land North Of Cardross Primary School, Barrs Road, Cardross. Approved as per recommendation.
19th April 2023
- Electricity Act Section 36 consultation relevant to Earraghail Renewable Energy Development on Land South of Tarbert and North of Skipness. Members agreed to object as per officer recommendation.Approved as per recommendation.
22nd March 2023
- Mr Graham Wylie: Variation Of Condition Numbers 3, 4, 5 And 6 And Removal Of Conditions 7 And 8 Relative To Planning Permission 20/01150/Pp (Erection Of Dwellinghouse). Access Arrangements: Rhu Lodge, Ferry Road, Rhu, Helensburgh. Approved as per recommendation.
-The Scottish Government On Behalf Of Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission Plc: Construction Of Approximately 13.3 Km Of 275 Kv Overhead Line (Ohl) From Between A Proposed Substation At Creag Dhubh To The Existing Scottish Power Energy Networks (Spen) 275 Kv Ohl That Runs From Dalmally To Inverarnan: Land South Of Dalmally And East Of Cladich. Members took the decision to maintain their objection to the proposal.
15th February 2023
- Land to the rear of Lochewe and Ardlanish, Kilcreggan, Helensburgh. Approved as per recommendation.
- Mr Graham Wylie: variation of conditions 3, 4, 5 and 6 and removal of conditions 7 and 8 relative to planning permission 20/01150/pp (erection of dwellinghouse). access arrangements: Rhu Lodge, Ferry Road, Rhu, Helensburgh. Continued to March PPSL committee.
- The Scottish Government on behalf of Energiekontor uk ltd: electricity act section 36 consultation relevant to Rowan Wind Farm: land approximately 4.5km north west of Tarbert, ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute. Continue to object as per recommendation.
- Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission plc: to construct and operate a 132/275 kilovolt (kv) gis substation and associated infrastructure that will connect the existing 132 kv overhead line (OHL) from Taynuilt to Inveraray to a proposed 275 kv OHL to Dalmally. the works will comprise cut and fill to tie the platform into the existing ground level, landscaping, sustainable drainage systems (suds) basins, new permanent access and upgrades to existing tracks: land approximately 2.5 km south west of Cladich. Approved as per recommendation.
– the Scottish Government on behalf of Drax Cruachan Expansion Limited: electricity act section 36 consultation relevant to construction and operation of new underground power station and associated infrastructure adjacent to Cruachan 1 to provide up to 600 megawatts (mw) of additional new generating capacity: Cruachan Power Station, Lochawe, Dalmally.Agree to object unless recommended conditions are applied as per recommendation.
18th January 2023
- Variation Of Condition Numbers 3, 4, 5 And 6 And Removal Of Conditions 7 And 8 Relative To Planning Permission 20/01150/PP (Erection Of Dwellinghouse). Access Arrangements: Rhu Lodge, Ferry Road, Rhu, Helensburgh. Continued to February PPSL to allow the applicant to respond to the latest supplementary report.
- Electricity Act Section 36 Consultation Relevant To Clachaig Glen Wind Farm And Battery Storage: Approximately 20km North Of Campbeltown And 1.8km North-East Of Muasdale On The West Coast Of Kintyre. Agreed to object as per recommendation.
23rd November 2022
- Variation Of Condition Numbers 3, 4, 5 And 6 And Removal Of Conditions 7 And 8 Relative To Planning Permission 20/01150/PP (Erection Of Dwellinghouse). Access Arrangements: Rhu Lodge, Ferry Road, Rhu, Helensburgh. Continued for a site visit with officers before being returned to a future PPSL committee for a decision.
- Gearach Limited: Erection Of Distillery And Visitor Centre, With Associated And Ancillary Development Including Support Warehousing Buildings, Installation Of Sewage Treatment Plant, Two Solar Panel Sites And Formation Of Accesses: Gearch Farm (Ili Distillery), Port Charlotte, Isle Of Islay. Approved as per recommendation.
- Mr J Lafferty: Erection Of New Detached Dwelling: 47 Campbell Street, Helensburgh. Refused as per recommendation.
- ߣsirÊÓƵ Community Housing Association: Demolition Of Five Tenement Blocks Comprising 46 Flats: Block A 19-9e John Street, Block C (1-5 Dalintober And 24-26 High Street), John Street, Prince's Street And High Street, Campbeltown. Contents noted.
29th September 2022
- Demolition Of Detached Dwellinghouse, Erection Of 3 Detached Dwellinghouses And Formation Of Vehicular Access: Peat Knowe, Back Road, Clynder, Helensburgh. Approved as per officer recommendation.
- Erection Of Buildings To Facilitate Residential Staff Accommodation With Associated Access And Parking Arrangements: Land North East Of Coastguard Station, Craighouse, Isle Of Jura. Application continued for discretionary public hearing on Jura with site visit.
- Use Of Entire Ground Floor Premises As Food And Drink Establishment (Class 3) And Use Of North Eastern Part As An Ancillary Space For Events (Class 10): Five West, Royal Buildings, Tighnabruaich. Approved as per officer recommendation.
- Demolition Of Five Tenement Blocks Comprising 46 Flats: Block A 19-9e John Street, Block C (1-5 Dalintober And 24-26 High Street), John Street, Prince's Street And High Street, Campbeltown. Intent to approve listed building consent subject to notification to Scottish Ministers agreed as per officer recommendation.
- Electricity Act Section 36 Consultation Relevant To Rowan Wind Farm: Land Approximately 4.5km North West Of Tarbert, ߣsirÊÓƵ & Bute. Response agreed as per officer recommendation.
- Construction Of Approximately 13.3 Km Of 275kv Over Head Line (Ohl) From Between A Proposed Substation At Creag Dhubh To The Existing Scottish Power Energy Networks (Spen) 275 Kv Ohl That Runs From Dalmally To Inverarnan: Land South Of Damally And East Of Cladich. Response agreed as per officer recommendation.
- Proposal Of Application Notice For Formation Of Access Tracks/Arrangements Relating To Refurbishment Works On Existing 33kv Overhead Lines: Land Between Sloy Switching Station And Glenmallan. Contents noted.
- Proposal Of Application Notice For Proposed Timber Loading Facility: Land North Of Bunnahabhain, Isle Of Islay. Contents noted.
17th August 2022
- Erection of storage shed (part retrospective), Plot 1, Nant Park, Taynuilt, ߣsirÊÓƵ And Bute. Item withdrawn prior to meeting.
- Relocation and enlargement of existing marine fish farm (currently comprising; 8 No. 100 metre circumference cages) by re-equipment with 14 No. 120 metre circumference cages and extension of mooring grid from 60 metres to 75 metres to accommodate the additional pens. Increase in biomass from 1198 tonnes to 2070 tonnes. Ardyne Fish Farm, Loch Striven, ߣsirÊÓƵ And Bute. Approved as per recommendation.
- Demolition of detached dwellinghouse, erection of 3 detached dwellinghouses and formation of vehicular access. Peat Knowe, Back Road, Clynder, Helensburgh, ߣsirÊÓƵ And Bute, G84 0QF. Continued as per recommendation.
- Alterations to roofs to create steeper pitch. 1-7 Kilbowie Shore, Gallanach Road, Oban, ߣsirÊÓƵ And Bute. Approved as per recommendation.
- Application for discharge of Section 75 obligation relative to Planning Permission reference 97/01526/DET. Melda House, Kilfinan, Tighnabruaich, ߣsirÊÓƵ And Bute, PA21 2ER. Approved as per recommendation.
22nd June 2022
- Modification of fin fish farm (Atlantic Salmon) from 9 x 80m circumference cages to 14 x 100m circumference cages, including increasing biomass to 2350 tonnes and installation of replacement feed barge. Dunstaffnage Fish Farm, North Of Ganavan Hill, Dunbeg. Application approved as per recommendation but with amendment to Condition 13.
- Erection of 3 dwellinghouses and 2 flats. Installation of air source heat pumps, formation of access and parking arrangements and associated landscaping, Field Adjacent To Playpark, Isle Of Gigha. Approved as per recommendation.
- Demolition of detached dwellinghouse, erection of 3 detached dwellinghouses and formation of vehicular access, Peat Knowe, Back Road, Clynder, Helensburgh. Application continued.
20th April 2022
- Erection of new community hub to replace the former pavilion, relocation of play area, new road and parking, increased motorhome parking, construction of new toilet/shower block, addition of storage containers and temporary change of use to facilitate hot food takeaway van. Unanimously approved by PPSL at their discretionary public hearing.
- S36 consultation for proposed windfarm at Narachan Hill, Land East Of Tayinloan. Agreed to recommendation not to object by a 7/3 vote.
- Erection of replacement fence and decking, erection of 2 wood stores and siting of storage box (retrospective) at 5 Ardencraig Chalet, Ardencraig Road, Rothesay.Approved as per recommendation.
- Erection of detached garden room ancillary to dwellinghouse at Eilean Da Mheinn, Harbour Island, Crinan. Members agreed to continue for a site visit in advance of a Hearing.
- Site for the erection of dwellinghouse, 3 holiday cabins and ancillary building at land adjacent to Braeside, Portnahaven, Isle of Islay.Refused as per recommendation.
- Erection of dwellinghouse, formation of vehicular access and installation of a private wastewater treatment plant at land north of Ardminish, Isle of Gigha. Approved as per recommendation.
- Proposal of Application Notice for demolition of existing lodge and farm buildings, erection of new replacement guest lodge and new guest steading accommodation, walled garden, ancillary buildings, landscape, access (main road junction improvements, upgrade to existing estate track and lodge gates), paths and all associated service, surface and foul drainage and energy infrastructure at Auch Lodge, Bridge of Orchy. DM to pass on comments to applicant.
24th March 2022
- Erection of new community hub to replace the former pavilion, relocation of play area, new road and parking, increased motorhome parking, construction of new toilet/shower block, addition of storage containers and temporary change of use to facilitate hot food takeaway van. Unanimously approved by PPSL at their discretionary public hearing.
23rd March 2022
- Erection of Dwellinghouse, Land S. of Caolside, Lady Ileene Road, Tarbert. Approved as per recommendation
23rd February 2022
- Alterations and sub division of 1 flat into 2 flats at 5 Polfearn House Taynuilt. Approved subject to referral to Scottish Government due to SEPA objection.
