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Welcome, Introductions and Apologies Apologies were noted as above.  2.The Carers Act David Halliday gave presentation on the new Carers (Scotland) Act 2016. The Act is due to come into effect in April 2018. There is a duty for Local Authorities to provide support to carers. S21 states that local authorities must have an eligibility criteria, a large amount of work has been done on this. An adult carers support strategy would be produced and for young carers a young carers statement would be produced. DH is in the processing of briefing all services on the new carers act and its implications. Any further queries to go to DH. 3.Previous Minutes 07.11.17 Minutes agreed as accurate. 4.National Adult Protection Co-ordinator (i) NAPC Newsletters Noted.  5.SCR Joint Improvement Plan Discussed at joint APC/CPC session. Further work to be undertaken and narrative to be added to plan for sign off and taken to COGPP.  AD6.Care Home Quality Assurance Guidance Anne Austin spoke to report and guidance. The Guidance has been developed over a number of years but continues to be a live working document due to constant changes in practices within care homes. It was recognised that service users are moving into care homes later in life, for shorter periods of time so their needs have changed. We are supporting homes to respond to these. Meetings with care homes are held 6 monthly and are carried out by the care home with the manager invited. Care home managers come to an individual session with associated professionals including the Care Inspectorate. AA to provide summary report for AD to take to meeting with Care Inspectorate. Noted that AA will be retiring but the role her and Susan Spicer lead will continue and a handover will be done. Lee Roberts advised that trading standards are involved in a West of Scotland review into care homes terms and conditions. The Committee agreed Guidance for care homes should be signed off but acknowledged it is a working document.  AA LR7.Broadening Issues in Public Protection Paper and content noted. 8.Adults with Incapacity Act consultation Consultation currently ongoing. JH will meet with ASP Lead Officers to gather response.  JH9.Joint Interface Guidance AP/CP Paper and its content noted.  10.Chief Officer Leadership Day feedback Paper and its content noted.  11.Biennial Report 2018 Biennial report required for Scottish Minister, but recent reports have received little feedback. Noted that this still needs to be completed but APC will be using Annual Report for this. Agencies will be contacted for input. 12.Health and Social Care Report JH looking to train all care home staff on ASP. Also looking to do more training jointly with Child Protection Committee.  13.Police Report Community Mental Health Triage Pilot underway since 26th January. Information being reviewed weekly. More comprehensive report to come to APC one pilot further on.  BG14.Advocacy Report No report available.15.Fire and Rescue Report No report available. 16.Management Information JH spoke to report and commented on: MAKI highest amount of referrals OLI lowest amount of referrals Referral numbers as a whole have decreased this quarter Close to target to sign off off referrals except Bute and Cowal. It was noted however that higher than normal amount of activity during the last quarter. This was discussed as it was acknowledged that Child Protection have had a similar increase issue this is being addressed. No case conferences this quarter. 17.For Information Items 17 25 Content of papers noted. 26.AOCB National ASP day on 20th February. This is noted on Council Hub. Alex Davidson on behalf of the Committee noted that this was Anne Austins last meeting and thanked her for all her hard work and efforts for Adult Protection agenda. 27.Date of next meeting 1st May 2018, 10AM 3 Villages Hall, Arrochar.   ߣsirƵ and Bute Adult Protection Committee ActionWho is ResponsibleTo be completed byUpdate on ProgressDiscussion with Care Inspectorate on where SCR plan publication goes.A DavidsonOngoingSummary report on Care Homes to go to AD for discussion with Care InspectorateA AustinASAPFeedback from Trading Standards review on Care Homes terms and conditions to come to APCL RobertsNext APCASP leads to gather response for AWI consultation J HemplemanOngoingUpdate on Community Mental Health Triage Pilot to come to APC once information available B GibsonOngoing      PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 5 ,234X[bmoȻ}m}bTF9/h!OJQJ^Jhph2OJQJ^Jhph25OJQJ^JhZhZ5OJQJ^JhBl5OJQJ^JhLhL5H*OJQJ^JhL5OJQJ^Jh=c5OJQJ^JhVv5OJQJ^JhZhBX5OJQJ^Jh@5CJOJQJ^JaJh@5CJOJQJ^Jh5Fk5OJQJ^JhZh@5OJQJ^Jhyh@5OJQJ^J jhRhZUmHnHu34b~zq $IfgdZbkdu$$Ifl0 % ! t&644 lapyt2 $Ifgd+gd+$a$gd=c$a$gd+gd+ % & 5 Y [ u v   + , T U    ȻȻȮ{j!h!hLB*OJQJ^JphhphL5OJQJ^JhLOJQJ^JhphLOJQJ^JhLB*OJQJ^JphhphOJQJ^Jhph!OJQJ^Jh!OJQJ^JhphOJQJ^JhS$OJQJ^JhOJQJ^Jhph OJQJ^J) 2bkdM$$Ifl0 % ! t&644 lapyt2 $Ifgd+bkd$$Ifl0 % ! t&644 lapyt2 % & 5 Z [ 2bkd%$$Ifl0 % ! t&644 lapyt2bkd$$Ifl0 % ! t&644 lapyt2 $Ifgd+[ g u v $Ifgd+bkd$$Ifl0 % ! t&644 lapyt2 $Ifgd{[ 2bkdi $$Ifl0 % ! t&644 lapyt2 $Ifgd+bkd$$Ifl0 % ! t&644 lapyt2   2bkdA!$$Ifl0 % ! t&644 lapyt2bkd $$Ifl0 % ! t&644 lapyt2 $Ifgd+  + , = T bkd!$$Ifl0 % ! t&644 lapyt2 $Ifgd+T U d 2bkd"$$Ifl0 % ! t&644 lapyt2 $Ifgd+bkd"$$Ifl0 % ! t&644 lapyt2 $Ifgd! $Ifgd>h9bkd"$$Ifl0 % ! t&644 lapyt2 $Ifgd+ )bkd#$$Ifl0 % ! t&644 lapyt2 $Ifgd! $Ifgd>h9bkd]#$$Ifl0 % ! t&644 lapyt2   bkd5$$$Ifl0 % ! t&644 lapyt2 $Ifgd+   , - S U _ ` ! 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