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Reason for procession  Full Name of Chief Steward of the procession including any maiden or previous name where appropriate - Surname Forename Address1 Date of Birth Address2 Telephone Address 3 email address Postcode Please state what arrangements have been made for the control of the procession, for example number of stewards on duty.  Location of procession (town or village)  Number of people expected to take part  10. Will the procession pass or stop at a Cenotaph/War Memorial, if yes please give details.  Will you use an ߣsirƵ and Bute Council car park during the procession? If yes, please give details.  12. a Time procession assembles  b Assembly point  c Procession start time  d Proposed route Return route if applicable 13. Name of accompanying bands  I have read your Code of Conduct and agree to keep to its conditions. Date Signed  Signature of organiser For official use only Reference number Date application received  The contacts in the Area Offices for each area are as follows:- Helensburgh & Lomond Area: Helensburgh & Lomond Civic Centre, 38 East Clyde Street, Helensburgh G84 7PG. Tel: 01436 657621 (b) Mid ߣsirƵ, Kintyre & Islay: Kilmory, Lochgilphead, PA31 8RT. Tel: 01546 604338 (c) Bute & Cowal: 22 Hill Street, Dunoon PA23 7AP. Tel: 01369 708662 (d) Oban, Lorn & the Isles: Municipal Buildings, Albany Street, Oban PA34 4AW. Tel: 01631 567945 Important notes please read carefully To be lodged with the Area office for your area. For address, see form for details A copy of this notification will be sent to Police Scotland to enable them to comment on your proposed procession. In terms of the legislation, details of the proposed procession will be sent out to all persons in the opt in list for the area. Details will be lodged in Area Offices. If necessary, consultation will also take place with other Council departments and external bodies. As the organiser of your event, you should give the Council at least 28 days notice of your intention to hold a procession. If you cannot provide the notice needed, you should contact your local office to apply for an exemption. We can only make an exemption in exceptional circumstances. You should read the Code of Conduct and fill in all sections of the form. We may ask you to complete a risk assessment form to be submitted with this notification. We will let you know if this is necessary. Please note that your notification may require to be dealt with by the Area Committee. In these circumstances this will result in this notification and any objections or representations becoming part of a public document. If your proposed procession does not have a designated chief steward, please indicate this on the form. How we collect and use the information The information collected on this form and from supporting evidence by ߣsirƵ and Bute Council will be used to process your application. The information may be passed to other Council Departments, Department for Work and Pensions, Employment Service and other Government Departments as permitted by law. We may check the information provided by you, or information about you provided by a third party, with other information held by us. We may also get information from certain third parties, or give information to them to check the accuracy of information, to prevent or detect crime, or to protect public funds in other ways, as permitted by law. These third parties include Government Departments and Local Authorities. Details of applications will be placed in a public register available in our offices and on our website. We will not disclose information about you to anyone outside ߣsirƵ and Bute Council nor use information about you for other purposes unless the law permits this. ߣsirƵ and Bute Council is the data controller for the purpose of the Data Protection Act 1998. If you want to know more about what information we have about you, or the way we use your information, you can write to the Council`s Data Protection Officer at Council Headquarters, Kilmory, Lochgilphead PA31 8RT . CIVIC GOVERNMENT (SCOTLAND) ACT 1982 As amended by the Police, Public Order and Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 2006 CODE OF CONDUCT FOR PUBLIC PROCESSONS Sufficient stewards and marshals shall be present to ensure that participants comply with directions. Stewards and marshals shall be easily identifiable. The organiser shall identify his/herself to the Police Officer in charge at the commencement of the procession. The processionists, including marshals, shall not march more than four abreast and shall keep to the near of left hand side of the street except one-way streets where they will keep on the right hand side. The procession shall be split into sections in order to avoid serious dislocation of traffic. The band or bands taking part shall cease to play when approaching and passing places of worship while services are in progress. No weapons of any description shall be carried. No cause for complaint shall be given. No obstruction shall be caused. The instructions of the police shall be obeyed. The conditions of Section 62 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974 in relation to the use of loudspeakers shall be observed. The terms of the Public Order Act 1936 in relation to the prohibition of the wearing of uniforms signifying association with any political organisations, etc. shall be observed. Organisations shall assist the police in ensuring that passage is allowed for traffic and pedestrians. The organiser shall be responsible for ensuring that these conditions are brought to the notice of persons, bodies and bands participating. 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