- Subdivision of 4 bedroom flat into 2no. 2 bedroom flats at Flat 2/1 14 Soroba Road, Oban. Approved subject to referral to Scottish Government due to SEPA objection.
- Construction of wind farm comprising of 9 wind turbines (maximum blade tip height 145m), formation of 5.6km new access track, erection of substation building, welfare building, temporary construction compound and 2 borrow pits Creag Dhubh Windfarm Creag Dubh North East Of Strachur Village. Refused as per recommendation.
- Erection of new community hub to replace the former pavilion, relocation of play area, new road and parking, increased motorhome parking, construction of new toilet/shower block, addition of storage containers and change of use to facilitate hot food takeaway van at Port Ellen Playing Fields Land Adjacent To Filling Station, Charlotte Street, Port Ellen, Isle Of Islay. Agreed to a virtual Hearing without a site visit.
- Replacement of roof covering, installation of Solar PV panels and formation of new door with pitched roof on single storey part of Public House and change of use of land to rear to form outdoor seating area with associated gabion basket retaining wall and fence at 33-34 Marine Road Port Bannatyne, Isle Of Bute. Approved as per recommendation.
- Change of use of land for siting of timber Ark sculpture (retrospective) at Land To The North West Of Coill Beag Woodland, Tighnabruaich. Approved as per recommendation.
17th November 2021
- Conversion of front room window opening to form front door opening with sidelight, installation of external spiral staircase to allow access to and from the balcony and the garden. Demolition of greenhouse and shed and erection of replacement timber shed and garage at 9 Craignethan, Rothesay, Isle Of Bute. Approved as per recommendation.
- Formation of vehicular access with gate and parking area (part retrospective) at 17 – 19 West Clyde Street, Helensburgh. Approved as per recommendation.
- Formation of vehicular access with gate and parking area (part retrospective) at 17 – 19 West Clyde Street, Helensburgh. Approved as per recommendation.
- Installation of 3 replacement windows (retrospective) at Flat 1/3, 4 Dean Hood Place, Rothesay. Refused as per recommendation.
- Erection of whisky maturation warehouses and associated works at Ardnahoe Distillery, Port Askaig, Isle of Islay. Approved subject to dates on condition no.1 being corrected and condition 3 being amended from 75% to 25%.
- Scottish hydro electric transmission plc: proposal of application notices for the erection of four no. electricity substations. all comprising platform area, control building, associated plant and infrastructure, ancillary facilities, access track(s), laydown area(s) and landscape works. Crossaig North Sub-Station, Skipness. No comments other than being supportive of the applicant with regard to the responsive approach they are taking to consultation.
- Scottish hydro electric transmission plc: proposal of application notices for the erection of four no. electricity substations. all comprising platform area, control building, associated plant and infrastructure, ancillary facilities, access track(s), laydown area(s) and landscape works.Craig Murrail, Land, North East Of Auchoish, Achnabreck Forest, Lochgilphead. No comments other than being supportive of the applicant with regard to the responsive approach they are taking to consultation.
- Scottish hydro electric transmission plc: proposal of application notices for the erection of four no. electricity substations. all comprising platform area, control building, associated plant and infrastructure, ancillary facilities, access track(s), laydown area(s) and landscape works.Crarae Sub-Station, North West Of Strone Farm, Minard. No comments other than being supportive of the applicant with regard to the responsive approach they are taking to consultation.
- Scottish hydro electric transmission plc: proposal of application notices for the erection of four no. electricity substations. all comprising platform area, control building, associated plant and infrastructure, ancillary facilities, access track(s), laydown area(s) and landscape works. An Suidhe Substation, Land North West Of Achnagoul, Inveraray. No comments other than being supportive of the applicant with regard to the responsive approach they are taking to consultation.
- Proposal of application notice for the construction of a battery storage facility up to 50MW, access track, energy storage equipment, meter building, security cameras, fencing and planting of trees at Land South Of Auchnasavil Farm, Carradale, Campbeltown. No comments
20th October 2021
- Change of use of vacant land to form residential garden ground (retrospective) at Cairnview Baluachrach, Tarbert. Refused as per recommendation.
- Erection of whisky maturation warehouses and associated works at Ardnahoe Distillery, Port Askaig, Isle of Islay. Continued as per recommendation in supplementary report.
– Change of use of land for siting of 4 shipping containers at ߣsirÊÓƵ Arms Hotel, Southend. Approved as pre recommendation.
- Alterations, erection of single storey rear extension, installation of external flue and change of use of flower shop (Class 1) to takeaway premises (Sui-Generis) at 25 Lochnell Street, Lochgilphead. Approved as per recommendation.
- Formation of vehicular access with gate and parking area (part retrospective) at 17 – 19 West Clyde Street, Helensburgh. Continued to the next committee to allow for a roads officer to attend and answer questions.
- Formation of vehicular access with gate and parking area (part retrospective) at 17 – 19 West Clyde Street, Helensburgh. Continued to the next committee as related to item above.
- Installation of up to 14 wind turbines and associated ancillary infrastructure with tip heights of up to 180 metres and an installed capacity of more than 20MW at Glasvaar Land At Sidh Mor South Of Lochan Anama And North West Of A-Chruach Wind Farm. Recommendation agreed.
22nd September 2021
- Temporary change of use of dwellinghouse and curtilage to wildlife rescue centre (retrospective) at 19 Lochan Avenue, Dunoon. Continued to a site visit and hearing.
- Change of Use from (class 9) residential to (sui generis) exclusive-use visitor accommodation (retrospective) at Invergare House, Glenarn Road, Rhu. Refused as per recommendation.
- Internal alterations, installation of replacement windows and replacement lead works to roof at Invergare House, Glenarn Road, Rhu. Approved as per recommendation.
- Proposal of Application Notice for residential development (Dunbeg Phase 4) (Class 9) including site for community facilities, site for new primary school, new roads and parking, ground re-modelling, above ground and below ground infrastructure, open space and landscaping at Land West Of Dunbeg, Oban. DM to pass on comments to applicant.
- Proposal of Application Notice for mixed use development comprising: retail (Class 1); financial professional and other services (Class 2); food and drink (Class 3); business (Class 4); hotel (Class 7); residential development (Dunbeg Phase 4) (Class 9); non-residential institutions (Class 10) assembly and leisure (Class 11); public house; takeaways; site for community facilities; site for new primary school; new roundabout on A85; roads and parking; ground remodelling; above ground and below ground infrastructure; open space and landscaping at Land West Of Dunbeg, Oban. DM to pass on comments to applicant.
- Proposal of Application Notice for mixed use development comprising; retail (Class 1 food and non-food); financial, professional and other services (Class 2); food and drink (Class 3); business (Class 4); hotel (Class 7); non residential institutions (Class 10); assembly and leisure (Class 11); public house; takeaways; roads and parking; ground remodelling; above ground and below ground infrastructure; open space and landscaping at Land West Of Dunbeg, Oban. DM to pass on comments to applicant.
- Proposal of Application Notice for a proposed distillery and visitor centre. Associated and ancillary development to include; distillery, warehouse buildings, services and hardstanding areas, parking, access roads and footpaths. Associated plant and infrastructure including; renewable energy infrastructure (hydrogen plant, solar panels and a wind turbine upto 76.5 metres high to blade tip, drainage arrangements, electrical sub-station, hard and soft landscaping at Gearach Farm (ili Distillery), Port Charlotte, Isle of Islay. DM to pass on comments to applicant.
23rd June 2021
- Erection of two industrial units for Class 4 Business, Mull Of Kintyre Industrial Estate, Albyn Road, Campbeltown. Approved as per recommendation.
- Demolition of single storey lean-to extension, replace former entrance door with timber frame double glazed fixed window. Repairs to existing harling will be made to match existing, 73 ߣsirÊÓƵ Street, Lochgilphead, ߣsirÊÓƵ. Approved as per recommendation.
- Demolition of single storey lean-to extension, replace former entrance door with timber frame double glazed fixed window. Repairs to existing harling will be made to match existing, 73 ߣsirÊÓƵ Street, Lochgilphead, ߣsirÊÓƵ. Approved as per recommendation.
24th April 2021
- Site for the erection of office development (Class 4) and public house (Sui Generis)/food and drink (Class 3) with access and associated works at Land To The North And West Of Iona Stables Cardross. Approved as per recommendation subject to referral to Scottish Ministers.
- Extension to existing car marshalling area and formation of vehicular access at Land North West Of The Pier Craignure. Approved as per recommendation.
- North eastern extension to existing sand and gravel quarry at Kilmartin Quarry Kilmartin Lochgilphead. Pre determination virtual Hearing proposed as per recommendation.
- Alterations and change of use of dwellinghouse to form community hub at Achnaha Clachan Tarbert . Approved as per recommendation.
- Masterplan to PDA 8/1 for residential development as identified in the adopted ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Local Development Plan at Land West Of Hazel Cottage, Scalasaig, Isle Of Colonsay. Approved as per recommendation.
- Erection of 6 dwellinghouses and 3 houses of multiple occupation, formation of vehicular access and installation of sewage treatment system at Land West Of Hazel Cottage, Scalasaig, Isle Of Colonsay. Approved as per recommendation.
- Proposal of Application Notice for the formation of new private pitch and putt at Ardfin Estate, Jura. No comments from Members.
17th February 2021
- Alterations and extensions to dwellinghouse and erection of detached games room at 91D East Princes Street, Helensburgh. Approved as per recommendation.
- 300 Houses, Golf Course Expansion and New Clubhouse at Helensburgh Golf Club. Receipt of Proposal of Application Notice notified to Members
16th December 2020
– Erection of 1 dwellinghouse, Land East of Tigh Na Mara, Arinagour, Isle of Coll – Application refused as per recommendation.
18th November 2020
- Alterations/extension and change of use of ecclesiastical building (Class 10) to form dwellinghouse (Class 9), installation of sewage treatment plant and formation of vehicular access (revised application to create domestic curtilage) at Inverchaolain Church, Toward, Dunoon. Approved as per recommendation.
