
Consultation Results

Details on the outcomes of consultations.

You Said, We Did 

Thank you for taking part in our consultations. Your feedback matters to us and we want to show you some of the issues we have consulted you on, and their outcomes:

Closed consultations
Consultation Purpose Consultation dates Further information / results
Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES)  To seek input from members of the public, local businesses, and stakeholders on the Draft Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES). 27th Sept 2024 - 13th Oct 2024 Summary - Draft ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy
Campbeltown walking, cycling and parking plans ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Council was seeking feedback from people in Campbeltown on plans to improve walking and cycling routes in the town. 28th Aug 2024 - 10th Oct 2024  
Dalmally Primary School catchment area ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Council sought views on a Proposal to formally extend the catchment area of Dalmally Primary School. 26th Aug 24 - 4th Oct 24 School consultations and proposals
Rothesay seafront walking and cycling link Invited people on the Isle of Bute to have their say on plans to make further improvements to the island’s walking and cycling links 28th Aug 24 - 30th Sept 24  
Gaelic school consultation The Education Service are undertook a 10 week consultation to ascertain the demand for an all Gaelic School within ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute.  22nd Apr 24 - 30 Jun 24 
ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Council’s British Sign Language Plan 2024-2030 Gathering opinions about our draft plan new local British Sign Language plan (ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute BSL Plan 2024-2030). 2nd May 24 - 20th June 24 Read the draft British Sign Language plan
Survey for Businesses Gathering collective feedback from businesses across ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute to assist in developing appropriate actions in the short, medium to longer term for the business community. 18th Apr 24 - 6th May 24  
A849-280 Pennyghael Bridge Replacement Proposal to replace the existing bridge which is located in Pennyghael further Downstream and improve the alignment of the carriageway 8 Apr 24 - 3 May 24  
Oban town centre north active travel route We were looking for your views on the concept designs for new active travel improvements around The Corran Esplanade and George Street in Oban 15 Mar 24 - 5 Apr 24 Oban Town Centre North active travel
Draft Development Policy Scheme Seek the views of the public on the content of the Participation Statement which sets out how we intend to carry out engagement. 23 Feb 24 - 25 Mar 24 Draft Development Policy Scheme
ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute HSCP Budget Simulator We used a budget simulator for you to tell us where you would increase, maintain or reduce investment in services to reach the £11.4 million savings target. 14 Feb 24 - 10 Mar 24
Dunoon to Hunters Quay active travel route Revised design with a stronger emphasis on widening the existing path and Improving crossing facilities over the A815. 29 Jan 24 - 23 Feb 24
Scottish Water policy consultation The policy proposals designed to protect our water, sewerage and drainage services; better understand the impacts of climate change on these services; and, maximise the benefits that can be delivered for the people of Scotland. 17 Jan 24 - 21 Feb 24
Oban Town Centre North Active Travel ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Council have appointed LUC as consultants to explore the opportunities for new active travel improvements around The Corran Esplanade and George Street in Oban. 7 Dec 23 - 12:00 - 12 Jan 24  
Customer Service Strategy consultation Looking for your views on our new Customer Service Strategy, Customer Charter and Action Plan. 13 Dec 23 - 15 Jan 24

The outcomes of the consultation will be considered and inform the final version of the Strategy, which will be presented to Councillors for approval in spring 2024. 

The Action Plan that accompanies the Strategy will then be implemented over the following three years.

