ࡱ> HJGm  bjbj˖˖ =6bb  8H$l .z | | | | | | $)"$^   ...Rz .z ...2 .f  0 .=%r=%.=%.8".  =% B :  UK Parliamentary Election  Declaration of Results Election of a member to serve in Parliament for theߣsirƵ, Bute and South Lochaber Constituency Date of election 4 July 2024  Electorate71,756 Total Votes Cast (per Verification Sheet) 45,078 Percentage Poll 62.8% I, Pippa Milne, Returning Officer for the UK Parliamentary Election in ߣsirƵ, Bute and South Lochaber Constituency hereby give Notice that the total number of votes polled for each candidate at the election was as follows:-Candidate VotesAmanda Hampsey, SCOTTISH CONSERVATIVE AND UNIONIST 9,350Melanie Hurst, REFORM UK 3,045Tommy MacPherson, INDEPENDENT 941Hamish Maxwell, SCOTTISH LABOUR PARTY 8,585Brendan OHara, SCOTTISH NATIONAL PARTY (SNP) 15,582Alan Reid, SCOTTISH LIBERAL DEMOCRATS 7,359 Ballot Papers Rejected216 TOTAL VOTES 45,078 And I declare that BRENDAN OHARA is elected to serve in the United Kingdom Parliament as the member for the ߣsirƵ, Bute and South Lochaber Constituency.  Ballot Papers rejected:-TOTAL(1) Want of official mark0(2) Voting for more than one candidate27(3) Writing or mark by which voter could be identified0(4) Unmarked or void for uncertainty 189TOTAL216 PIPPA MILNE Returning Officer Date: 5 July 2024 Time: 6.40AM     67jkqsx    퓁xnaRnHnH>h>CJOJQJh$ 1CJOJQJhh{OCJOJQJ^JhO' 5CJOJQJ^Jh{OCJOJQJh,hfaJ#hSh5CJOJQJ^JaJh o\5CJOJQJ^JaJ%h o\5CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH +hSh o\5CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH  hShfCJOJQJ^JaJ hfhfCJOJQJ^JaJ#hShf5CJOJQJ^JaJ5 & 0 p@P" %$IfgdS $ & 0 p@P" %$Ifa$gdS567K2 & 0 p@P" %gdfkd$$IflFO j 'O t  t0'6    44 lalpytS7k $ & 0 p@P" %$Ifa$gdS & 0 p@P" %$Ifgd o\ & 0 p@P" %$IfgdS3.($Ifgdfkd'$$Ifl\ ' :    t0'644 lalp(ytS $$Ifa$$IfJkdf$$If+0'5 4 +a+ $$Ifa$gdGN$If      ! TH $ `(a$Jkd<$$If+0'5 4 +a+ $$Ifa$$If$IfJkd$$If+0'5 4 +a+! 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