21st October 2020
- Approval of matters specified in conditions 1-6 relative to planning permission in principle reference 16/02522/PPP - Site for the erection of residential housing development and formation of new access at Land North West Of Achnasheen, The Bay, Strachur. Approved as per recommendation.
- Erection of food production facility and associated works (revised proposal relative to planning application reference 20/00333/PP to incorporate removal of new access onto Barone Road, use of existing access onto Meadows Road for all vehicles and increase in number of off-street parking spaces to 78) at Former Gas Network Site, Meadows Road, Rothesay. Isle Of ButeAgreed to recommendation for a Hearing. No site visit.
- Masterplan to PDA 10/15 for residential development as identified in the adopted ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Local Development Plan 2015 at Land at Imeraval, Port Ellen, Isle of Islay. Masterplan approved as per recommendation.
- Proposal of application notice for proposed extraction, processing and despatch of sand and gravel at Aros Farm, Campbeltown. No comments from Members.
- Proposal of Application Notice for the erection of whisky maturation warehouse and associated works at Ardnahoe Distillery, Port Askaig. No comments from Members.
23rd September 2020
- Residential development comprising 101 dwellinghouses including formation of vehicular accesses, landscaping, open space and play areas at Land West of Alexander Street Dunoon.Agreed to a virtual Hearing with no site visit. Date for hearing still to be arranged.
- Variation of Condition 2 relative to planning permission reference 17/01756/PP to extend permitted opening hours to beer garden at Clyde Bar, 62 West Clyde Street, Helensburgh. Refused contrary to officer recommendation.
19th August 2020
- Discharge of planning obligation relative to planning permission reference 11/02248/PP (Erection of 50 dwellings - comprising 14 houses and 36 flats) at Land North of Dunstaffnage Mains Farm, Dunbeg. Approved as per recommendation.
- Site for the erection of 2 dwellinghouses at Land South East Of Elderslie
Oban. Refused as per recommendation.
- Erection of 12 dwellinghouses, alterations to vehicular access and installation of private drainage system at Land East of Lochside Portincaple. Agreed to a virtual Hearing with no site visit. Date for hearing still to be arranged.
- Erection of holiday let cottage at Garden Ground of Otter Bay Kilmelford.Approved as per recommendation.
- Isle of Ulva Community Masterplan, Isle Of Ulva. Masterplan approved.
- Erection of storage building, installation of entrance gates and 1.8m high fence to form enclosed yard at Land North East of Darleith Lodge Darleith Road Cardross Helensburgh. Refused as per recommendation.
- Variation of Condition 2 relative to planning permission reference 17/01756/PP to extend permitted opening hours to beer garden at the Clyde Bar 62 West Clyde Street, Helensburgh. Continued for competent motion.
- Proposal of application notice for proposed north eastern extension to existing sand and gravel quarry extending to some 4ha (extension to allocation reference MIN-AL 12/2) at Kilmartin Quarry, Upper Largie, Kilmartin. Receipt of Proposal of Application Notice notified to Members
- Erection of distillery with associated maltings and vaulted maturation warehouse, visitor's centre with shop, restaurant and meeting facilities, tasting lodge and associated infrastructure including: sewage treatment plant and pumping station, new junction, access roads, car parking, tankfarms, SuDS pond, reservoir and sea water intake at Land South And East Of Farkin Cottage, Port Ellen, Isle Of Islay. Agreed to a virtual Hearing with no site visit. Date for hearing still to be arranged.
- New Wastewater treatment works 580 metres west of the existing works including new access track and mounded landscaping. Existing works - Removal of plant and installation of underground tanks, control kiosk and outfall pipe. Proposed works - Installation of underground plant, 2 control kiosks, administration building and perimeter fence at Sewage Works And Land West Of Existing Works, Clachan Seil, Isle Of Seil. Agreed to a virtual Hearing with no site visit. Date for hearing still to be arranged.
17th June 2020
- Erection of one dwellinghouse (amended 13.05.20) at Ianmyo, Peel Street, Cardross
Approved subject to conditions as per recommendation.
18th March 2020
– New Wastewater treatment works 580 metres west of the existing works including new access track and mounded landscaping. Existing works - Removal of plant and installation of underground tanks, control kiosk and outfall pipe. Proposed works - Installation of underground plant, 2 control kiosks, administration building and perimeter fence at Sewage Works And Land West Of Existing Works, Clachan Seil, Isle Of Seil, ߣsirÊÓƵ And Bute
Continued to a discretionary public hearing.
– Alterations and extensions at Salen Primary School, Ardmor Road, Salen, Isle Of Mull, ߣsirÊÓƵ And Bute, PA72 6JL
Granted as per recommendation.
20th November 2019
– Electricity Act Section 36 consultation relevant to High Constellation Wind Farm at High Constellation Wind Farm 4km South East of Clachan
Agreed not to object as per recommendation.
– Erection of dwellinghouse, formation of access and installation of septic tank and soakaway at Land Approx 82M South East of 13 Kilmaluaig
Refused as per recommendation.
– Site for the erection of 2 dwellinghouses at Land North East of Fairwater, Portincaple
Approved as per recommendation.
– Erection of 6 flats at Former St Brendans Church Site, Mountstuart Road, Rothesay, Isle Of Bute
Approved as per recommendation
- Discharge of planning obligation in relation to planning permission reference 12/00970/PP (Installation of 10 solar roof panels) at 1 Main Street, Port Charlotte, Isle of Islay
Discharge of planning obligation approved against officer recommendation.
- Residential development (Phase 4) including site for community facilities, new primary school, new roads and parking, ground re-modelling, above and below ground infrastructure, open space, and landscaping at Land West of Dunstaffnage Mains Farm, Dunbeg
Receipt of Proposal of Application Notice notified to Members
- New roundabout, new roads, ground re-modelling, above and below ground infrastructure and landscaping at Land South West of Dunstaffnage Mains Farm, Dunbeg
Receipt of Proposal of Application Notice notified to Members
- Mixed use development comprising retail (Class 1 food and non-food), financial, professional and other services (Class 2), food and drink (Class 3), business (Class 4), hotel (Class 7), non-residential institutions (Class 10), assembly and leisure (Class 11), public house, takeaways, roads and parking, ground re-modelling, above and below ground infrastructure, open space, and landscaping at Land South West Of Dunstaffnage Mains Farm, Dunbeg
Receipt of Proposal of Application Notice notified to Members
- Proposal of application notice for mixed use development comprising: retail (Class 1); financial professional and other services (Class 2); food and drink (Class 3); business (Class 4); hotel (Class 7); residential development (Dunbeg Phase 4) (Class 9); non-residential institutions (Class 10); assembly and leisure (Class 11); public house; takeaways; site for community facilities; site for new primary school, new roundabout on A85, roads and parking; ground remodelling; above ground and below ground infrastructure; open space and landscaping at Land South West Of Dunstaffnage Mains Farm, Dunbeg
Receipt of Proposal of Application Notice notified to Members
23rd October 2019
– Erection of retail unit, visitor centre and 3 self-catering units, including realignment of escape stairs to Taigh Solais and MacGochans, Land Adjacent To Taigh Solais, Tobermory, Isle Of Mull
Continued for a pre-determination discretionary hearing.
18th September 2019
– Erection of 9 dwellinghouses, installation of sewage treatment plant and formation of vehicular access (as amended 06.01.2017)at Land North Of West Shore Cottage, Fort Road, Kilcreggan
Agreed as per officer recommendation.
– Proposal of application notice for change of use and redevelopment of former Sea Life Centre to use classes 4, 5 and 6 (office, industrial storage and distribution centre), including new industrial office and ancillary use buildings, outside working and storage areas, car and lorry parking, related infrastructure and landscaping at Former Sea Life Centre, Barcaldine, Oban
Receipt of Proposal of Application Notice notified to Members
21st August 2019
– Section 36 consultation for a proposed wind farm at Airigh Wind Farm, South West of Tarbert
Members agreed not to object to S36 application.
– Section 36 consultation for a proposed wind farm at Blairghour Wind Farm, Land 7km North West Of Inveraray And 4.5km South Of Portsonachan
Agreed to object to S36 application.
– Erection of three dwellinghouses at land north west of Arizona, Toberonochy, Isle of Luing.
Approved with revised conditions.
- Variation of condition 8 (noise levels) relative to planning permission 18/02399/MIN - Periodic Review of Mineral Planning Permission (Determination of conditions to which Mineral Permission is to be subject - ROMP First Review) for Sand and Gravel Extraction Works - Previous References:- AG/86/DM4 and AG/89/1256 at Quarry, Upper Largie, Kilmartin
Approved as per recommendation.
- Erection of dwellinghouse and formation of vehicular access at Land East Of Tigh Na Mara, Arinagour, Isle Of Coll
Withdrawn prior to committee
- Demolition of existing buildings and erection of residential care home (amended design) at 102A Sinclair Street, Helensburgh
Agreed to pre-determination Hearing.
19th June 2019
SSE Generation Limited (via Scottish Government Consents Unit): Electricity Act Section 36 consultation relevant Tangy 4 wind farm: Tangy wind farm, Kilchenzie, ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute
Agreed not to object to S36 application
The Trail family: proposal of application notice for proposed residential development including roads, infrastructure, open space amenity and affordable housing: land east of Hermitage Academy, Sawmill Field, Helensburgh
Receipt of Proposal of Application Notice notified to Members/S36
22nd May 2019
ߣsirÊÓƵ Holidays: use of land for the siting of 40 no. Holiday caravan pitches, formation of accesses and associated infrastructure works: Hunters Quay holiday village, Hunters Quay, Dunoon
Continued for local hearing
The Scottish Government on behalf of LUC: section 36 consultation for proposed wind farm: Airigh wind farm, south west of Tarbert
Members agreed to object to S36 application
Creag Dhubh Renewables LLP: proposal of application notice for proposed wind farm and associated infrastructure, with overall generating capacity exceeding 20mw: Upper Succoth, Strachur, PA27 8DW
Receipt of Proposal of Application Notice notified to Members
Ministry of Defence: proposal of application notice for multi storey car park: land west of the guard building, HM Naval Base Clyde, Faslane
Receipt of Proposal of Application Notice notified to Members
17th April 2019
Section 36 Consultation for proposed wind farm Airigh Wind Farm
South West Of Tarbert
Continued for competent motion not to object to s36
- Erection of dwellinghouse, formation of access and installation of septic tank and soakaway at Land Approx 82M South East Of 13 Kilmaluaig
Isle Of Tiree
Continued as per recommendation
Erection of 3 dwellinghouses at Land North West Of Arizona, Toberonochy, Isle Of Luing
Continued as per recommendation
Site for proposed residential development Lonan Drive Oban
Recommendation for pre determination Hearing accepted
20th March 2019
- Erection of dwellinghouse, formation of access and installation of septic tank and soakaway, at Land Approx 82M South East Of 13 Kilmaluaig, Isle Of Tiree.