A846-270 Glenegedale Bridge Replacement consultation Consultation on the feasibility design of the replacement of Glenegedale Bridge on the A846. 29 Sep - 31 Oct 23 Glenegedale Bridge Replacement Information
A816-120 Oude Bridge Replacement consultation Consultation on the feasibility design of the replacement and realignment of Oude Bridge on the A816. 29 Sep - 31 Oct 23 Oude Bridge Replacement Information
Southend Primary School consultation Seeking views on a proposal that education provision at Achaleven Primary School be discontinued with effect from 31st May 2024. 31 Aug - 27 Oct 23 School consultations and proposals
Achaleven Primary School consultation Seeking views on a proposal that education provision at Achaleven Primary School be discontinued with effect from 31st May 2024. 31 Aug - 27 Oct 23 School consultations and proposals
Lochgilphead Front Green to Crinan Canal Active Travel route Looking to identify the best option for an active travel route that links the Lochgilphead Front Green (recently upgraded public realm project) with the Crinan Canal (NCN 78) and to produce a concept design. 4 Sep 23 - 28 Sep 23 Lochgilphead Front Green to Crinan Canal Active Travel Route
Luing Primary School consultation Seeking views on a proposal that education provision at Luing Primary School be discontinued with effect from 31st May 2024. 15 Jun 23 - 13 Sep 23 School consultations and proposals
Minard Primary School consultation Seeking views on a proposal that education provision at Minard Primary School be discontinued with effect from 31st May 2024. 15 Jun 23 - 13 Sep 23 School consultations and proposals
Islay School and Public Transport Survey The contract for providing School and Public Transport on Islay (Service No. 450 & 451) ends in November 2023. To ensure that the next contract provides the maximum benefits within the available budget, consultation was looking for views of people who use these services 17 Jul 23 - 28 Aug 23  
Budget setting We all need and use council services, at all stages of our life. ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute is facing an estimated gap in funding for its council services of more than £40 million over the next five years, with a gap of over £10 million in 2024-25 alone. A budget simulator was available for people to use to show their priorities for council services 19 Jun 23 - 11 Aug 23 Budget simulator exercise - findings
Empty Property Relief Consultation Looking for input and ideas on how empty business properties could be used to support ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute’s economic growth. 4 Jul 23 - 4 Aug 23  
Play park funding Looking for your views on your priorities for using funding to improve our council-managed play parks. 24 May 23 - 14 Jul 23  
Helensburgh to Garelochhead Active Travel Route Looking for views on the development of an active travel route linking the short section of new cycleway at the Helensburgh Waterfront Development in the centre of Helensburgh, with Rhu, Shandon, HMNB Clyde and Garelochhead. 20 Jun 23 - 11 Jul 23 Active Travel
Dunoon to Hunters Quay active travel route Plans to link Dunoon and Hunters Quay with a new active travel route will make it easier and safer to walk, cycle and wheel for residents and visitors. 15 May 23 - 20 Jun 23 Dunoon to Hunters Quay active travel route
St Joseph's Primary School Consultation Seeking views on a proposal to extend the catchment area for St Joesph’s Primary School to the whole Helensburgh and Lomond area.  16 Mar 23 - 12 May 23 School consultations and proposals
Improving Lives in ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute The ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Community Planning Partnership wanted to know what you would like to see improved for people living in ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute.  5 Dec 22 - 31 Mar 23 Community Planning
Burnside Square - future options As part of the Campbeltown Flood Protection Scheme, views were sought on future plans for Burnside Square 3 Oct 22 - 24 Oct 22

Campbeltown Flood Protection Scheme

Future Options Results

Parking Review We are reviewing technologies and systems that may deliver benefits for on and off-street parking throughout ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute, and were looking for your views on parking issues and priorities in your area. 31 Aug 22 - 9 Oct 22 Parking review
Mull campus What would a new Mull school campus look like, if funding becomes available for one? The council was asking for islanders’ views on this question, as a key part of its work to bid for Scottish Government funding for Mull. 11 Aug 22 - 9 Sep 22 Mull campus
Oban Municipal Harbour Consultation A consultation was held to gauge public opinion on draft proposals to establish a Municipal Harbour Authority in Oban that will ultimately see the local authority take responsibility for areas of the bay that are currently unmanaged. 15 Jul 22 - 26 Aug 22 Oban Municipal Harbour
Short-term let licensing consultation Views were sought on the Council's draft policy statement, which includes the proposed additional conditions at Appendix 4, to assist in the development of the Council’s licensing regime prior to the new regime being reported to the appropriate Council Committee for careful consideration, discussion as necessary and final approval. 15 Jul 22 - 5 Aug 22 ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Council Policy Statement (approved by the council in September 2023)
Community Council Review 2022 - Stage 2 Consultation on Proposed Amendments to the Council’s Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils  20 May 22 - 15 Jul 22 Community Council Review 2022
Electric Vehicle Chargers We invited people to have their say on where additional Electric Vehicle Charging (EVC) points should be located, in the event that funding becomes available to expand the scheme. 26 May 22 - 30 Jun 22 Electric vehicles (EVs)
Gibraltar Street Oban ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Council has commissioned TGP Landscape Architects to design a new public realm for Gibraltar Street, Oban (the pedestrian link between the town centre and Tesco), and consulted on the design options 14 Jun 22 - 29 Jun 22  
ELC Provision Survey - Oban Lorn and the Isles Following the recent phasing of 1140 funded Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) in the Oban Lorn and Isles area, Early Years consulted with parents/guardians on the accessibility and suitability of the provision on offer. 10 May 22 - 25 May 22  
ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Council West Coast Air ߣsirÊÓƵ PSO Views were sought to help shape the future of ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute air services ahead of awarding a new contract for the service from 2023 onwards. ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute Council operates the West Coast Air Service to Coll, Colonsay, Tiree and Islay. 8 Apr 22 - 1 May 22  
Community Council Review 2022 A public consultation exercise was carried out into the proposed amendments to Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils. 1 Mar 22 - 22 Apr 22 Community Council Review 2022
Education Change Programme – Empowering Our Educators A wide ranging community engagement and consultation exercise was carried out to discuss and co-develop proposals for the future delivery of education in ߣsirÊÓƵ and Bute. 29 Nov 21 - 31 Mar 22 Report and minutes of Community ߣsirÊÓƵ Committee held on 25th August 2022 
Free period product provision Views were sought on the introduction of free period products, to make sure everyone can access this service in a way that suits them. 4 Feb 22 - 4 Mar 22 Free period products – consultation findings report
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