
Self learning modules

Learning resources for child protection

Protecting Children E-learning module

All staff and volunteers working with children and young people in ߣsirÊÓƵ & Bute should, as a minimum, have foundation knowledge of child protection.

This e-learning module offers essential information on child protection issues for those who are waiting to start their training with us, or who only require basic level information in recognising and reporting situations where there might be a need for protection.

Female Genital Mutilation

FGM is a form of child abuse against girls, and therefore must be dealt with as part of existing child protection policies and procedures.

There is information and resources available on the 

Practitioners should:

  • consider the definition and practice of FGM
  • outline the communities which may be at risk of FGM practices
  • highlight the indicators which can be used to identify risk
  • reinforce effective safeguarding practice as a way to protect girls

Resilience Matrix

A short animation which gives a working explanation of the Resilience Matrix. It is aimed at the Named Person, Lead Professionals and everyone using the National GIRFEC Practice Model. It gives direction and confidence in the use of the tool in practice. The animation is designed to be used in conjunction with National GIRGEC guidance and practitioners’ local GIRFEC Procedures.

For ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Staff you will be able to access this using LEON (our online learning resource). If you require a log on for LEON, please contact learninganddevelopment@argyll-bute.gov.uk where they will be able to provide one for you.

For people with access to YouTube – you can view here:

Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE’s) - Trauma Training

ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute continues to be one of three areas in Scotland leading the way in developing a trauma informed workforce. As part of this we have developed and collated a range of easy to use on line learning materials for everyone in the children’s services workforce to help support the different groups of staff who come into contact with children and families as part of their job.

Access the Adverse Childhood Experience Trauma Training here

Child development e-learning module

This e-learning module created by ߣsirÊÓƵ & Bute Child Protection Committee, Edinburgh Napier University and ߣsirÊÓƵ & Bute Council has been produced to help those looking after and working with children understand child development.

Key principles in childcare policy in Scotland places great emphasis on early identification of unmet needs and aims to ensure all children in the county are supported to achieve their potential. This module is designed to help people learn about how most children normally grow and develop and the kind of factors which supports healthy development, as well as some of the ways health development may be compromised, as this provides a benchmark against which to gauge a child’s well-being.

The whole module will take approximately 4-6 hours to complete but it has been designed in a way that allows people to dip in and out with the option to resume where they left off. 

Public Protection

This short module is designed to give you the information you will need to promote the protection and well-being of vulnerable people. It will also highlight what to do, should you became concerned that a child or vulnerable adult might be being harmed.

Completion time: 1 hour

A Guide to Making Best Use of Chronologies

This 10 minute animation is a guide to how chronologies should be prepared and applied in practice. It is for everyone working across children’s services who are required to keep and contribute to chronologies for children’s case records. Also available on YouTube

Domestic Abuse Awareness Raising Tool

The online tool produced by SafeLives is intended as a learning resource for professionals. It is an awareness-raising resource and serves as an introduction to domestic abuse and coercive control. The tool provides an overview of the main considerations when responding to domestic abuse, however it does not replace specialist domestic abuse training.

It covers:

  • The definition and prevalence of domestic abuse
  • The Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018
  • General awareness and identification of domestic abuse, including coercive control
  • Safe responses and referral pathways

The resource reflects real experiences of women, children, men, LGBT people and the BME community. It also includes case studies that show tactics perpetrators use to manipulate victims and responders, as well as the impact of domestic abuse and coercive control on the whole family. 

The content should take approximately 40 minutes to complete.

Using the National Risk Framework Risk Indicator Tools

This course provides a working knowledge of the risk indicator tools from the National Risk Framework. It is for all staff working across agencies who are required to lead or contribute to assessments of risk of harm within ߣsirÊÓƵ & Bute’s child planning processes.  Designed to help practitioners establish a common language and culture of practice around considerations of risk, and a consistent practice approach to risk assessment and analysis that can be integrated into existing assessment and recording processes.

Also available on LEON for ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Council staff.

Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)

It’s everyone’s job to make sure children and young people are safe from Sexual Exploitation. This module aims to help workers to understand, recognise and respond in the right way to children and young people experiencing, or at risk, of child sexual exploitation.

The role and responsibilities of child protection co-ordinators and designated officers

All education, childcare providers and children’s services establishments  should have at least one designated Child Protection Worker. This may be the organisation's manager, lead person or senior youth worker or in schools the HT / DHT or appropriate employees designated by them. This module is designed to support managers and designated child protection officers to be confident and competent in the child protection officer roles, and participate effectively in multi-agency child protection processes.

Also available on LEON for A&B Council employees

CPCScotland Neglect Webinars available to watch online 

Links to the recordings along with pdf’s from Child Protection Committees Scotland ‘Learning About Neglect’ event series for child protection leaders and practitioners across Scotland.

Webinar 1: Thinking critically about neglect: focused on developing an understating of key research messages about how people experience neglect and the impact it has on them. Exploring issues of stigma, shame, and inequality and what this means for practice.

Webinar 2: Family group decision making for unborn babies and young infants: Increasing awareness of family group decision making and strength based approaches, as highlighted in the National Child Protection Guidance 2021


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