Continued to allow further discussions.
- Variation to planning condition 2 relative to planning permission 17/00427/MFF (Modification of existing fin fish farm site to include 1 additional cage and increase in extent of mooring area) Proposed deletion of biomass limit in favour of obligation to operate in accordance with an approved Environmental Management Plan, at Ardcastle Fish Farm, Lochgair.
Approved as per recommendation.
- Variation to planning condition 2 relative to planning permission 17/00425/MFF (Modification of existing fin fish farm site to include; increase of grid size (cage spacing) from 60 metres to 70 metres, additional 4 no cages to north end of site and increase in extent of mooring area) Proposed deletion of biomass limit in favour of obligation to operate in accordance with an approved Environmental Management Plan, at Ardgaddan Barr Fish Farm, Kilfinan.
Approved as per recommendation.
- Variation to planning condition 2 relative to planning permission 17/00429/MFF (Increase to grid size (cage spacing) from 40 metres to 60 metres) Proposed deletion of biomass limit in favour of obligation to operate in accordance with an approved Environmental Management Plan, at Fish Farm Camas Na Ban-Tighearna, Pier Road, Tarbert.
Approved as per recommendation.
- Variation to planning condition 2 relative to planning permission 17/00428/MFF Increase in grid size from 60 metres to 70 metres, additional cage increasing number from 9 to 10 and retrospective permission for (raft to support feed pipes (no increase in biomass) Proposed deletion of biomass limit in favour of obligation to operate in accordance with an approved Environmental Management Plan, at Quarry Point Fish Farm, Crarae.
Approved as per recommendation.
20th February 2019
– Erection of dwellinghouse, installation of sewage treatment tank and formation of vehicular access at: Plot 2 Land South of Balnagowan, Kilmore
Approved as per recommendation.
– Relocation and enlargement of existing marine fish farm (currently comprising; 12 No. 80 metre circumference cages and feed barge) by re-equipment with 12 No. 120 metre circumference cages and feed barge at: East Tarbert Bay, Isle Of Gigha, ߣsirÊÓƵ And Bute
Recommendation for Hearing agreed.
– Construction of approximately 81 km of 275 kV OHL from the existing Inveraray Switching Station to the existing Crossaig Substation and ancillary development including an additional section of Overhead Line as a tie in to Port Ann Substation at: Land Between Inveraray and Crossaig (route via Environs of Lochgilphead and Tarbert)
Recommendation agreed.
–&²Ô²ú²õ±è; Demolition of workshop/garage and conservatory at: Tighnaglaic, Crinan, Lochgilphead
Approved as per recommendation.
– Demolition of workshop/garage and conservatory, alterations to dwellinghouse, erection of garden structure and landscaping works at: Tighnaglaic, Crinan, Lochgilphead
Approved as per recommendation.
– Erection of 7 hybrid accommodation units, community hub building, new access pathway, car parking and landscaping arrangements at: Land To The North Of Boat Yard, Rosneath Road, Kilcreggan
Refused as per recommendation.
23rd January 2019
– Erection of wind farm comprising 7 wind turbines with a maximum tip height of 136.5m with associated infrastructure and 4 borrow pits. Ardtaraig Windfarm, land 3.1km to the East of Glendaruel and approx.. 15km West of Dunoon, Loch Striven – continued for discretionary hearing as per recommendation.
– Erection of new leisure building including swimming pool, improved flood defences, new car park including public realm works and demolition of existing swimming pool, Helensburgh Swimming Pool, 1B West Clyde Street, Helensburgh – Approved as per recommendation.
19th December 2018
Erection of new leisure building including swimming pool, improved flood defences, new car park including public realm works and demolition of existing swimming pool at Helensburgh Swimming Pool, West Clyde Street, Helensburgh.
Application continued for the following reason:
For the Head of Planning to
- Seek further information from the applicant to see if moving the building would reduce the flood risk i.e. reduce vulnerability of the building;
- Seek further details on the impact of wave overtopping / wave action on the building.
21st November 2018
Review of section 43(A) of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 Scheme of Delegations. Agreed as per recommendation.
– Site for the erection of a dwellinghouse at site adjacent to Tigh na Mara, Arinagour, Isle of Coll. Application was withdrawn prior to the committee.
– Site for the erection of 3 dwellinghouses at land east of Lochhaven, Portincaple. Approved as per recommendation.
24th October 2018
- Erection of dwellinghouse at Land West Of Pretoria, Glenshellach Road, Oban. Approved as per recommendation.
- Installation of replacement upvc windows (retrospective) at Craigmore Pier Cottage, Mountstuart Road, Rothesay. Approved as per recommendation.
- Erection of new leisure building including swimming pool, improved flood defences, new car park including public realm works and demolition of existing swimming pool at Helensburgh Swimming Pool,1B West Clyde Street, Helensburgh. Continued for Hearing.
- Supplementary report advising on material change to proposal in advance of PLI at Killean Wind Farm, Tayinloan. Report noted.
19th September 2018
- Removal of conditions 4 and 5 and variation of condition 7 of planning permission in principle 15/01794/PPP (Site for the erection of residential development with associated access, infrastructure, open space, landscaping and miscellaneous works) - in relation to roads arrangements at Land North of Cardross Primary School, Barrs Road, Cardross - Agreed to Hearing as per recommendation.
- Erection of dwellinghouse and formation of access at garden ground of 34 Kirkton Road, Cardross - Approved subject to conditions as per recommendation.
22nd August 2018
- Residential development comprising 300 dwellings, ground re-modelling, new roads, infrastructure, open space, landscaping, community woodland and area for community facilities at Land West Of Dunstaffnage Mains Farm, Dunbeg - Approved as per recommendation.
- Erection of telecommunications equipment compound with 16 metre high monopole and associated works at Land North West Of Drumalea Farm, Kilkenzie - Approved as per recommendation.
- Replacement of 10 x 80m circumference cages with 12 x 80m circumference cages of an alternative design, installation of hopper feed system and biomass of 1545 tonnes at Airds Bay (Etive 4), Loch Etive - Approved as per recommendation.
- Storage of cages at Etive 4 at Land West Of Dawnfresh Farming Loch Etive Trout Farm,
Inverawe - Approved as per recommendation.
- Variation of conditions 1,6 and 16 of planning permission 14/02969/PP (Re-powering of Tangy windfarm comprising 16 turbines (125 metres high to blade tip), erection of control building, sub-station, 3 anemometer masts, formation of access tracks and ancillary development, including dismantling of Tangy I and Tangy II windfarms) to change proposed wind turbine types to allow for a base tip height of 130m rather than 125m, relocation of temporary construction compound and minor track alignments at Tangy Windfarm and Land North Thereof, Kilkenzie, Campbeltown - Approved as per recommendation.
- Non Material Amendment to Planning Permission 13/01166/PP (Erection of porch - retrospective) to incorporate change in height, polycarbonate finish and include rain water goods at Edenbank South East, Flat 20A Newton Road, Innellan - Approved as per recommendation.
- Alterations to boundary wall and gateway (retrospective) at Ferry Inn, Ferry Rd, Rosneath - Approved as per recommendation.
- Alterations to boundary wall and gateway at Ferry Inn, Ferry Rd, Rosneath - Approved as per recommendation.
20th June 2018
- Erection of Wedding Venue comprising storage building with gateway entrance to timber decking enclosed with decorative metal panels with posts and a decorative pergola for the wedding ceremony: Land South-East of Castle Toward – Application Refused
- Modification of Fin Fish Farm (Atlantic Salmon) from 16 x 100m circumference cages to 12 x 120m circumference cages, including increasing biomass to 2500 tonnes and retention of feed barge: Poll Na Gille Salmon Farm, Shuna Island – Application Approved
- Enlargement of Marine Fin Fish (Atlantic salmon) farm from 10 no. x 120 metre circumference to 12 no. x 120 metre circumference cages and replacement of feed barge, including increase in biomass to 3,500 tonnes: Bagh Dail Nan Ceann (BDNC) Fish Farm, Loch Shuna, Ardfern – Application Approved
- Site for the erection of 4 self-catering log cabins for holiday use: Taychreggan Hotel, Kilchrenan, Taynuilt – Application Refused
- Site for the erection of 13 self-catering holiday accommodation units: Taychreggan Hotel, Kilchrenan, Taynuilt – Application and ACE Approved
- Change of use of Croft land to firewood processing area (retrospective): Taigh-Na-Beithe, Croft 4, Taynuilt – Application Approved.
16th May 2018
– PDA 5/5, Glencruitten, Oban – Masterplan approved and adopted as per officer recommendation.
– 4 Dwellings Redgauntlet Road, Helensburgh – Approved subject to an amendment to condition 5 to provide a more direct footpath connection.
