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Date of IRD: Time of IRD : Previous referrals: Referral Date:Referral Time: Referred by:Date Child Seen: Time Child Seen: Named Person:  Participants AgencyNamePoliceHealthSocial WorkEducationOther Children involved Name DOBAddress School Adults involved Name DOB Address Relationship PR*  * Parental responsibility Reasons for IRD/ Allegations or concerns: Include if Child is open/known to SW  Significant additional information considered: Agency Information - Police Scotland Agency Information Health Agency Information Social Work Agency Information - Education Agency Information - Other Summary of Discussion  Decision (pick one only) No CP Investigation - information to be passed to Named PersonNo CP Investigation - recommend Named Person arrange support/further assessment via Child Plan MeetingNot CP - further enquiries required to determine if CPConvene - CP Case Discussion CP Investigation Single agencyCP Investigation JointRefer to Vulnerable Young Persons Protocol Reasons for decision: Target Date for completion of CP1: Target date for CPM/CPCC:   Key Questions: immediate action Is there a need for emergency protective action?Are any of the adults carers of vulnerable adults? Is an Adult Protection referral required?Are there any other children potentially at risk?Is there a need for a medical examination of the child or siblings? Action Plan Action to be taken By Whom? By When?  Post IRD follow up and checklist Date Updated: Have all outstanding actions / lines of enquiry been concluded?Have childs views been obtained and considered?Have Parent views been obtained and considered?Has integrated chronology been considered?Has all relevant interagency information been shared and considered?Did the child suffer significant harm?Was the child exposed to a risk of significant harm?Is there a future risk of significant harm? SW to convene a ICPCCSW to convene Childs Plan MeetingReferral to SCRA Notes on outcome: Including: Confirming feedback to Referrer Completed by: Copied to:      IRD Electronic Recording Form Page  PAGE 3 of  NUMPAGES 3 |}~       ¸¤ššššš¸|o|oh/Mh[CJ^JaJhntCJ^JaJh4NCJ^JaJhfFCJ^JaJh\CJ^JaJhZCJ^JaJhddECJ^JaJh*a CJ^JaJh/Mh\CJ^JaJh/Mh*a CJ^JaJhCJ^JaJh/MhPBCJ^JaJh/MhCJ^JaJ'~Lkd$$IflF p#   t0#    44 lapyt9jd$Ifgds dgd*a   Vkd$$IflF p#   t0#    44 lapyt9jd$Ifgds    ! - N W Z b c u { ~ ΁sffs[sNJh(Nh/MhaCJ^JaJh[5CJ^JaJhAhCJ^JaJh[ha5CJ^JaJh[h5CJ^JaJh/MhCJ^JaJh/MhsCJ^JaJhsCJ^JaJh/Mhp-CJ^JaJh\hp-5CJ^JaJh\h5CJ^JaJh*a hPBCJ ^JaJ h/Mh[CJ^JaJh[CJ^JaJ   ! 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