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Accordingly, applications must clearly demonstrate that the purpose of the grant is to provide a service or facility that will meet a local need or directly benefit the residents of Dunoon. The Members of the Fund must be satisfied that any and all disbursements from the Fund meet this requirement, and their decisions in this regard are full and final. The Common Good Fund is not an alternative to mainstream Council Grants Schemes and applications to the Fund will only be considered once other sources of funding (where applicable) have been applied for and determined. Subject to 1 and 2 above, applications will be considered from individuals and properly constituted voluntary or charitable organisations for funding towards one-off projects. Applications for routine operational costs / core funding will not normally be considered. Regular applications from organisations will only be considered where such applications form part of a defined development plan or growing project. Applications will only be considered if they include a copy of the most recent audited or approved accounts of the organisation. Accounts can only be approved by someone independent of the applicant organisation. This persons name and address must be supplied. Applications will not normally be accepted in respect of projects on which work has already started, or in aid of expenditure towards which applicants have already made a commitment or paid. Applications relating to a wider area than that covered by the Fund will not normally be considered unless the applicant can specify, to the satisfaction of the Fund Members, how any grant will meet a local need or directly benefit residents of Dunoon. Applicants must enclose, along with the completed application form, the following information (where applicable): A copy of the most recent audited or approved accounts Contractors estimates A copy of the organisations constitution Any planning or other consents (which must have been already obtained) All successful applicants will be required to complete an End Of Project Monitoring Form to ensure that any monies awarded are used appropriately, in accordance with the Fund criteria and giving a level of information which enables trustees to be satisfied that this has happened. The submitted information must outline the amount of funding, any match funding, project details and outcomes, including the number and breakdown of people who benefitted from the award. YOU/YOUR ORGANISATION Individuals - Complete 1a ONLY and go to section 2. Organisations Complete all of this section. Section 1 (a)Name:Address:Post Code:Email:Telephone Number: Section 1 (b) Contact for the purposes of this application (if different from above)Name:Person in Organisation (if applicable):Address:Tel: Section 1 (c) Background InformationPlease give a summary of the history of your organisation, including when it was formed, links to any parent body etc  Section 1 (d) Aims and Objective of your OrganisationWhat are the aims and objectives of your organisation, including its current role in the Community, types of services provided and target client groups?  