18th April 2018
Recreational hut at Clachan Seil. Competent motion and conditions agreed - Application Approved
– Variation to condition 2 relative to planning permission ref 15/00243/MFF at Strondoire Bay Fish Farm, Stronachullin, Ardrishaig - Approved as Per Recommendation
– Variation to condition 2 relative to planning permission ref 15/00239/MFF at Meall Mhor Fish Farm, Loch Fyne, Tarbert - Approved as Per Recommendation
– Proposed residential development on site at Lonan Drive, Oban - Continued for Hearing
– Use of land to form extension to Council Depot for the purpose of vehicle / plant storage and maintenance including removal of protected trees and formation of landscaped bund (part retrospective): Site 5, Kilmory Industrial Estate, Lochgilphead - Approved as Per Recommendation
21st March 2018
- Improvements to junction and access. Land opposite Ferlum, Benderloch - Continued for a Site Visit
- Site for the erection of a closed containment aquaculture facility for the production of sturgeon at Ardkinglas Sawmill, Cairndow – Approved as Recommendation
21st February 2018
– Met mast at land NW of Craigendive, Loch Striven. Approved as per Recommendation
17th January 2018
- recreational hut 830 metres from Atlantic Bridge, Clachan Seil - Continued for Hearing
- proposed wind farm at Airigh Wind farm, land s.w. of Tarbert - Continued for Site Visit
12th December 2017
– Erection of recreational hut (retrospective) on land approx. 830 metres north east of Atlantic Bridge, Clachan Seil - Continued to January 2018 PPSL
22nd November 2017
– Campsite at Balevullin Isle of Tiree - As Per Recommendation continued for a Hearing
– Wrasse hatchery at Lossit Point, Machrihanish - As Per Recommendation continued for a Hearing
– Erection of dwellinghouse at land northwest of Creagdhu, Gallanach Road, Oban - Refused as per Recommendation
– Erection of recreational hut (retrospective) on land approx. 830 metres north east of Atlantic Bridge, Clachan Seil - Continued to Dec PPSL as per recommendation in supplementary report.
18th October 2017
– Section 36 consultation for the proposed Killean Wind Farm - Agreed as per Recommendation
- Proposed residential development comprising 76 dwellings including access road, parking areas, open space and landscaping at land at Ardencaple Garden Centre, East of Glenoran Road, Rhu Road Higher, Helensburgh - Hearing as per Recommendation
– Erection of replacement clubhouse. Cove Sailing Club, Barons Point, Shore Road, Cove - Hearing as per Recommendation
20th September 2017
- Erection of 14 wind turbines (126.5 metres high to blade tip), upgrading of permanent access, formation of site access tracks, erection of permanent anemometer mast, control building and substation, watercourse crossings and temporary construction compound, Land north east of Muasdale, Kintyre – Planning Permission Refused
- Variation of Condition 2 relative to planning permission reference 14/00125/PP in relation to the access, Land south west of Glenmore Farm Kilmelford, Oban – Planning Permission Granted
- Installation of septic tank, Land east of Nant Farm, Ichrachan, Taynuilt – Planning Permission Granted
23rd August 2017
- Development of a quarry allowing for the extraction and processing of sand and gravel and the final restoration of the land, Glasdrum, Fasnacloich, Appin – Refused as Recommended
- Alterations, extension and change of use of existing cook school to form dwellinghouse and erection of perimeter fence and change of use of existing bed and breakfast accommodation to form dwellinghouse, Corrie House, Craobh Haven – Granted with Conditions as Recommended
- Masterplan in respect of Potential Development Area PDA 6/23 of the ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Local Development Plan 2015 relating to Mixed Use Development (recreation/ tourism and commercial use), Land South Of Salen Pier Chalets, Ardmor Road, Salen, Isle of Mull – Masterplan Approved
- Formation of 40 pitch campsite including hub buildings and associated access and drainage works, Land South Of Pier Cottage, Salen, Isle of Mull – Granted as Recommended
- Siting of trestles for oyster farming, Fish Farm, Aird Fhada, Loch Scridain, Isle of Mull – Granted as Recommended
- Variation of condition 2 relative to planning permission 15/03442/PP (Consolidation of site levels following demolition of McColls Hotel) - extension to time period, 1 Tom-A-Mhoid Road, Dunoon – Granted with Conditions (time limit in condition 2 reduced to 9 months)
21st June 2017
- Erection of 10 dwellings and associated car parking, upgraded access and parking at land west of ߣsirÊÓƵ Court, Barn Park, Inveraray - Approved as per Recommendation.
– Alterations and change of use of domestic garage to form room for processing and drying of meat products at 20 Marmion Avenue - Approved with an additional condition limiting the consent to a temporary period of 12 months
– Erection of dwellinghouse on land east of the Nest, Portincaple - Hearing agreed as per Recommendation
– Erection of a detached timber summerhouse at 45 Craigmore Road, Rothesay - Approved as per Recommendation
- Non material amendment to planning permission 07/00993/DET - (Erection of extensions, demolition of existing single garage and erection of triple garage) - window height amended to kitchen and front of property, kitchen window to be altered, ground floor kitchen and first floor dressing room increased in dimension, front elevation to be precast stone, window to bedroom 5 centred on elevation and minor internal alterations at 11 Havelock Street, Helensburgh - Approved as per Recommendation
15th February 2017
- Erection of 5 dwellinghouses (affordable housing) Land South West Of Baile Iochdrach, Lower Kilchattan - Approved as per Recommendation
22nd February 2017
- Beach hut at Balevullin Beach, Tiree. Refused.
- Erection of 18 no wind turbines (17no. @ 126 metres and 1no. @ 106 metres high to blade tip), formation of access tracks, erection of control building, sub-station and associated compound, 2 no anemometer masts, 5 no borrow pits and associated infrastructure at Beinn An Tuirc Windfarm Phase 3 Land at Meall Buidhe and South of A'Chruach, West of Saddell, Kintyre Approved as per recommendation.
- Installation of 3 replacement windows and 2 replacement doors. Re-rendering of front elevation. Works to rear garden comprising; decking, various surface treatments, summerhouse, shed, fencing, gates and installation of hot tub. Approved as per recommendation.
- Application for a sustainable urban drainage system to purify a planning condition for Phases 1, 2 and 3 at land south of Dunavon, Connel. Approved as per recommendation.
- Erection of 6 dwellinghouses (amendment to planning permission 14/01752/PP for Erection of 13 dwellinghouses and detached garages. Formation of new vehicular access roads) - revised housetypes to Plots 1, 4 and 13 at land north of Cairnmore, Barran, kilmore. Approved as per recommendation.
18th January 2017
- Beach hut Balevullin - Continued to allow more time for consideration of the ACE
- 9 dwellings at Fort Rod, Portkil - Approved without a hearing subject to s75
- Erection of dwelling at 21 Victoria Road, Helensburgh - Approved as per Recommendation
- Oil depot at yard, Oban Airport, Ledaig - Approved with an additional condition
14th December 2016
- 6 dwellings at land east of 9 Hayfield, Oban - Approved as per Recommendation
16th November 2016
- Section 36 consultation from the Scottish Government for proposed 18 wind turbines (136.5 metres high to blade tip) including permanent meteorological masts, control building, sub-station, access track, upgrading of access from A819 and ancillary development, Land at Upper Sonachan Forest south-east of Portsonachan, Loch Awe – Objection to be lodged with Scottish Ministers.
- Masterplan in respect of Strategic Masterplan Area 1/2 and Potential Development Area 2/42 relating to mixed use development (including tourism/leisure/housing/business), Castle Toward Residential School, Toward – continued for a Discretionary Local Hearing (date to be arranged).
- Change of use from Class 8 (residential institution) to Class 9 (dwellinghouse), including ancillary housekeeper’s accommodation and sui generis use as a commercial/leisure events venue, Castle Toward Mansion House (including walled gardens and greenhouse), Toward – continued for a Discretionary Local Hearing (date to be arranged).
- Demolition of enclosed fire escape, metal fire escape and metal clad sheds. Installation of new doorway, ventilation louvre, balcony railings, 3 new windows, 2 sets of external doors, new glazed roof over existing courtyard. Internal alterations to accommodate leisure facilities at basement level, removal of wall between ballroom and function room, installation of lift and toilets at ground floor level, removal of partitions and installation of partition walls to provide en-suites to first and second floor bedrooms, Castle Toward Residential School, Toward – Listed Building Consent Granted subject to conditions.
- Erection of garage and associated works, Flat 1 22 Marine Place, Rothesay – Planning Permission Granted.
19th October 2016
- Erection of 24 flats and associated works, Land west of Catalina Avenue, Oban – continued for a Discretionary Local Hearing (date to be arranged).
- Erection of 12 dwellinghouses, installation of air source heat pumps including associated roads, car parking, drainage and landscaping, Land adjacent to Hayfield, Oban – continued for a Discretionary Local Hearing (date to be arranged).
- Erection of garden fence (retrospective), Glenaskel, 16 Fernoch Drive, Lochgilphead – continued for a Committee site inspection (date to be arranged).
- Expansion of fin fish farm to comprise 10 x 80 metre cages and increase in extent of moorings Port Na Mine Fish Farm (Etive 3), Inverawe, Taynuilt – Planning Permission Granted subject to conditions.
