
How to contact us

How to contact us

Contact us by phone

If you need to call us please use the relevant telephone number for the service you require from those listed below. If you know the name of the person you wish to contact, or are unsure of the number for the service you need, call 01546 605522.

Please note that the Customer Service Centre is open from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday. Monday mornings and lunchtimes are usually very busy, so unless your call is urgent it is best to call outside of these times to avoid undue waiting.

The Request ItPay It and Report It pages allow you to request most of the council services available by telephone and on the website where they are available 24/7

  • Council Tax - 01546 605511
  • Benefits - 01546 605512
  • Roads and Lighting Faults - 01546 605514
  • Car Parking Fines and Faults - 01546 605514
  • New! 24/7 Bin Collection Hotline - 01546 605514
  • Domestic Special Uplifts and Bins - 01546 605514
  • Domestic Bin Uplift Issues - 01546 605514
  • Abandoned Vehicle and Fly Tipping - 01546 605514
  • Dog Fouling and Dog Control - 01546 605514
  • Pest Control - 01546 605514
  • Payments - 01546 605515
  • Complaints - 01546 605516
  • Social Care and Blue Badges - 01546 605517
  • Planning - 01546 605518
  • Regulatory ߣsirÊÓƵ - 01546 605519
  • Book a pitch, room or minibus - 01546 605520
  • Registration Enquiries - 01546 605521
  • Switchboard/General Enquiries - 01546 605522
  • Homelessness - 01586 555936
  • Press Office enquiries - 01546 604171
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