Section 1 (e) Registered Charity Number please give registration number Section 1 (f) Membership and UsersHow many people in Dunoon regularly use the services/facilities offered by your organisation?Please indicate how many areMale:Female:Disabled:Do you make a charge to your users?Yes:No:If Yes please give details: Do you have a membership scheme?Yes:No:How many members belong to your organisation?Please indicate how many members areMale:Female:Disabled:Please give details of your membership fees:  Section 1 (g) Does your organisation have a constitution?Yes:No:If Yes please include a copy with your application. 2. FUNDING REQUEST Section 2 (a)How much grant are you requesting from the Dunoon Common Good Fund? Section 2 (b)Please explain how the funding will be used: 3. APPLICATIONS FOR ONE OFF PROJECT GRANTS Section 3 (a) Please detail the total cost of your proposals: Applicants seeking assistance towards equipment or building works must include two competitive quotes (please refer to guidance). ITEM OF EXPENDITURE COST TOTAL COST  Section 3 (b)Have you applied to any other organisations for financial assistance towards the cost of the project? Yes: No: If Yes please give details: ORGANISATIONDATE OF APP.AMOUNT REQUESTED AMOUNT AWARDED IF NO DECISION, DATE EXPECTED Section 3 (c)Do you have the necessary planning and/or building control consents? Yes: No: N/A: 4. DECLARATION I can confirm that, to the best of my knowledge, all the answers given above are true and accurate. I understand that details contained in this form will be processed by the DCGF Members and Administrative Staff. I am aware that by submitting this application I am agreeing to the publication as of the details contained in this application in any form deemed appropriate by the Members of the Fund. I am also aware that the amount and conditions of any award granted will be made public. Signed _________________________________ Date _______________ Print name ___________________________________________________ Office held ___________________________________________________ DUNOON COMMON GOOD FUND GRANT - END OF PROJECT MONITORING REPORT The Common Good Fund needs to account for all funding allocated, and therefore request that you complete all sections of this form. Name of Organisation: Contact Details: Project Funded: Grant Allocation: 1 Finance (Please provide a full breakdown of all costs) Description (from original grant application form) Projected CostsActual Costs 2 Match Funding (Please provide details of any match funding received) Grant SchemeDescription  Amount  3 Did you meet the aims of the project please give details? (The main facts and figures about actual activities, for example the number of people the organisation or project worked with and the main activities undertaken) 4 What difference did your project make? (This section should also include examples of how individual participants/services users experienced the project/activity -case studies/quotes can be used) 5 Key Learning Points Please detail any unexpected outcomes (positive and negative) including anything that would be done differently in the future. 6 Do you have any comments to help us improve the grant process?   Signature Print name:Position held in organisation:Date:Please note: The Common Good Fund reserves the right to request copies of all receipts for expenditure. PLEASE GIVE BREAKDOWN IN TERMS OF AGE AND GENDER MALEFEMALE0-45-910-1617-2425-6465+HOW MANY PEOPLE BENEFITED FROM THE GRANT? PLEASE RETURN THE COMPLETED FORM TO: Dunoon Common Good Fund Adele Price-Williams, Senior Area Committee Assistant, Legal & Regulatory Support, ߣsirƵ and Bute Council, Kilmory Lochgilphead, PA31 8RT. Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:commongoodfunds@argyll-bute.gov.uk" commongoodfunds@argyll-bute.gov.uk     38HX[npqtͿͱsdP<&hA4he95>*CJ OJQJ^JaJ &hn&rhe95>*CJOJQJ^JaJh#|5CJOJQJ^JaJ h!h}CJOJQJ^JaJh}CJOJQJ^JaJh CJOJQJ^JaJ h!h1CJOJQJ^JaJh1CJOJQJ^JaJhtCJOJQJ^JaJ h!h#|CJOJQJ^JaJhN5CJOJQJ^JaJ#h!h#|5CJOJQJ^JaJ !peW $$@&Ifa$gdX $@&Ifgd!kd$$IflZ%q#  t %0q#644 l` %ap %yt-H $$@&Ifa$gdN!"12odV $$@&Ifa$gdX $@&Ifgd!kd$$Ifl0Z7 % t0q#644 l` %apyt-H23FGodV $$@&Ifa$gdX $@&Ifgd!kdj$$Ifl0Z7 % t0q#644 l` %apyt-HGHYZodV $$@&Ifa$gdX $@&Ifgd!kd$$Ifl0Z7 % t0q#644 l` %apyt-HZ[noodV $$@&Ifa$gdX $@&Ifgd kd$$Ifl0Z7 % t0q#644 l` %apyt-HopodV $$@&Ifa$gdX $@&Ifgd kd}$$Ifl0Z7 % t0q#644 l` %apyt-HodV $$@&Ifa$gd1 $@&Ifgd1kd.$$Ifl0Z7 % t0q#644 l` %apyt-Hoia\\\\$a$$a$gdX$@&a$kd$$Ifl0Z7 % t0q#644 l` %apyt-H   dz{l]N<*]l#hA4he95CJ OJQJ^JaJ#hn&rhDi5CJOJQJ^JaJhe95CJOJQJ^JaJhA5CJOJQJ^JaJh#|5CJOJQJ^JaJ#hA4he95CJ,OJQJ^JaJ #hn&rhe95CJOJQJ^JaJ&hn&rhe95>*CJOJQJ^JaJ&hA4he959CJ,OJQJ^JaJ &hA4hA59CJ,OJQJ^JaJ &hA4h!59CJ,OJQJ^JaJ h:59CJ,OJQJ^JaJ    ; V n $a$gd3o$a$gdN$@&a$$a$/$ 9$d!%d!&d!'d @&N!O!P!Q a$gd-H   :   ' ) . 0 4 9 @ N O P Q °nnn]L?hA4hNOJQJ^J!h5OJQJ^JaJnH tH  hA4h1CJOJQJ^JaJ hA4hDCJOJQJ^JaJ#hA4he9CJH*OJQJ^JaJhiCJOJQJ^JaJ hA4he9CJOJQJ^JaJ#hn&rhN5CJOJQJ^JaJh!5CJOJQJ^JaJh3oCJOJQJ^JaJ h7Mh3oCJOJQJ^JaJhN5CJOJQJ^JaJn v O P Q R S T U v w  & F 05$7$8$9DH$^`0gd-HgdNgdN$a$gdN$a$gdN^gd1$a$gd3oQ R U [ l u v W ]   89:ƶƦznznzn_zPAhA4h-HCJOJQJ^JhA4hCJ_CJOJQJ^JhA4h9hCJOJQJ^Jh:CJOJQJ^JhA4h1CJOJQJ^JhA4h15CJOJQJ^Jh:5CJOJQJ^JhA4h15CJOJQJ^JhA4hN>*CJ$OJQJ^JhA4h1>*CJ$OJQJ^Jh:>*CJ$OJQJ^JhA4h-H>*CJ$OJQJ^JhA4hOJQJ^J ABHI aaB & F 0>TTf^`0gd-H & F 05$7$8$9DH$^`0gd-H> & F0>TTf^`0gd-H yz9:$%YZw $@&a$gd9xZ $@&a$gda$a$gda $ & Fa$gd.2d D85$7$8$9DH$^8gd-H D5$7$8$9DH$^gd-H & F D5$7$8$9DH$gd-Hgd-H & F 05$7$8$9DH$^`0gd-H : #$%;DXYZ[ghij˺sseTssseCs h9xZh5CJOJQJ^JaJ hahaCJOJQJ^JaJhe9CJOJQJ^JaJhaCJOJQJ^JaJ hahe9CJOJQJ^JaJ&hahe95>*CJOJQJ^JaJ&hA4he95>*CJ$OJQJ^JaJ hA4h-HCJOJQJ^JaJ#hA4hUCJOJQJ\^JaJ#hA4hUCJOJQJ\^JaJ hA4hUCJOJQJ^JaJi` $Ifgdn&rwkd$$Ifl&~&  t 0644 lap ytA4 $$Ifa$gdA4`gda $@&a$gd9xZ*jlmz&N>?BCDRghܽܯܽܯ~m_~M#hA4h9xZ5CJOJQJ^JaJh9xZCJOJQJ^JaJ hA4h9xZCJOJQJ^JaJ hA4h9xZCJOJQJ^JaJ#hA4h9xZ5CJOJQJ^JaJh5CJOJQJ^JaJhaCJOJQJ^JaJhe9CJOJQJ^JaJ hA4haCJOJQJ^JaJ hA4haCJOJQJ^JaJ#hA4ha5CJOJQJ^JaJ $Ifgdn&rpkd$$$Ifl&~& t0644 lap ytA4 $Ifgdn&rpkd$$Ifl&~& t0644 lap ytA4 $Ifgdn&rpkd0$$Ifl%&~& t0644 lap ytA4 $Ifgdn&rpkd$$Ifl;&~& t0644 lap ytA4)y $$Ifa$gdA4`gdn&rpkd<$$Ifl'&~& t0644 lap ytA4)*0~ $Ifgdn&rwkd$$Ifl&~&  t 0644 lap ytA401Y $Ifgdn&rpkdV $$Ifl &~& t0644 lap ytA4YZc $Ifgdn&rpkd $$Ifl&~& t0644 lap ytA4cdi $Ifgdn&rpkdb $$Ifl&~& t0644 lap ytA4ijklmy $$Ifa$gdA4`gdn&rpkd $$Ifl&~& t0644 lap ytA4    ~~~~~~~~~~ $Ifgdn&rwkdn $$Ifl&~&  t 0644 lap ytA4 N} $$Ifa$gdA4gdWhpkd $$IflP&~& t0644 lap ytA4NO~uuuuuuuuu $IfgdWh $Ifgdawkd $$Ifl&~&  t 0644 lap ytA4 ?} $$Ifa$gdA4gdWhpkd $$Ifl&~& t0644 lap ytA4?@A~ $IfgdWhwkd $$Ifl&~&  t 0644 lap ytA4ABCDg} $$Ifa$gdA4gdWhpkd6$$Ifl&~& t0644 lap ytA4gh~~ $Ifgdn&rwkd$$Ifl&~&  t 0644 lap ytA4h{+,MNxy*+|nZF&h.2dh55>*CJ$OJQJ^JaJ&hjUOh.2d5>*CJ$OJQJ^JaJhWhCJOJQJ^JaJ hA4h9xZCJOJQJ^JaJ#hA4h9xZ5CJOJQJ^JaJ#hn&rh9xZ5CJOJQJ^JaJh9xZ5CJOJQJ^JaJhe95CJOJQJ^JaJ#hA4h9xZ5CJOJQJ^JaJh:CJOJQJ^JaJ hA4h9xZCJOJQJ^JaJxoooo $Ifgdn&rkdP$$Ifl0&?? 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