21st September 2016
- Erection of windfarm comprising 13 wind turbines (maximum height of 100 metres) together with ancillary infrastructure, Escart Farm, Skipness, Kintyre (Escairt Wind Farm) – Planning Permission Refused
- Formation of new access road (revised access arrangement relative to Escairt Wind Farm), Escart Farm, Skipness, Kintyre – Planning Permission Refused
- Renewal of planning permission in principle reference 12/01287/PPP - Site for the erection of 5 dwellinghouses, Land south-east of Mamore Farm, Peaton Road, Rahane, Rosneath – Planning Permission Granted
- Erection of beach hut for Blackhouse Watersports (retrospective), Land north-east of Braehead Balevullin Beach, Tiree – continued for a Discretionary Local Hearing (date and venue tba)
- Erection of distillery and visitors centre, installation of sewage treatment and formation of vehicular access, Land east of Ardnahoe Farmhouse, Port Askaig, Isle of Islay – Planning Permission Granted
- Siting of mobile hot food takeaway unit, Lay by north-west of Ferry Bank, Colintraive – Planning Permission Refused
- Alterations to rear fenestration, installation of new fenestration on gable elevation and erection of wall and hedging on north-east boundary, 12 St Oran's Place (Plot 4) Connel – continued for a Discretionary Local Hearing (date and venue tba)
17th August 2016
- Erection of two wind turbines (measuring up to 60 metres to hub and up to 86.5m to blade tip) with ancillary electrical buildings, areas of hardstanding and formation of vehicular access, Land At Cruach Nam Mult Stronafian Forest Glendaruel - Refused as Per Recommendation
- Installation of replacement windows (retrospective) Flat 1 and 2 19 Battery Place Rothesay - Application Approved as Per Recommendation
- Site for the erection of residential development with associated access, infrastructure, open space, landscaping and miscellaneous works. Land North of Cardross Primary School (Kirkton Farm) Barrs Road Cardross - Agreed to hold a Pre Determination Hearing
- Increase in height of part of in-filled area (part retrospective). Holy Loch Marina Rankins Brae Sandbank – Agreed to hold a Pre Determination Hearing
- Renewal of planning permission in principle reference 12/01287/PPP - Site for the erection of 5 dwellinghouses. Land South East of Mamore Farm, Peaton Road, Rahane - Continued as Per Recommendation in Supplementary Report
- Installation of 2 no. service reservoirs and associated works. Pennyfuir Sewage Works Dunollie Road Oban - Approved as Per Recommendation
- Partial demolition of existing building, erection of extension and Change of Use from Class 7 (Hotel) to Class 1 (Shop) Muirholm Hotel Main Road Cardross - Approved as Per Recommendation
- Site for residential development including roads, infrastructure, open space amenity and affordable housing Land East of Hermitage Academy Sawmill Field Helensburgh - Approved as Per Recommendation
- Erection of dwellinghouse, installation of sewage treatment plant and formation of vehicular access, Land South of Galley of Lorne Inn, Ardfern - Application Withdrawn Prior to Committee
- Alterations and change of use of shop to form residential flat, Present and Bygones Shop Tighnabruaich – Agreed to hold a Pre Determination Hearing
22nd June 2016
- Erection of holiday accommodation unit, Dundonald, North Connel – Planning Permission Refused
- Formation of car park, Helensburgh Athletic Clubhouse, Redgauntlet Road, Helensburgh – Planning Permission Granted
- Masterplan in respect of Strategic Masterplan Area MAST 1/13 and Potential Development Area 1001 relating to mixed use development (Tourism/Leisure/Access/Community Use), Rhubodach Woodland, Rothesay, Isle of Bute – Masterplan Approved
- Erection of cafe with external deck, formation of camping facilities including 6 glamping pods with associated external decks, communal dining area, installation of sewage treatment plant and formation of new vehicular access, Rhubodach Woodland, Rothesay, Isle of Bute – Planning Permission Granted
- Non Material Amendment to Planning Permission 14/00914/PP (Change of use of land for the siting of timber shed, installation of petrol storage tank and erection of associated fencing) for alterations to entrance gate, position of storage tank and additional ventilation opening, Land adjacent to Public Car Park, Ellenabeich, Isle Of Seil – Non Material Amendment Approved
18th May 2016
20th April 2016
- Masterplan in relation to ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Local Development Plan - 2015 Strategic Masterplan Area MAST 1/9 Kilmory Strategic Business Site, inclusive of designations MU3004 and BI3001 (Light Industrial, storage and distribution, tourism and commercial recreational use) - Masterplan Approved
- Discharge of conditions 3 and 10 (Change of use of land for the siting of timber shed, installation of petrol storage tank and erection of associated fencing) Land adjacent to public car park, Ellenabeich, Isle of Seil - details pursuant to Conditions Approved
16th March 2016
- Masterplan in respect of potential development area 2/35 relating to mixed use development (tourism/leisure/housing/business), Land east of Polphail Village Portavadie – Masterplan Approved
- Erection of bonded warehouse, security and forklift storage building, associated car parking and new vehicular access, external landscaping including a SUDs pond, Land east of Polphail Village Portavadie – Planning Permission Granted
- Installation of Floating Pier, Formation of Timber Stacking Area and Associated Works, Ardcastle Woodland, Lochgair – Planning Permission Granted
- Erection of dwellinghouse and shed, Land approx. 700 metres north east of North Ardnaclach Farm, Appin – Planning Permission Granted (subject to prior conclusion of legal agreement)
- Temporary use of land for the storage of wood and other materials associated with sawmill use (retrospective), Ridings Sawmill, Station Road, Cardross – Temporary Planning Permission Granted
- Installation of 2 no. service reservoirs and associated works, Pennyfuir Sewage Works, Dunollie Road, Oban – continued for further information
- Erection of extension to dwellinghouse, 32 Fernoch Crescent Lochgilphead – Planning Permission Granted
Consultation from North Ayrshire Council – proposed 220m wind turbine Hunterston, by Farlie – No Objection
Proposed Tree Preservation Order, Kinloch Laich, Appin – continued for further information
17th February 2016
1 - Resurfacing of existing sports pitch, installation of 8 flood lights and wire perimeter fence - Playing Field North of Monitoring Station, Cumberland Road, Rhu - Agreed to hold a Pre Determination Hearing
20th January 2016
– Erection of recreational hut (retrospective) at Land North East of Altnavullin, Benderloch - Planning Permission Refused as per recommendation
- Erection of 2 dwellings and formation of vehicular access on Land East of Shira Lodge, Main Road, Cardross - Agreed to hold a Pre Determination Hearing
- Partial demolition of wall to facilitate construction of vehicular access on land least of Shira Lodge, Main Road, Cardross - Agreed to hold a Pre Determination Hearing
16th December 2015
- Installation of replacement windows (retrospective), Bute House Hotel, 4 West Princes Street, Rothesay – Planning Permission Refused
- Installation of replacement windows (retrospective), ), Bute House Hotel, 4 West Princes Street, Rothesay – Listed Building Consent Refused
- Site for the erection of dwellinghouse, land west of Craig Cottage, Dalmally – Planning Permission in Principle Granted
- Modification of fish farm from 10 No. 80m circumference cages to 12 No. 80m circumference cages including increase in extent of mooring area (no increase in biomass), Sailean Ruadh (Etive 6), Loch Etive – continued for a Discretionary Local Hearing (date to be arranged)
18th November 2015
- Demolition of existing nursing home and erection of replacement nursing home - Lochside Nursing Home, Shandon, Helensburgh – continued for Discretionary Local Hearing (date to be arranged)
- Erection of recreational hut (retrospective) - Land North East of Altnavullin, Benderloch, Oban – continued to a Subsequent Meeting for further information
- Erection of tank storage building - Otter Ferry Seafish Ltd, Otter Ferry – Planning Permission Granted
- Erection of dwellinghouse, installation of septic tank and formation of vehicular access - Land south west of Carn Farm, Port Charlotte, Isle Of Islay – Planning Permission Granted
- Non material amendment to planning permission 14/00653/PP (Erection of dwellinghouse and formation of new vehicular access (amended design relative to planning permission reference 11/00399/PP) - Deletion of chimney from rear gable, amended front porch design, amended dormer window detail, addition of timber fascia to eaves and amended window openings - 146 Frederick Crescent, Port Ellen, Isle of Islay – Request for non-material amendment - Approved
- Variation of condition 2 relative to planning permission reference 14/00653/PP (Erection of dwellinghouse and formation of new vehicular access -amended design relative to planning permission reference 11/00399/PP) Amendment from timber frame windows to aluminium on rear elevation (Retrospective) - 146 Frederick Crescent, Port Ellen, Isle of Islay – Planning Permission Granted
21st October 2015
– Masterplan in respect of Potential Development Area 2/43 and Strategic Masterplan Area 1/1 as identified in the ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Local Development Plan 2015 Land at Ardyne Point, West Of Mid ArdyneToward, Dunoon - Approved as Per Recommendation
– Removal of existing buildings including associated plant and equipment, erection of fish processing facility with associated infrastructure and landscaping. Erection of replacement office, feed store and pontoon jetties, formation of new access road, refurbishment of existing bridge and erection of water storage facility at Land at Ardyne Point, West Of Mid Ardyne, Toward, Dunoon - Approved Subject to Conditions as Per Recommendation
- Non Material Amendment to planning permission 13/02420/PP (Erection of dwellinghouse and formation of vehicular access) - alterations to fenestration, installation of solar panels and removal of chimney stack at 100 West King Street – Approved as Per Recommendation
16th September 2015
– Amended access track and relocation of substation/control building, Gallanach Farm, Isle Of Coll - Planning Permission Approved
– Variation of conditions 4, 6, 8 and 9 of planning permission reference 11/01915/PP in relation to site access route, borrow pit, control building and construction compound, Gallanach Farm, Isle Of Coll - Planning Permission Approved
– Consultation by the Scottish Government relative to proposed Tidal Array, West Islay Tidal Energy Park, 6km From South West Tip Of The Island Of Islay - No objection
– Erection of dwellinghouse (retrospective) - amendment to planning permission 10/00028/PP, Land North Of Colnatarun, Upper Kilchattan, Isle Of Colonsay- Planning Permission Approved
19th August 2015
- Site for the erection of 20 dwellinghouses, Land south east of Oban Seil Farm, Clachan Seil, Isle of Seil – Planning Permission Refused
- Consultation by the Scottish Government relative to an Electricity Act application for the proposed Cruach Brenfield Wind Farm (18 No. turbines 126m to the blade tip), by Ardrishaig - Objections Raised
- Site for the erection of dwellinghouse, Land North West of Arinagour Pier, Isle of Coll – Planning Permission Granted
- Erection of dwellinghouse, garage, formation of vehicular access and installation of sewage treatment plant, Land to north west of 4 Ruaig Isle of Tiree – Planning Permission Granted
- Demolition of existing secondary school and associated outbuildings/structures and erection of new secondary school and piping pavilion with associated car parking, bus drop off facilities, playing fields and outbuildings, Oban High School, Soroba Road, Oban – Planning Permission Granted (subject to notification to the Scottish Government and receipt of confirmation of their decision not to ‘call-in’ the application for determination by Scottish Ministers)
- Installation of 2 wind turbines (47 metres high to the blade tip), formation of vehicular access, hardstanding and erection of substation building – consideration continued to enable a Discretionary Local Hearing to be convened in advance of determination
- Engineering operations to form flood defences, Land rear of O-Fish-Shell Ltd, Ardwork, Ardfern – Planning Permission Granted
- Erection of boatshed, Land east of Achavit, Dunmore, Tarbert – Planning Permission Granted
- Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed Use - Partial change of use of dwellinghouse and outbuildings to addictions recovery centre, 5 Victoria Road, Hunters Quay, Dunoon – Certificate Granted
- Discharge of condition 9, Gallanach Wind Turbine, Isle of Coll – Details Pursuant to Condition Approved
24th June 2015
- Erection of dwellinghouse and detached garage (amendment to planning permission reference 11/00105/PP) Plot 6 Ossians North Connel Oban - Planning Permission Granted
- Re-powering of Tangy windfarm comprising 16 turbines (125 metres high to blade tip), erection of control building, sub-station, 3 anemometer masts, formation of access tracks and ancillary development, including dismantling of Tangy I and Tangy II windfarms. Tangy Windfarm and Land North Thereof Kilkenzie Campbeltown - Planning Permission Granted
- Masterplan in respect of Potential Development Area 2/101 as identified in the ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Local Development Plan 2015. There is a requirement within this PDA for a community croft project. Land North West Of Tighnabruaich Primary School, Tighnabruaich - Masterplan Approved
- Erection of 5 affordable dwellinghouses and office/training centre, installation of 3 sewage treatment plants and associated works incorporating a Masterplan in respect of 15/01140/MPLAN (PDA 2/101) Land North West of Tighnabruaich Primary School, Tighnabruaich - Planning Permission Granted
- Erection of 6 metre high flag pole. 45 Bainfield Road, Cardross - Planning Permission Granted
- Demolition of existing secondary school and associated outbuildings/structures and erection of new secondary school and piping pavilion with associated car parking, bus drop off facilities, playing fields and outbuildings. Campbeltown Grammar School, Hutcheon, Road Campbeltown - Planning Permission Granted
20th May 2015
– Warehouses for Bruichladdich Distillery – Consideration continued for a Discretionary Public Hearing.
