What is the pavement parking ban?
On 11 December 2023, the Scottish Government brought part 6 of its Transport (Scotland) Act 2019. This introduced three new parking prohibitions:
- Pavement parking
- Double parking
- Dropped footway parking
ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Council will enforce these restrictions from Monday 3 March 2025.
Why have a pavement parking ban?
People should not have to share the pavement with cars, particularly those who are vulnerable, have restricted mobility, or families with young children. The legislation was designed to make things safer for pedestrians who should not be forced onto busy roads because the pavement or dropped kerb is blocked by a vehicle.
So who does the ban apply to?
The new rules apply to parked and stationary vehicles, even if their engine is running. They apply whether or not the driver/owner is with the car.
What do the new restrictions mean?
- Your vehicle cannot have one or more of its wheels on any part of the pavement/footway.
- Where there is a verge between the carriageway and footway, the parking prohibition also applies to the verge.
The double-parking prohibition forbids:
- vehicles that are parked on the road a distance of more than 50cm from the edge of the carriageway. The edge of the carriageway may be:
- a painted solid white line.
- a kerb.
- where the surface of the carriageway meets its verge.
The dropped footway parking prohibition forbids vehicles to be parked on a carriageway adjacent to a footway where, for the purposes of assisting pedestrians or cyclists to cross:
- the footway has been lowered.
- the carriageway has been raised.
Are there any exceptions to the new prohibitions?
There are some situations where pavement parking may be permitted, if the activities cannot reasonable be carried out without the vehicle being parked on the pavement or being double parked. They are:
- Vehicles being used for emergency service purposes (Police, Ambulance, Fire, Coastguard).
- Vehicles being used to do works on roads, for the removal of obstructions to traffic, for the collection of waste by the Council or for delivering the postal service (Royal Mail only).
- Vehicles being used by a registered medical practitioner, a registered nurse or a registered midwife providing urgent or emergency health care.
- Vehicles delivering goods to or collecting goods from any premises (up to 20 minutes only).
- Vehicles loading from or unloading to any premises (up to 20 minutes only).
- Vehicles providing assistance at an accident or breakdown.
However, they must be able to leave a clear space of 1.5 metres on the pavement so that pedestrians can move unobstructed. The 1.5m clear space is taken from the edge of the pavement which is furthest away from the centre of the carriageway (e.g. a heel kerb or verge at the back of a footway).
You may be permitted to park at a dropped footway if:
- The vehicle is being used for the purpose of saving life or responding to another similar emergency.
Who will enforce the ban?
The Council’s Amenity Warden team will enforce the new ban.
What powers do the police have under this legislation?
The police will not enforce under this legislation. They already have powers to remove cars that are parked inconsiderately and that cause an obstruction.
What will happen if I break the new laws?
If your parking breaches the new restrictions you may be issued with a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN).
A PCN is £100 but reduces to £50 if paid within 14 days of issue.
I think I’ve been dealt with unfairly, so how would I appeal?
Please appeal on our website or by post to ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Council, Parking ߣsirÊÓƵ, Kilmory, Lochgilphead PA31 8RT.
How would I pay my PCN?
You can on our website. By Telephone: 24 hr. credit/ debit card payment can be made on 01546 605515. Or you can pay by post to: ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Council, Parking ߣsirÊÓƵ, Kilmory, Lochgilphead PA31 8RT.
Are any streets exempted?
There are no exempted streets at the moment, but we will keep this under review.
There are problems with pavement parking/I know of regular pavement parking, how can I report it?
You can through our website or by calling 01546 605514.
Please remember, these new restrictions are in place to make sure the most vulnerable in our communities are able to move around and use our road network safely, independently and with confidence.