


Dunoon Grammar claims UK award for Innovation

A group of pupils from Dunoon Grammar School are celebrating the news that they have won an Apps for Good Employability Skills Award for innovation – beating off stiff competition from across the UK. The 2019 Apps for Good Employability Skills prizes is sponsored by Capgemini and celebrates young technology creators aged 10 to 18 who have come up with a great idea for a product that makes the world a better place.

17 June 2019
lorry offloading household waste

ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Council launches waste strategy consultation

ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Council has launched a consultation to ask its residents and businesses what they think about tackling waste throughout the area. In January 2021, the Scottish Government will introduce a ban on Biodegradable Municipal Waste (BMW) going into landfill. Simply put, that means household waste that is biodegradable, such as food, garden waste and cardboard, can no longer be disposed of in landfill. 

14 June 2019

Dunoon Grammar nominated as Europe’s 'Most Enterprising School'

Dunoon Grammar is in the running to become Europe’s 'Most Enterprising School' after being selected to represent Scotland at this year’s European Entrepreneurial School Awards. The European Entrepreneurial School Awards is an annual recognition of outstanding schools that are championing entrepreneurship in education across Europe.

14 June 2019

Alliance formed to secure excellence in education

ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Council is one of eight local authorities across the North and West of Scotland that are working together to ensure that children and young people are given the best educational opportunities. Known as the Northern Alliance, the partnership is a Regional Improvement Collaborative (RIC) set up to secure excellence and equity in education.

13 June 2019

Council's commitment to vulnerable young people

ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Council is committed to ensuring that vulnerable young people are getting the most out of their education.  This was the clear message at a meeting of the council’s Community ߣsirÊÓƵ Committee today, when members were updated on the progress that has been made since a principal teacher was appointed specifically for young people in care, and those in need of extra support or protection.

13 June 2019

Positive progress for additional childcare hours

Positive progress is being made by ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Council as it prepares for the increase in free early learning and childcare provision, to 1140 hours per year by 2020. The expansion in childcare, from 600 hours to 1140 hours, is part of a Scottish Government initiative aimed at providing young people with a high quality experience that can make a significant contribution to their development, and help close the poverty related attainment gap.

13 June 2019

Fèisean funding secured for 2019/20

ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Council has approved £20,000 funding to Fèisean nan Gàidheal, an organisation that supports the development of traditional music, Gaelic singing and Gaelic drama. The support from the council enables Fèisean nan Gàidheal to lever in additional funding; every £1 of support received from the council, enables £5.40 spend on delivering Gaelic services in the area. The council funding comes from Community Development (£15, 500) and Education ߣsirÊÓƵ’ Gaelic specific budget (£4500) and is for the year 2019/20.

13 June 2019

Taic-airgid do na Fèisean airson 2019/20

Tha Comhairle Earra-Ghàidheal is Bhòid air aontachadh taic-airgid luach £20,000 a thoirt do dh’Fhèisean nan Gàidheal, a’ bhuidheann a tha a’ toirt taic do agus a’ cur chothroman ionnsachaidh air dòigh airson ceòl traidiseanta, seinn Ghàidhlig agus dràma Gàidhlig. Leis an taic bhon Chomhairle, ’s urrainn do dh’Fhèisean nan Gàidheal maoineachadh a bharrachd a thoirt a-steach; mar thoradh air gach £1 de thaic a bheir a’ Chomhairle seachad, thèid £5.40 a chosg air seirbheisean Gàidhlig san sgìre.

13 June 2019

Dates agreed for school holidays 2020 – 2023

ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Council’s Community ߣsirÊÓƵ Committee has agreed the school holiday dates for 2020-2023. The dates were proposed following consultation with schools and parent councils during 2018. They were then agreed by the Head Teacher Advisory Group, the Local Negotiating Committee for Teachers (LNCT) and the Joint Service Committee (JNC). The dates include two additional in-service days for 2019-20 which were announced by the Scottish Government.

13 June 2019

Colgrain launches nurture room

Colgrain Primary School has officially launched its new nurture room. ‘The Oasis’ is a purposefully designed and resourced environment, created to support children when they are experiencing some emotional or social challenges in their lives. The school’s vision is to enable all children to reach their full potential, and be the best they can be, and the creation of the nurture room helps to achieve this.

11 June 2019
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