– Demolition & replacement of walls etc. Tarbert Harbour – Approved as per recommendation
– Erection of dwellinghouse, Land South of Ardtalla, 3 Cluniter Road, Innellan – Refused as per recommendation
22nd April 2015
- Proposed Creggan Wind Farm, Barr Glen, north east of Glenbarr, Kintyre – Raise objection to Electricity Act consultation received from the Scottish Government.
- Erection of light industrial factory unit including formation of access road, Land 600M SE of Kilmory Industrial Estate roundabout, Lochgilphead – Planning Permission Granted Subject to Conditions.
- Proposed Blary Hill Wind Farm, Land north of Loch Arnicle (including C20 to the A83T), Barr Glen, Kintyre – Planning Permission Refused.
- Masterplan for Machrihanish Airbase, Campbeltown – Approved.
- Formation of carpark, Land adjacent to Craignish Parish Church, Ardfern – Planning Permission Granted Subject to Conditions.
- Masterplan for land west of Stanalane, Bowmore – Approved.
- Demolition of existing building and erection of new Maritime Visitor Facility (revised proposal) – Planning Permission Granted Subject to Conditions.
18th March 2015
- Harmonisation of existing planning conditions, 35 additional caravan stances and erection of four dwellings, Hunters Quay Holiday Village, Hunters Quay, Dunoon – Withdrawn by the Applicant.
18th February 2015
– Masterplan for Potential Development Area 6/52, Land south of Lephain, Dervaig Road, Tobermory – Masterplan Approved.
– Replacement windows and door, Elleray, Shore Road, Cove - Listed Building Consent Granted, subject to referral to Historic Scotland.
– Application to develop without compliance with condition 2 of planning permission 11/01191/PP (alternative roof covering) , Rhu Garage Workshop, Manse Brae, Rhu, Helensburgh – Planning Permission Granted.
21st January 2015
- Erection of nuclear support hub building on podium and associated onshore buildings, HM Naval Base Clyde, Faslane, Helensburgh – Planning Permission Granted.
17th December 2014
- Erection of dwellinghouse (amended design and position to planning permission reference 07/01531/REM) (retrospective) 6 Stone View, Torran, Ford, Lochgilphead – Planning Permission Granted
- Removal of Conditions 4, 5, 6(a) and 6(b) of planning permission reference 07/01531/REM (Erection of 7 dwelling houses, formation of access and installation of foul drainage treatment plant) (retrospective) Housing At Torran Farm, Ford, Lochgilphead – Refused
- Erection of 50kW wind turbine (24 metres to hub height), Celtic Sea, Arduaine, Oban – Refused
- Erection of wind turbine (61 metres to blade tip) with associated access track and hardstanding area, Land north east of Barbreck Farm, Kilchrenan, Taynuilt – Refused
19th November 2014
- Masterplan for Potential Development Area 5/60 of the ‘ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Local Plan’ 2009, Land south east of Dalmally Hotel, Dalmally – Masterplan Approved
- Site for the erection of 3 dwellinghouses, Land south east of Dalmally Hotel, Dalmally – Planning Permission in Principle Granted
24th September 2014
- Erection of 3 dwellinghouses and formation of vehicular access, Land east of Shira Lodge, Main Road, Cardross – continued for Discretionary Local Hearing (date to be arranged)
- Partial demolition of wall to facilitate construction of vehicular access, Land east of Shira Lodge, Main Road, Cardross – continued for Discretionary Local Hearing (date to be arranged)
- Inveraray Project Masterplan in relation to designation MAST 1/5 of the proposed ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Local Development Plan (Feb 2013) – Masterplan Approved
- Erection of Class 1 retail store, upgrade of access and associated landscaping (amended site boundaries), Land south-west of Inveraray Primary School, The Avenue, Inveraray – Planning Permission Granted
- Masterplan in relation to designation MAST 1/8 of the proposed ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Local Development Plan (Feb 2013), ߣsirÊÓƵ & Bute Hospital, Blarbuie Road, Lochgilphead – Masterplan Approved
- Demolition of buildings, tree removal and ground engineering, erection of clinical building, estates building, service yard and landscaping works to create patient gardens and amenity space, ߣsirÊÓƵ & Bute Hospital, Blarbuie Road, Lochgilphead – Planning Permission Granted
20th August 2014
– Section 36 consultation for proposed Creggan Wind Farm – Raise objection with the Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit
– Formation of finfish fish farm comprising the siting of fourteen 100 metre circumference cages, associated feed barge and ancillary equipment – Permission Granted
– Variation of condition 9 relative to planning permission reference 10/01059/PP – amending roof material from West Highland slate to SSQ Matacouta slate – Condition varied to allow submission of samples of alternative slate for approval
– Variation of condition 9 of planning permission 12/02792/PP (Erection of a building to be used in part as domestic double garage/workshop and in part as a cookery school, including facilitating works and installation of 2,00 litre calor gas tank, partly retrospective) – change of operating hours at Corrie Cook School – Permission Refused
– Demolition of existing building and erection of a maritime visitors facility and associated works including provision of new public realm works – Permission Granted
– Demolition of existing building and erection of a maritime visitors facility and associated works – Listed Building Consent Granted subject to prior clearance by Historic Scotland
18th June 2014
- Masterplan in relation to ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Local Plan Housing Allocation 2/15 Mid Letters, Strachur – Approved
- Erection of dwellinghouse Plot 7, Land south-west of Heather Cottage, Strachur – Permission Granted
- Formation of access road, installation of private sewerage system, installation of surface water drainage system (to serve proposed 7 house development), Land to the south-west of Heather Cottage and Kikut, Strachur – Permission Granted
- Erection of wind turbine. Land approx 515 metres north-west of Auchenhoan Cottage, Campbeltown – Permission Granted
- Amendment to planning permission reference 13/01427/PP Erection of 3 wind turbines with increase in height of S1 and S2 turbines from 110 metres to 120 metres to blade tip, Land at Cruach A Phubuill, adjacent to Allt Dearg Wind Farm, by Ardrishaig – Permission Granted
- Erection of dwellinghouse and formation of new vehicular access (amended design relative to planning permission reference 11/00399/PP), 146 Frederick Crescent, Port Ellen, Isle Of Islay – Permission Granted
- Site for the erection of a residential development including formation of vehicular access and demolition of existing clubhouse, Rhu Bowling Club, Manse Brae, Rhu – Permission Refused
- Installation of ground mounted photovoltaic array (retrospective), The Anchorage, Minard, by Inveraray – Permission Refused
- Erection of 1.8 metre high fence and gates (retrospective), Land opposite 21 to 25 Cumberland Avenue, Helensburgh – Permission Refused
- Change of use of land for the siting of timber shed, installation of petrol storage tank and erection of associated fencing, Land adjacent to public car park, Ellenabeich, Isle of Seil – Continued for Discretionary Local Hearing
- Change of use from class 1 (retail) to combined class 1 and class 3 (retail, food and drink) including external seating area, Unit 1, Kilmartin Court, Station Road, Oban – Permission Granted
- Inveraray Project Masterplan - MAST 1/5 re. proposed ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Local Development Plan (Feb 2013), ߣsirÊÓƵ Estates, Inveraray – Approved
- Erection of 8 dwellinghouses and 4 flats and formation of vehicular access, parking and infrastructure, Land north of Barn Park, Inveraray – Permission Granted
- Proposed installation of 10MW demonstration tidal stream array including cable landfall and substation, Sound Of Islay, south of Port Askaig, Isle of Islay – No Objection Subject to Conditions Recommended to Marine Scotland
21st May 2014
– Erection of bonded warehouse (Class 6), associated access and installation of septic tank, Land North of Avonvogie Abattoir, Bowmore Islay. Approved subject to a change to conditions 7 and 8. These conditions have now to be discharged by the Head of Planning in consultation with the local ward Members.
– Change of use from petrol filling station to car sales and valeting/tyre bay. Extension and alteration of existing shop to form sales office, customer waiting area and valeting and tyre bays. 112 East Clyde Street, Helensburgh G84 7AQ Approved along with additional flooding condition recommended in supplementary report.
23rd April 2014
Erection of 3 wind turbines (100 metres high to blade tip) control building, new and improved access tracks and ancillary development, Land south of Auchadaduie Barr Glen Glenbarr – continued for a Pre-Determination Hearing. Date to be arranged.
Erection of 15 wind turbines of up to 111m in height to blade tip, including permanent foundations, associated hardstanding and electrical transformer buildings; construction of approximately 12.5km of new track and widening and upgrading of access tracks and road junction; erection of electrical substation and control building and temporary construction compound; erection of one permanent and two temporary anemometry masts up to 80m in height; and associated ancillary development, Ardchonnel Wind Farm Approx 6.5Km north-west Of Inveraray and 1.5Km east Of Loch Awe Glenbarr – continued for a Pre-Determination Hearing. Date to be arranged.
Erection of new store (mixed use incorporating 200 sq mtrs of class 1 retail and 300 sq mtrs class 6 storage and distribution with 60 sq mtrs of office and staff welfare facilities, including works to the Clock Lodge, formation of vehicular access to A83 (T) and associated landscape/woodland arrangement works, Land adjacent to Clock Lodge Lochgilphead – continued for a Pre-Determination Hearing. Date to be arranged.
Installation of electrical equipment compound, perimeter fencing, underground cabling and upgrading of access track, land east of fog signal, Mull of Kintre lighthouse, Kintyre – Planning Permission granted.
Submission of a Masterplan in respect of Allocations H-AL 12/9, 12/10, 12/11, and 12/12 as designated by the adopted ‘ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Local Plan’ (2009), (and also identified as Potential Areas PDA 3006 and 3012 in the proposed ‘ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Local Development Plan’ (Feb 2013)) - Masterplan proposals for mixed use tourism / housing / business development, Craobh Haven – Masterplan approved.
Site for the erection of three dwellinghouses and retrospective site levels, Land to south-west of Gigha Cottage, Craobh Haven – Planning Permission in Principle granted.
Site for the erection of dwellinghouse, Land west of Erinvoe, Torrisdale, Campbeltown – Planning Permission in Principle granted.
Erection of covered walkway between office building and modular building to the rear, 1A Manse Brae, Lochgilphead – Planning Permission granted.
Erection of two blocks of residential flats (12 x 1 bedroom and 5 x 2 bedroom) and formation of new access, Former St Cuthberts Church Of Scotland, 191 ߣsirÊÓƵ Street, Dunoon – continued for a Pre-Determination Hearing. Date to be arranged.
19th March 2014
- Site for the erection of 3 dwellinghouses incorporating the submission of a Masterplan in respect of a Potential Development Area (PDA 5/56), Land adjacent to Kerdon, Dalmally – masterplan approved and planning permission in principle granted.
- Installation of access ramp, Lloyds Bank 110 ߣsirÊÓƵ Street, Dunoon – planning permission refused.
- Erection of dwellinghouse involving alterations in ground levels and upgrading/formation of vehicular access/driveway, Land south-east Of Castleton Farmhouse, Castleton, Lochgilphead – planning permission granted
- Formation of slipway and associated works, Land adjacent to car park, Shore Road, Carradale – planning permission granted.
19th February 2014
- Site for the erection of dwellinghouse, Land South West Of Creran Cottage Benderloch – Planning Permission granted
- Relocation of existing plots 22 and 24 to new plots 4a and 8, additional new plots 5a, 18a and 37 and repositioning of chalets on plots 17 and 18, Dalavich Chalet Park, Dalavich – continued pending a Discretionary Local Hearing being convened
- Erection of boathouse, Land South West Of Tigh Mor Na-H-Aird Balliemor Castleton Lochgilphead – Planning Permission granted
- Demolition of garage, erection of dwellinghouse and formation of vehicular access, Garden Ground of 45 Mountstuart Road Rothesay – Planning Permission refused
- Non material amendment to Planning Permission 12/02792/PP (Erection of a building to be used in part as domestic double garage/workshop and in part as a cookery school, including facilitating works and installation of 2,000 litre calor gas tank (partly retrospective) - Amendment to roof line, installation of additional door, amendment to toilet windows and deletion of one internal door, Corrie House Craobh Haven – Non Material Amendment approved
- Erection of 8 flats and associated works, Land North Of 34 Oakhill Tarbert – Planning Permission granted
- Alterations and erection of extension to existing pavilion, Recreation Ground, Port Ellen, Isle Of Islay – Planning Permission granted
- Lunga Estate Masterplan re. PDA 12/76 ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Local Plan 2009 – Masterplan approved
- Erection of 18 affordable dwellings (4 - 1 bed units, 10 - 2 bed units and 4 - 3 bed units), formation of new vehicular access and associated Masterplan for PDA 10/15, Land south east of Imerivale Cottage Port Ellen, Isle Of Islay – Masterplan approved and Planning Permission granted
- Formation of pathway, Land South Of Kilmorie Chapel Burial Ground Strathlachlan – Planning Permission granted
22nd January 2014
- Erection of two 225KW wind turbines (47.02 metres to blade tip) and associated meter houses, formation of crane hardstandings and vehicular access, Land West Of Newton Park, Toward, Dunoon – Planning Permission refused
- Change of use from dwelling to guest house, 179 Marine Parade, Hunters Quay, Dunoon – continued for Committee site visit
- Demolition of existing shed and erection of restaurant, Land East Of Crossapol Farm, Crossapol, Isle Of Tiree – Planning Permission granted
- Erection of 20m communications mast, Port Askaig Pier, Isle Of Islay – Planning Permission granted
- Alterations and extension, Dunoon Burgh Hall, 195 ߣsirÊÓƵ Street, Dunoon – Planning Permission granted
- Change of use of pavement to form outdoor seating area, Pavement north Of 17 George Street, Oban - Planning Permission granted
18th December 2013
- Erection of three 5kW wind turbines (21.5 metres high to blade tip), Water Treatment Works Tarbert Road, Campbeltown – Planning Permission refused
- Retention of dwellinghouse, 3 Kyle View Kilcreggan - Planning Permission Granted
- Site for the erection of 16 dwellinghouses, Land West of Nurses House, Kilchrenan, Taynuilt – Planning Permission granted
- Erection of flag pole (retrospective), Foreshore opposite 7 Shore Street Portnahaven, Isle of Islay – Planning Permission refused
- Partial change of use of retail shop to hot food take away, 8 Bishop Street Rothesay, Isle of Bute – Planning Permission granted
- Refurbishment/extension of building, change of use of ground floor premises from residential to Class 2 (financial, professional and other services) and formation of car parking area and vehicular access, 5/9 Montague Street, Rothesay, Isle of Bute – Planning Permission granted
- Alterations to existing driveway, erection of metal entrance gates, removal of metal gate at footpath entrance and replace with hedging to match existing, 29A Colquhoun Street Helensburgh – Planning Permission granted
- Non Material Amendment to Planning Permission 10/01059/PP for Erection of Building Incorporating Museum, Licensed Cafe, Exhibition/Function Room and Office, Land East of Cullipool House, Cullipool, Isle of Luing – Non Material Amendment approved
20th November 2013
- Site for the erection of dwellinghouse Land South West Of Creran Cottage, Benderloch - Continued for further consideration
- Formation of fin fish (Rainbow Trout) farm comprising 10 No. 80m circumference cages plus installation of feed barge - Temporary consent for (Etive 6) Loch Etive - Continued for Pre-Determination Local Hearing
- Erection of additional boatshed and increase to existing boatyard area Ardmaleish Boatyard, Bute - Granted
- External alterations to include repairs to the roof and ventilator fleche, replacing of roof materials, painting of all existing woodwork, wall on the north elevation and installation of replacement roof light. Rhu Community Education Centre, Hall Road Rhu, ߣsirÊÓƵ And Bute Council - Granted
- Retention of modular building incorporating external alterations and formation of covered walkway (part retrospective). 1A Manse Brae Lochgilphead, ߣsirÊÓƵ And Bute Council - Granted
- Temporary change of use for formation of open air market including the erection of stalls and attractions, Colquhoun Square Helensburgh, Helensburgh Winter Festival Committee - Granted
23rd October 2013
– Site for the erection of a dwelling house at land south of Creran Cottage, Benderloch – continued to allow for the submission of additional information relating to mortgage lending and difficulties perceived in obtaining finance due to the imposition of proposed condition number 5 and informative.
– Change of use of pavement to outdoor seating area at pavement north of 17 George Street, Oban - Refused as per recommendation in Supplementary report no.3.
– Erection of 3 wind turbines at land at Cruach A’Phubuill, By Ardrishaig - Approved as per recommendation.
– Change of use of vacant shop to hot food takeaway and installation of flue on rear elevation at Stonefield, Shore Road Kilcreggan - Refused – reason for refusal amended Points i, iii, v, vi, vii, viii and ix to be deleted.
– Extension at Tayvallich Primary School - Approved as per recommendation.
– Residential development comprising 10 dwelling houses at land south west of Ardfern House, Adfern - Pre determination Hearing approved.
– Erection of new building comprising retail unit at ground floor level, 2 flats at first floor level and 2 flats at second floor level 15-19 Montague Street, Rothesay - Approved as per recommendation.
– Erection of building to accommodate closed containment recirculation aquaculture production facility at Tayinloan Fish Farm - Pre determination Hearing approved.
Corlic Hill Windfarm consultation from Inverclyde Council - Agreed to object as per recommendation in report.
Planning Performance Framework – report noted.
25th September 2013
Proposed windfarm comprising 11 No. wind turbines (100 metres to blade tip), temporary and permanent anemometer masts, substation building, access tracks, construction compounds and ancillary development - Land East Of Loch Freasdail And North Of Loch Cruinn, Whitehouse, by Tarbert – Planning permission refused
Formation of rock armour and installation of gabion basket breakwater and bollards, Land Adjacent to Kildonan, Ardnagowan, by St Catherines – Planning permission refused
Jetty extension to slipway, Land Adjacent to Kildonan, Ardnagowan, by St Catherines – Planning permission granted
Change of use of land for the formation of car parking area, installation of ramp to access beach and associated works, Land West Of Bothanuaine, Arduaine – Planning permission granted
& Replacement of white timber double hung sliding sash and case windows with white Upvc double glazed vertical sliding sash and case windows, Bute House, 4 West Princes Street, Rothesay - Planning and Listed Building Consent refused
Erection of extension to existing wc to form changing shelter, Public Toilet, Ganavan Road, Oban – Planning permission granted